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Like Pokémon who are being controlled by another entity. I know necrozma forms, but are there any others?
By the way, you don’t need to list all of them cause it’d probably be time consuming.

Technically yes every (i think) Pokemon would go on this list going by that logic rip
ruh roh
Galarian Slowking is fully possesed by  shellder since the normal slowking’s shellder can control a little too seen in anime. Actually slowkings shellder is being controlled too if you watched 23trd seasons anime fully in a episode slowkings shellder goes Ash’s head starts to talk about being a slowpoke master so shellder AND slowking is controlled (another theory that they merged). Finally genesect can control AND be controled seen in genesect movie.
Hope this helped.
@Shaygenge Do you want me to put this question back on the unanswered list?
It didn’t notify me sorry
Thank you a lot for your contribution pika, but i think there’s more
Yes please sumwun

1 Answer

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Best answer

Here are some Pokémon who have something to do with the concept of possession:

Gen 1:

  • Parasect is completely controlled by the mushrooms on its body.
  • Slowbro's evolution state is entirely controlled by the shell biting its tail.
  • Porygon's body is animated entirely by computer code.
  • In an effort to create a copy of Mew, scientists controlled the creation and development of Mewtwo's body.

Gen 2:

  • While not another entity, the body of Wobbuffet is actually a balloon being manipulated by its sentient tail.
  • Remoraid controls Mantyke's evolution state by attaching to it.

Gen 3:

  • Shedinja's body doesn't move - it is said to be possessed by the spirit of whoever looks it in the back.
  • Lunatone is theorized to get its life energy from the moon.
  • Banette is an old plush inhabited by a spirit.
  • Wynaunt is in a similar situation to Wobboffet

Gen 4:

  • Rotom's different forms are different objects being possessed.
  • Wormadam takes the materials surrounding it and turns them into parts of its body.
  • From the moment it is born, Combee is under the direction of a Vespiquen to perform tasks for the rest of its life.
  • Drifloon is formed by several old spirits.
  • Spiritomb is formed when 108 spirits are confined to a keystone.

Gen 5:

  • Yamask is a spirit carrying a mask representing its face in a former life.
  • Escavalier is formed when it takes the shell of a Shellmet.
  • Pawniard are entirely at the command of Bisharp in battle.
  • The bodies of Golett and Golurk are controlled by a "mysterious energy" that has yet to be determined by scientists.

Gen 6:

  • The Honedge line are all swords being possessed by departed spirits.
  • It is speculated by many that Flabébé's flower becomes a part of its body.
  • Binacle consists of two organisms taking residence in one rock. If they don't get along, one will find another rock to live in.
  • The Phantump line are rotten trees possessed by spirits.
  • Pumpkaboo and its evolution are formed in a similar manner to Phantump: they are pumpkins possessed by lost spirits.

Gen 7:

  • Sandygast is animated by the grudges of departed spirits. If you put your hand in its mouth, it will possess you.
  • Male Salandit will do whatever females in their evolution line tell them to do.
  • The log Komala holds was given to it by its parents. This makes the log Komala's possession.
  • Mimikyu is an unknown entity masquerading as a Pikachu using a tree branch and a fabric costume.
  • The spirit of seaweed attaches itself to various drifting waste in the ocean to form and grow the body of Dhelmise.

Gen 8:

  • Sinistea is a teacup inhabited by a lonely spirit.
  • Cursola's shell protects the spirit residing inside.
  • The painting on Runerigus is animated by the spirit of a Yamask.
  • The fossil concept for this generation revolves around resurrected Pokémon possessing the body parts of other long-dead Pokémon species.
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You said beheeyem is a mind controller, not being mind controlled. If there are more please add them.
A lot of these are a huge stretch, or not even mind control/possession at all.
Combee, Pawniard, and male Salandit is a matter of hierarchy, like worker bees working for the queen bee (quite literally in the case of Combee).
Mewtwo was simply created by machines. The creation its was controlled, but doesn't mean at all that Mewtwo was controlled. Actually, I believe that the anime specifies the issue with it was that it couldn't be controlled.
Porygon, as far as I know, was simply created computer coding. Whether or not it is controlled by the code doesn't seem to be clear, but it doesn't have a mind other than the code, so that's not really mind control.
Remoraid isn't even controlling Mantyke, just its evolution.
Lunatone simply gets its life energy from the moon, that doesn't mean that all of its actions are controlled by the moon.
I'd argue that Rotom, Drifloon, Spiritomb, Yamask, the Honedge, Phantump, and Pumpkaboo lines, and Sinistea aren't what the asker is looking for because they are possessing inanimate objects. It's still possession, but it seems that the asker wants the type of possession that involves a spirit taking over the mind of something living.
Wormadam isn't controlled by the things it turns into parts of its body. Neither is Escavalier, Binacle, Flabebe, Komala, or Cursola.
The Gen 8 fossil Pokemons are just fossils from different creature being combined, it's not a case of them being spirits that possess a completed body of an extinct Pokemon species.
Wobbuffet and Wynaut aren’t balloons controlled by their tails. Not canonically, anyway. It seems like their tails could be their true bodies, but there’s no confirmation of anything. (Also, the eyes on their tails don’t blink, so they’re probably just eyespots.)