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So on my last question I made the dumb mistake of thinking I had an inner focus Darumaka when it had the Hustle ability instead and I'm now stuck trying to find an inner focus Darumaka on Route 4/Desert area. (also this is a new playthrough so I cant use a rage candy bar I think)

Sheer Force Darmanitan (it's normal ability) is better then Zen Mode in pretty much every way, since it provides more firepower. I recommend not going through the hassle of trying to get a hidden ability Darumaka and just using your normal one.

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The only way to get a Hidden Ability Darumaka in Pokemon BW, (after Dream World has closed,) is to get one from an egg of the Darmanitan that you catch with a RageCandyBar. Now that DW has closed down, Hidden Abilities are locked to special encounters, (as they have been ever since.) There is no way to get a Hustle Darumaka before you enter the Hall of Fame in BW.

And like SpookyTerrain said, Sheer Force is a lot better than Zen Mode, because you have to make your Darmanitan both a Physical and a Special Attacker, (unless you want to do Belly Drum.)

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Thank you so much, this will help me plenty :D