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With the new games coming out I was thinking hm what’s the difference between Diamond and Pearl and thus I’m here because I can’t think of any.

I think DP have different wild Pokemon encounter tables and not much else. Pt changed a lot, though.
That question doesn't have a proper answer and it doesn't tell the difference between Diamond and Pearl.
Not a dupe because I also don’t know the differences between d-p and that doesn’t answer that (also I can’t use link answers :/)

7 Answers

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Best answer

Differences between Diamond and Pearl

Version exclusive Pokemon

The following Pokémon are only obtainable in one game of this pair. In order to obtain Pokémon exclusive to the other game of this pair, they must be traded either from that game or from another compatible game of Generation IV which has that Pokémon available. Alternatively, all Pokémon released prior to these games may be migrated from a Generation III game.

Diamond / Pearl

  • Seel / Slowpoke
  • Dewgong / Slowbro
  • Scyther / Pinsir
  • Murkrow / Slowking
  • Scizor / Misdreavus
  • Larvitar / Houndour
  • Pupitar / Houndoom
  • Tyranitar / Stantler
  • Poochyena / Spheal
  • Mightyena / Sealeo
  • Aron / Walrein
  • Lairon / Bagon
  • Aggron / Shelgon
  • Kecleon / Salamence
  • Cranidos / Shieldon
  • Rampardos / Bastiodon
  • Hounchkrow / Mismagius
  • Stunky / Glameow
  • Skuntank / Purugly
  • Palkia / Dialga

In case of the difference between Diamond and Pearl isn't that large. Just different mascot, Dialga and Palkia respectively, a few version exclusive Pokemon and the rest is pretty much same as already sumwun told.


Differences between Diamond/Pearl and Platinum

Removed ones that need to be transferred or traded from RSE / FRLG / HGSS / DP

  • Murkrow (FR / HGSS)
  • Misdreavus (LG / Pearl / HGSS)
  • Trapinch line (RSE / DP / HGSS)
  • Clamperl line (RSE / DP / HGSS)
  • Mismagius (Pearl / HGSS)
  • Honchkrow (Diamond / HGSS)
  • Glameow line (Pearl)
  • Stunky line (Diamond)

Obtainable Pokemon

  • 59 new Pokemon were added to the Sinnoh Dex which increased the total to 210 entries. Also, Rotom and Giratina are now available prior to Pokemon League.

They are:

  • Rotom
  • Gligar
  • Gliscor
  • Nosepass
  • Probopass
  • Ralts
  • Kirlia
  • Gardevoir
  • Gallade
  • Lickitung
  • Lickilicky
  • Eevee
  • Vaporeon
  • Jolteon
  • Flareon
  • Espeon
  • Umbreon
  • Leafeon
  • Glaceon
  • Swablu
  • Altaria
  • Togepi
  • Togetic
  • Togekiss
  • Houndour
  • Houndoom
  • Magnemite
  • Magneton
  • Magnezone
  • Tangrowth
  • Yanma
  • Yanmega
  • Tropius
  • Rhyhorn
  • Rhydon
  • Rhyperior
  • Duskull
  • Dusclops
  • Dusknoir
  • Porygon
  • Porygon2
  • Porygon-Z
  • Scyther
  • Elekid
  • Electabuzz
  • Electivire
  • Magby
  • Magmar
  • Magmortar
  • Swinub
  • Piloswine
  • Mamoswine
  • Snorunt
  • Glalie
  • Froslass
  • Absol
  • Giratina-Origin


These 59 Pokemon were added in the Platinum expansion which were missing from DP. It also included a new form of Giratina, Giratina-Origin.

selected by
4 votes

part 2~

platinum differences:

  • Gameplay
  • The Wi-Fi area has been enhanced with the Wi-Fi Plaza, which supports up to 20 people at a time. The new area seems to focus exclusively on mini-games, which include Wobbuffet Pop, where players hit a Wobbuffet, Mime Jr. Top, where players can balance Mime Jr. on a ball and Swalot Plop where players throw Berries at a Swalot machine.
  • There is a new Key Item called the Vs. Recorder (given by Looker when the player first meets him in Jubilife City), which allows players to record battles in Battle Frontier and Wi-Fi, and share the records with other players at the Global Terminal. Players can also take pictures of their PC boxes and share them with other players in a similar fashion.
  • The Global Trade System has incorporated an e-mail system that allows players to be notified of completed trades. Notification messages are sent to the player's e-mail account, which can be viewed through the player's PC, mobile phone, or Wii system.
  • In non-Japanese versions, however, the system was downgraded to Wii messaging only. Thus, in these versions, notification messages are sent and must be viewed through the Wii's Message Board.
  • The Sinnoh starters and their evolutions are now allowed in an expanded Amity Square, making a total of 20 Pokémon allowed in the Square.
  • Over local wireless, there is a new feature called Spin Trade where the player and their friends can put their Pokémon Eggs in and randomly swap. Trainers that obtain Eggs that land on the Bonus Area, the spotted ones, get a Berry too.
  • HM05 (Defog) is now located inside the Solaceon Ruins instead of the Great Marsh.
  • The player now receives HM04 (Strength) from Riley on Iron Island instead of in the Lost Tower.
    Strength is no longer needed to access Wayward Cave's Hidden Area.
  • The player can now challenge other Trainers in certain Pokémon Centers. The Trainer(s) are located in front of the desk. These Trainers change location every day.
  • During a Trainer battle, when the opponent Trainer is about to send out his (or her) next Pokémon, the message has changed from "Will change Pokémon?" in all games up to Diamond and Pearl to "Will you switch your Pokémon?". This was kept in subsequent core series games.
  • In addition to the Move Tutors in Diamond and Pearl, three new Move Tutors are added, in Snowpoint City, on Route 212 and in the Survival Area.
  • The accuracy of Hypnosis was changed back to 60.
  • The game's speed with some features is faster compared to Diamond and Pearl, particularly while surfing and during battles. However, the player still walks slower than in Generation III. The frame rate of Platinum remains 30 frames per second (FPS).
  • Poffins can be made with other players via Wi-Fi.
  • A man in the Veilstone Game Corner's Prize Exchange House can tell the player the type of Hidden Power their Pokémon has, and a man in the Battle Tower can judge the Individual values of the player Pokémon.
  • The price of the Accessories at Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop in Floaroma Town has been reduced.
  • European versions of the game are no longer able to play slot machines. These versions of the game replace slot machines with game machines, a machine that simply gives coins to the player with little interactivity. This is the result of changes in the classification standards at PEGI[6].
  • As in Generations II and III, it is possible to ride a Bicycle in gatehouses separating cities or towns and routes, something that was not possible in Diamond and Pearl.
  • When the player uses their radar while in the Underground, it takes two seconds before another radar signal can be used. In Diamond and Pearl, it only took one second.
  • The Lustrous and Adamant Orbs are no longer found on the Spear Pillar as in Diamond and Pearl. Instead, they must be found in a cave somewhere in the snowfields of Mt. Coronet which requires Waterfall to access. To be able to catch Dialga and Palkia, the player must have obtained the items in that cave and must have faced Giratina, whether it was caught or not. The player can then go up Mt. Coronet to where Giratina took him or her and Cyrus into the Distortion World.
  • If the player defeats a stationary in-game event Pokémon (including most Legendary or Mythical Pokémon), it reappears next time the player enters the Hall of Fame. If the player defeats a roaming Pokémon, it will reappear only after the player has re-triggered the event which caused it to start roaming; for example, the player must talk to Professor Oak to cause a Legendary bird to resume roaming. If the player flees from or defeats Origin Forme Giratina in the Distortion World, it will reappear in Turnback Cave in its Altered Forme, where it behaves in the same way as all other stationary Legendary Pokémon.
  • Most opponents' Pokémon's levels have been increased by at least one. An example of this is that in Diamond and Pearl, Barry's starter Pokémon in the battle at Pastoria City is at level 28. In Platinum, it is at level 36. However, the Pokémon used by opponents in the Pokémon League had their levels lowered.
  • In locations where certain unevolved Pokémon can be found (like Numel on Route 227 and Stark Mountain), they are near the levels of the rest of the Pokémon in the area, whereas in Diamond and Pearl they were usually in the high 10s or low 20s.
  • All Gyms now only have Pokémon of their type specialty.
    Obtainable Pokémon
  • 59 more Pokémon have been added to the Sinnoh Pokédex to give it a total of 210 entries, with all non-Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV now included, along with their pre-evolved forms and several other Pokémon. The added Pokémon, such as Rotom and Giratina, are now available prior to the Pokémon League challenge.
  • Giratina has received a new Forme known as the Origin Forme, with its previous Forme named the Altered Forme. Giratina will appear in Origin Forme while in the Distortion World, and Altered Forme outside. A Griseous Orb is required to transform it into its Origin Forme outside of the Distortion World.
  • The Ability of Origin Forme is Levitate and its base stats mirror those of Altered Forme, with the offensive stats switched with their respective defensive stats.
  • Shaymin's new Forme is called Sky Forme and takes on a canine appearance. Its Ability is Serene Grace and the Forme is focused on Speed and Special Attack. It is able to learn new moves like Quick Attack, Air Slash and Leaf Storm.
  • Shaymin can change between its two forms via the use of the Gracidea. Its Sky Forme will revert to Land Forme at night, if Shaymin is frozen, or when deposited into the PC.
  • Rotom has new forms as well. Each of the five forms is a Rotom that has possessed an electrical appliance. Despite having visual characteristics of other types, the five forms share the original Rotom's Electric and Ghost types; however, their base stats are significantly higher. They also share the original Rotom's Ability of Levitate. The item to unlock these Pokémon in the game, the Secret Key, is event-only. As these Pokémon are not normally available in this game, they were therefore banned from official tournaments[citation needed] until the release of HeartGold and SoulSilver which allowed Rotom to transform without the requirement of an event-only item.
  • Regirock, Regice and Registeel can be caught at level 30 with the help of an event Regigigas that has been distributed in Nintendo events.
  • Regigigas is now found at level 1, making it the lowest-level non-glitch wild Pokémon in any game along with Magikarp, as well as the lowest-level non-glitch Legendary in any game.
  • The Legendary birds can be found as roaming Pokémon after the National Pokédex is obtained. They roam Sinnoh much like Mesprit and Cresselia do. The player has to talk to Professor Oak in Eterna City to trigger their appearance. They are all found at level 60.
    Dialga and Palkia appear on the Spear Pillar one at a time after the player has spoken with Cynthia's grandmother in Celestic Town, and obtained the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs in Mt. Coronet.
  • Cynthia now gives the player a Pokémon Egg containing Togepi after the player has defeated Team Galactic at the Team Galactic Eterna Building, replacing the Happiny Egg previously obtainable in Hearthome City.
  • Bebe now gives the player a Eevee before the player receives the National Pokédex; Eevee can now be obtained from the first time the player arrives in Hearthome City. It is at level 20.
  • A man in Veilstone City gives the player a level 25 Porygon as a gift.
  • Manaphy, while still uncatchable in-game, is now required to obtain the National Pokédex. It can be added to the Sinnoh Pokédex from finding its picture in a book in the Pokémon Mansion.

part 3 ig

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3 votes


these are the game exclusive Pokemon for Diamond:












and Pearl~












sorry this needs a part two lets hope all platinum changes fit

edited by
2 votes

part 3~

  • Areas
  • Much like Pokémon Emerald, a new Battle Frontier takes the place of the Battle Park. It has the Battle Tower, Battle Factory, Battle Castle, Battle Arcade and Battle Hall as venues.
    Twinleaf Town and nearby routes now have snow patches.
  • This and other things provide evidence that this version takes place in winter, as opposed to the previous Sinnoh installments which do not have a definite season.
  • Jubilife City has been refurbished with new pathways and some buildings have animated roof lights.
  • The Global Trade Station in Jubilife City has been redesigned and now includes a bigger global terminal. It has been renamed as the Global Terminal.
  • Oreburgh Mine now has twin coal transporters starting from the entrance and ending at the entrance to the last section of the mine and are moving.
  • An arch now represents the entrances to Floaroma Town.
  • The trees in the Eterna Forest, as well as Fullmoon Island and Newmoon Island, cast shadows that cover the ground.
  • Eterna City has been refurbished with new foliage and pathways. Also the Team Galactic Eterna Building has had a complete redesign, inside and out. It now contains a secret room where Rotom can switch between its forms.
  • Cycling Road has been redesigned and now has tunnel-like shelters in the middle of the Cycle Route, as well as lights along the sides of it.
    Hearthome City has been refurbished with new pathways.
  • Amity Square has been completely remodeled. It now includes a small pond, more paths, and more upper levels. The old buildings that previously inhabited Amity Square now contain Warp Panels which transport the player to the other old buildings within Amity Square.
  • Lost Tower has had its color scheme changed and now has fog on three of its five floors, which can be cleared by HM05 (Defog).
  • Solaceon Town's houses have been remodeled and the Pokémon Day Care now has a trough filled with water and tent-like shelters.
  • Veilstone City has been refurbished with new pathways. The Galactic Veilstone Building has been redesigned, inside and out. The Veilstone Department Store now has a basement, in which Poffins can be sold and bought. Berries and Lava Cookies can be bought as well.
  • The Hotel Grand Lake has been refurbished with new pathways.
  • Pastoria City's houses have been remodeled and now also includes a board with a Croagunk on it which is located in front of the Great Marsh. Occasionally, if the player stands behind the Croagunk Wall with the player's head sticking out of it, a wild Croagunk will come, but it will just cry and walk into the Great Marsh building.
  • The Great Marsh has had its color scheme changed and has also had foliage changed and added.
  • Celestic Town's houses have been remodeled.
  • Canalave City has been refurbished with new pathways and its houses and library have also been remodeled.
  • The player now needs to use HM08 (Rock Climb) to reach Lake Acuity.
  • The area of water to the south of Snowpoint City where the player can get a boat to the Battle Zone now contains a small number of icebergs. These can also be seen in the ocean when the boat is crossing to the Battle Zone. The boat has also been redesigned, most likely due to the icebergs in the sea.
  • The back area of Spear Pillar has been slightly redesigned to allow more room for the Creation trio when they appear.
  • Sunyshore City has been refurbished with new pathways and its houses have been remodeled.
    The entrance and exit of Victory Road have become wider, having a Poké Ball at the center of the arch.
  • The Battle Zone is now warmer, and palm trees can be found there.
    Stark Mountain now has more features evocative of a volcano, such as crags and pits of lava.
  • The Pokémon Mansion is surrounded by golden railings.
  • The story seen on TV at the start of the game is now about Professor Rowan having just returned from a trip to Kanto.
  • The player meets Professor Rowan and the opposite gender character earlier, and obtains their starter Pokémon on Route 201.
  • Instead of being attacked by wild Pokémon at Verity Lakefront, the player and their rival are attempting to reach Sandgem Town through tall grass when the Professor stops them and offers them a starter.
  • The first battle is against the player's rival, who, as always, has chosen the starter Pokémon which has a type advantage against the player's.
  • The player and the rival now encounter Cyrus at Lake Verity at the start of the game. The player can also meet Cyrus at different venues such as the Eterna City statue.
  • Both Dialga and Palkia appear on the Spear Pillar. Giratina, the mascot of Platinum, then phases into the world in front of Cyrus.
  • A new area known as the Distortion World is playable. It has floor-like sections floating at ninety-degree angles from each other, creating an effect similar to the art of M. C. Escher. It disobeys the laws of physics, making things like Surfing down a waterfall going up possible. The camera angle switches between perspective and isometric views to suit the angle of the player. It also has moving platforms with jumpable gaps between them. Giratina, when here, will be in its Origin Forme and is also the only wild Pokémon located here.
  • Two new characters to the main storyline were added. One is Charon, a professor and Commander of Team Galactic, and the other is a police officer spying on Team Galactic, using the codename "Looker".
  • A Tag Battle between the player and their rival against Flint and Volkner takes place at the entrance to the Battle Frontier when the player first arrives there.
  • Team Galactic's plans to re-create the world has changed slightly. The layouts of their HQs, such as the one in Eterna, have been changed. Team Galactic now utilizes more resources to reach their goal, as well as explaining why, in-game, such as the power from the Valley Windworks, as well as planting a bomb on the Great Marsh for attention to allow more people to realize what they're trying to do. Team Galactic also has a fourth commander who appears throughout the game, but does not take on a significant role until after the main story events.
  • Some of the Gym Leaders have been reordered: Fantina is now the third Gym Leader, Maylene is the fourth and Crasher Wake is the fifth. The appearance of players' Gym Badge case stays the same.
  • Dawn/Lucas no longer gives the player the Dowsing Machine or the Vs. Seeker near the Route 206 junction; instead they meet the player at the entrance to Mt. Coronet.
  • Team Galactic appears in Stark Mountain under the command of Charon, who seeks to use the destructive power of the volcano to extort money from the people of Sinnoh. The player, with help from Buck, must defeat them. During this event, Mars and Jupiter quit Team Galactic because Charon does not share the same ideals as ex-boss Cyrus. Ultimately, Charon and his two accompanying grunts are apprehended by Looker and two policemen.
  • After the aforementioned event, the player can challenge all the Gym Leaders of Sinnoh to rematches in the Battleground. The player's Tag Battle partners from throughout the game (Cheryl, Buck, Marley, Mira, and Riley) are also able to be challenged in this place. Each of the 13 characters has a team of five Pokémon, whose levels are between 61 and 65 (except for Maylene, whose team instead ranges from level 62 to 66).
  • The Pokémon League increase their Pokémon's levels after the player has completed the Stark Mountain event. Their levels are now between 65 and 78.
  • When one finishes the Stark Mountain quest, instead of the rival appearing at the Fight Area on weekends, he now appears at the Survival Area in front of the Battleground. During the first battle, the levels of the Pokémon in his party range from 59-65, second battle 69-75, and third and beyond 79-85. In these last battles, he was the Trainer with the highest-leveled Pokémon in all core series games, until Red's remade team in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
    When first visiting the Resort Area, the player receives a Villa. Inside on a table is a catalog that lists items that can be purchased to furnish the house in the same manner as decorating a secret base. The player will be visited by NPCs such as the Sinnoh Gym Leaders, the player's mother, Professor Rowan, and the rival.
  • Lucas, Dawn, and Barry have different outfits designed for colder weather, as the entire Sinnoh region has changed in temperature.
  • The player's house now has wallpaper in their room.
  • The template for the level, HP, and the name of Pokémon in battle is a dark gray instead of white, and its shape has changed.
  • The Pokétch has been redesigned. Players can now move up and down between apps instead of having to go through all of them to return to a previous one.
  • Some of the moves have been redesigned and have a different animation, such as Razor Leaf and Spacial Rend.
  • When Pokémon are sent out from their Poké Balls, their back sprites now animate much like their front sprites have since Emerald (i.e., multiple frames of animation in addition to the various distortions and filters already used).
  • Front sprites for Generation IV Pokémon and other Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex have also changed. Certain Pokémon not in the Sinnoh Pokédex, like Meowth, also received a change in sprites. The Diamond and Pearl sprites are still used when the player dresses up the Pokémon either in Super Contests or in the Jubilife TV station.

crap ig another one please character limit why

edited by
2 votes

Part 2

  • Apart from Giratina, Shaymin as well as Rotom received new formes.
  • Regirock, Regice and Registeel can be caught if you have an event Regigigas.
  • The Legendary birds (Articuno/Moltres/Zapdos) are found roaming after getting National Dex.
  • Unlike one of Dialga and Palkia appearing in their respective games, both appear in Spear Pillar and can be caught after getting Adamant and Lustrous Orb respectively in Mt. Coronet.
  • Cynthia gives a Pokemon Egg which hatches into Togepi in Eterna City which is a replacement for Happiny Egg obtained in Hearthome City from DP.
  • Bebe in Hearthome City gives you a Level 20 Eevee.
  • A level 25 Porygon can be obtained in Veilstone City from a man.
  • Manaphy is now required to obtain the National Pokedex. It can be added from its picture in a book in the Pokemon Mansion.

Tons of gameplay changes

  • The Wi-Fi area has been enhanced with the Wi-Fi Plaza, which supports up to 20 people at a time.
  • There is a new Key Item called the Vs. Recorder (given by Looker when the player first meets him in Jubilife City), which allows players to record battles in Battle Frontier and Wi-Fi, and share the records with other players at the Global Terminal.
  • The Global Trade System has incorporated an e-mail system that allows players to be notified of completed trades.
  • The Sinnoh starters and their evolutions are now allowed in an expanded Amity Square, making a total of 20 Pokémon allowed in the Square.
  • Over local wireless, there is a new feature called Spin Trade where the player and their friends can put their Pokémon Eggs in and randomly swap.
  • HM05 (Defog) is now located inside the Solaceon Ruins instead of the Great Marsh.
  • The player now receives HM04 (Strength) from Riley on Iron Island instead of in the Lost Tower.
  • Strength is no longer needed to access Wayward Cave's Hidden Area.
  • The player can now challenge other Trainers in certain Pokémon Centers. The Trainer(s) are located in front of the desk. These Trainers change location every day.
  • During a Trainer battle, when the opponent Trainer is about to send out his (or her) next Pokémon, the message has changed from "Will change Pokémon?" in all games up to Diamond and Pearl to "Will you switch your Pokémon?".
  • In addition to the Move Tutors in Diamond and Pearl, three new Move Tutors are added, in Snowpoint City, on Route 212 and in the Survival Area.
  • The accuracy of Hypnosis was changed back to 60.
  • The game's speed with some features is faster compared to Diamond and Pearl, particularly while surfing and during battles.
  • Poffins can be made with other players via Wi-Fi.
  • A man in the Veilstone Game Corner's Prize Exchange House can tell the player the type of Hidden Power their Pokémon has, and a man in the Battle Tower can judge the Individual values of the player Pokémon.
  • The price of the Accessories at Pick a Peck of Colors Flower Shop in Floaroma Town has been reduced.
  • European versions of the game are no longer able to play slot machines. These versions of the game replace slot machines with game machines.
  • As in Generations II and III, it is possible to ride a Bicycle in gatehouses separating cities or towns and routes, something that was not possible in Diamond and Pearl.
  • When the player uses their radar while in the Underground, it takes two seconds before another radar signal can be used. In Diamond and Pearl, it only took one second.
  • The Lustrous and Adamant Orbs are no longer found on the Spear Pillar as in Diamond and Pearl. Instead, they must be found in a cave somewhere in the snowfields of Mt. Coronet which requires Waterfall to access.
  • If the player defeats a stationary in-game event Pokémon (including most Legendary or Mythical Pokémon), it reappears next time the player enters the Hall of Fame. If the player defeats a roaming Pokémon, it will reappear only after the player has re-triggered the event which caused it to start roaming.
  • Most opponents' Pokémon's levels have been increased by at least one. However, the Pokémon used by opponents in the Pokémon League had their levels lowered.
  • In locations where certain unevolved Pokémon can be found (like Numel on Route 227 and Stark Mountain), they are near the levels of the rest of the Pokémon in the area, whereas in Diamond and Pearl they were usually in the high 10s or low 20s.
  • All Gyms now only have Pokémon of their type specialty.

Some new areas added, resprited and other stuff

  • Much like Pokémon Emerald, a new Battle Frontier takes the place of the Battle Park. It has the Battle Tower, Battle Factory, Battle Castle, Battle Arcade and Battle Hall as venues.
  • Twinleaf Town and nearby routes now have snow patches.
  • Jubilife City has been refurbished with new pathways and some buildings have animated roof lights.
  • The Global Trade Station in Jubilife City has been redesigned and now includes a bigger global terminal. It has been renamed as the Global Terminal.
  • Oreburgh Mine now has twin coal transporters starting from the entrance and ending at the entrance to the last section of the mine and are moving.
  • An arch now represents the entrances to Floaroma Town.
  • The trees in the Eterna Forest, as well as Fullmoon Island and Newmoon Island, cast shadows that cover the ground.
  • Eterna City has been refurbished with new foliage and pathways. Also the Team Galactic Eterna Building has had a complete redesign, inside and out. It now contains a secret room where Rotom can switch between its forms.
  • Cycling Road has been redesigned and now has tunnel-like shelters in the middle of the Cycle Route, as well as lights along the sides of it.
  • Hearthome City has been refurbished with new pathways.
    Amity Square has been completely remodeled. It now includes a small pond, more paths, and more upper levels.
  • Lost Tower has had its color scheme changed and now has fog on three of its five floors, which can be cleared by HM05 (Defog).
  • Solaceon Town's houses have been remodeled and the Pokémon Day Care now has a trough filled with water and tent-like shelters.
  • Veilstone City has been refurbished with new pathways. The Galactic Veilstone Building has been redesigned, inside and out. The Veilstone Department Store now has a basement, in which Poffins can be sold and bought. Berries and Lava Cookies can be bought as well.
  • The Hotel Grand Lake has been refurbished with new pathways.
  • Pastoria City's houses have been remodeled and now also includes a board with a Croagunk on it which is located in front of the Great Marsh. Occasionally, if the player stands behind the Croagunk Wall with the player's head sticking out of it, a wild Croagunk will come, but it will just cry and walk into the Great Marsh building.
  • The Great Marsh has had its color scheme changed and has also had foliage changed and added.
  • Celestic Town's houses have been remodeled.
  • Canalave City has been refurbished with new pathways and its houses and library have also been remodeled.
  • The player now needs to use HM08 (Rock Climb) to reach Lake Acuity.
  • The area of water to the south of Snowpoint City where the player can get a boat to the Battle Zone now contains a small number of icebergs. These can also be seen in the ocean when the boat is crossing to the Battle Zone. The boat has also been redesigned, most likely due to the icebergs in the sea.
  • The back area of Spear Pillar has been slightly redesigned to allow more room for the Creation trio when they appear.
  • Sunyshore City has been refurbished with new pathways and its houses have been remodeled.
  • The entrance and exit of Victory Road have become wider, having a Poké Ball at the center of the arch.
  • The Battle Zone is now warmer, and palm trees can be found there.
  • Stark Mountain now has more features evocative of a volcano, such as crags and pits of lava.
  • The Pokémon Mansion is surrounded by golden railings.

Apart from some minor changes in snow patches, etc. Battle Park which wasn't previously present in DP was added. Many of the cities were refurbished with pathways and some of them have their houses remodeled from scratch.

2 votes

Part 3

Storyline changes

The storyline also changes considerably, mainly during the faceoff vs Team Galactic in Spear Pillar. Instead of battling either one of Palkia/Dialga, you instead enter the Distortion World, proceed towards Giratina-O. The ordering of the gyms have also changed a bit, along with some of the dialogues of NPCs.
Charon and Looker are also two new NPCs that come into the main story. Battle Area and the post-game features also had a bit of changes.

  • The story seen on TV at the start of the game is now about Professor Rowan having just returned from a trip to Kanto.
  • The player meets Professor Rowan and the opposite gender character earlier, and obtains their starter Pokémon on Route 201.
  • Instead of being attacked by wild Pokémon at Verity Lakefront, the player and their rival are attempting to reach Sandgem Town through tall grass when the Professor stops them and offers them a starter.
  • The player and the rival now encounter Cyrus at Lake Verity at the start of the game. The player can also meet Cyrus at different venues such as the Eterna City statue.
  • Both Dialga and Palkia appear on the Spear Pillar. Giratina, the mascot of Platinum, then phases into the world in front of Cyrus.
  • A new area known as the Distortion World is playable. It has floor-like sections floating at ninety-degree angles from each other, creating an effect similar to the art of M. C. Escher.
  • Two new characters to the main storyline were added. One is Charon, a professor and Commander of Team Galactic, and the other is a police officer spying on Team Galactic, using the codename "Looker".
  • A Tag Battle between the player and their rival against Flint and Volkner takes place at the entrance to the Battle Frontier when the player first arrives there.
  • Team Galactic's plans to re-create the world has changed slightly. The layouts of their HQs, such as the one in Eterna, have been changed. Team Galactic now utilizes more resources to reach their goal, as well as explaining why, in-game, such as the power from the Valley Windworks, as well as planting a bomb on the Great Marsh for attention to allow more people to realize what they're trying to do.
  • Some of the Gym Leaders have been reordered: Fantina is now the third Gym Leader, Maylene is the fourth and Crasher Wake is the fifth. The appearance of players' Gym Badge case stays the same.
  • Dawn/Lucas no longer gives the player the Dowsing Machine or the Vs. Seeker near the Route 206 junction; -instead they meet the player at the entrance to Mt. Coronet.
  • Team Galactic appears in Stark Mountain under the command of Charon, who seeks to use the destructive power of the volcano to extort money from the people of Sinnoh. The player, with help from Buck, must defeat them.
  • After the aforementioned event, the player can challenge all the Gym Leaders of Sinnoh to rematches in the Battleground. The player's Tag Battle partners from throughout the game (Cheryl, Buck, Marley, Mira, and Riley) are also able to be challenged in this place.
  • The Pokémon League increase their Pokémon's levels after the player has completed the Stark Mountain event. Their levels are now between 65 and 78.
  • Lucas, Dawn, and Barry have different outfits designed for colder weather, as the entire Sinnoh region has changed in temperature.
  • The player's house now has wallpaper in their room.
  • The template for the level, HP, and the name of Pokémon in battle is a dark gray instead of white, and its shape has changed.
  • The Pokétch has been redesigned. Players can now move up and down between apps instead of having to go through all of them to return to a previous one.
  • Some of the moves have been redesigned and have a different animation, such as Razor Leaf and Spacial Rend.
  • When Pokémon are sent out from their Poké Balls, their back sprites now animate much like their front sprites have since Emerald (i.e., multiple frames of animation in addition to the various distortions and filters already used).
  • Front sprites for Generation IV Pokémon and other Pokémon in the Sinnoh Pokédex have also changed. Certain Pokémon not in the Sinnoh Pokédex, like Meowth, also received a change in sprites. The Diamond and Pearl sprites are still used when the player dresses up the Pokémon either in Super Contests or in the Jubilife TV station.
  • When battling certain Trainers such as Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains and Barry, the Trainers' sprites are now animated to move in the same manner as Pokémon.
  • Some Trainers now use Seals when sending out some of their Pokémon.
  • The Eterna, Hearthome, and Veilstone Gyms have all had complete redesigns in the interior.
  • Closeups of Gym Leaders, just before a battle, have been changed from enlarged sprites to higher-quality drawings and the terms VS; the Frontier Brains also have this feature. The Elite Four have this as well, but the animation includes the player on the left side of the "VS." and the Elite Four member on the right side.
  • The rooms where the player battle the Elite Four have been redesigned. Aaron now has logs and foliage in his room. Bertha now has rocks in her room. Flint now has lava pits in his room. Lucian's room has only had minor changes to now include four large lights or glowing orbs on the floor. Cynthia's room has changed its color scheme and the lift leading up to the Hall of Fame is now partially contained. The Pokémon Center at the Pokémon League has also been redesigned.
  • When entering new areas, the location "labels" on the top-left corner have been redesigned, much like they were between Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and Pokémon Emerald.
  • Pikachu and Pachirisu are now featured when entering Wi-Fi.
  • The Pal Pad has been given a new design.
  • The game director at Hotel Grand Lake now has an overhead sprite of his own. The Diploma also was redesigned.
  • The trees in West Sinnoh have sharper angles and a point at the top, compared to rounded branches and a rounded top in Diamond and Pearl, and are also slightly darker. The trees in East Sinnoh are also slightly darker, but are now a completely different hue than the trees in West Sinnoh, and are more rounded than in Diamond and Pearl, while the Battle Zone has completely new trees altogether.
  • The battle menu was redesigned.


1 vote

part 4~

  • When battling certain Trainers such as Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains and Barry, the Trainers' sprites are now animated to move in the same manner as Pokémon.
  • Some Trainers now use Seals when sending out some of their Pokémon.
  • The Eterna, Hearthome, and Veilstone Gyms have all had complete redesigns in the interior.
  • Closeups of Gym Leaders, just before a battle, have been changed from enlarged sprites to higher-quality drawings and the terms VS; the Frontier Brains also have this feature. The Elite Four have this as well, but the animation includes the player on the left side of the "VS." and the Elite Four member on the right side.
  • The rooms where the player battle the Elite Four have been redesigned. Aaron now has logs and foliage in his room. Bertha now has rocks in her room. Flint now has lava pits in his room. Lucian's room has only had minor changes to now include four large lights or glowing orbs on the floor. Cynthia's room has changed its color scheme and the lift leading up to the Hall of Fame is now partially contained. The Pokémon Center at the Pokémon League has also been redesigned.
  • When entering new areas, the location "labels" on the top-left corner have been redesigned, much like they were between Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire and Pokémon Emerald.
  • Pikachu and Pachirisu are now featured when entering Wi-Fi.
  • The Pal Pad has been given a new design.
  • The game director at Hotel Grand Lake now has an overhead sprite of his own. The Diploma also was redesigned.
  • When the player starts the battle with the Giratina in the Distortion World, instead of displaying "A wild Giratina appeared!", it displays "The Distortion World's Giratina appeared!". It is referred to as "the wild Giratina" in other instances, such as attacking, however.
  • The trees in West Sinnoh have sharper angles and a point at the top, compared to rounded branches and a rounded top in Diamond and Pearl, and are also slightly darker. The trees in East Sinnoh are also slightly darker, but are now a completely different hue than the trees in West Sinnoh, and are more rounded than in Diamond and Pearl, while the Battle Zone has completely new trees altogether.
  • The battle menu was redesigned.
  • When Spiritomb appears in the wild or comes out of a Trainer's Poké Ball, the Odd Keystone is seen for a few seconds in its battle animation.
  • Giratina's cry will be heard when "Start" or "A" are pressed at the title screen, unlike in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl which just play a snippet of the title theme's melody. It shares this trait with some other games.
  • The Mystery Gift theme has changed from a rendition of the Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions theme to a new theme.

pokemon missing from platinum~









welp I think thats it hope this helps <3

edited by
So you basically want me to go to a bulbapedia article and rewrite everything they say… yep makes sense
Orrrr just use point form???
i mean i offered to reformat it? and you replied with a snarky comment about not wanting to read a bulbapedia article
also no i do not know why the others didnt format like this but i tried to format it? so i hope it ok
nevermind i fixed it youre welcome is there anything else you want me to do??