PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

You know how some wild Pokemon just have some Items that they hold, right?

edited by
You mean this?


Jesus horse that is so long. I'm too lazy to summarize that atm so if anyone wanna answer that, well
Do you need only the Pokemon that held wild items, or also the items, and also the generations in which they do as well as the chance/percantage of holding it?
I might answer this :eyes:
I believe this question falls under the "if it requires a very long list of information a link will do just fine" rule
im currently still making a list regardless

3 Answers

14 votes
Best answer

Part 1

Pokemon / item / Generations / Percentage

Butterfree / Silver Powder / 3-8 / 5%
Beedrill / Poison Barb / 3-7 / 5%
Rattata / Chilan Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
A Rattata / Pecha Berry / 7 / 5%
Raticate / Sitrus Berry / 4 / 1%
Raticate / Oran Berry / 4 / 5% FRLG
Raticate / Chilan Berry / 4-5 / 5%
A Raticate / Pecha Berry / 7 / 5%
Spearow / Sharp Beak / 7 / 5%
Fearow / Sharp Beak / 3-7 / 5%
Arbok / Poison Barb / 3 / 5% FRLG
Pikachu / Light Ball / 3-5 / 5%
Pikachu / Light Ball / 5 / 1% BW
Pikachu / Oran Berry / 3-5 / 50%
Raichu / Oran Berry / 3-4 / 5%
Raichu / Oran Berry / 5 / 50% BW
Sandshrew / Quick Claw / 3-6 / 5%
Sandshrew / Grip Claw / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
A Sandshrew / Grip Claw / 7-8 / 5%
Sandslash / Quick Claw / 3-6 / 5%
Sandslash / Grip Claw / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Sandslash / Soft Sand / 3 / 5%
A Sandslash / Grip Claw / 7-8 / 5%
Clefairy / Moon Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Clefairy / Leppa Berry / 3-5 / 50% Leppa Berry excluded from FRLG
Clefairy / Comet Shard / 5 / 1%
Clefable / Moon Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Clefable / Leppa Berry / 3-5 / 50%
Leppa Berry excluded from FRLG
Clefable / Comet Shard / 5 / 1%
Vulpix / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 100%
Vulpix / Rawst Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Vulpix / Charcoal / 6-8 / 5%
A Vulpix / Snowball / 7-8 / 5%
Ninetails / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 100%
Ninetails / Rawst Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Ninetails / Charcoal / 6-8 / 5%
A Ninetails / Snowball / 7-8 / 5%
Jigglypuff / Oran Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Jigglypuff / Moon Stone / 7-8 / 5%
Wigglytuff / Oran Berry / 3 / 50%
Wigglytuff / Moon Stone / 7-8 / 5%
Oddish / Absorb Bulb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Gloom / Absorb Bulb / 6-8 / 5%
Vileplume / Absorb Bulb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Paras / Big Mushroom / 3-7 / 5%
Paras / Tiny Mushroom / 3-7 / 50%
Paras / Balm Mushroom / 5 / 1%
Parasect / Big Mushroom / 3-7 / 5%
Parasect / Tiny Mushroom / 3-7 / 50%
Parasect / Balm Mushroom / 5 / 1%
Venomoth / Silver Powder / 3 / 5%
Venomoth / Shed Shell / 4-7 / 5%
Diglett / Soft Sand / 4-8 / 5%
A Diglett / Soft Sand / 7-8 / 5%
Dugtrio / Soft Sand / 4-8 / 5%
A Dugtrio / Soft Sand / 7-8 / 5%
Meowth / Nugget / 3 / 5% FRLG
Meowth / Quick Claw / 4-8 / 5%
A Meowth / Quick Claw / 7-8 / 5%
Persian / Quick Claw / 4-8 / 5%
A Persian / Quick Claw / 7-8 / 5%
Mankey / Payapa Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Primeape / Payapa Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Growlithe / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 100%
Growlithe / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 50% FRLG/BW2
Arcanine / Rawst Berry / 100%
Arcanine / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 50% FRLG/BW2
Poliwhirl / Kings Rock / 3-8 / 5%
Poliwrath / Kings Rock / 3-8 / 5%
Abra / Twisted Spoon / 3-8 / 5%
Kadabra / Twisted Spoon / 3-8 / 5%
Alakazam / Twisted Spoon / 3-8 / 5%
Machop / Focus Band / 6-8 / 5%
Machoke / Focus Band / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Machoke / Focus Band / 3 / 5%
Machamp / Focus Band / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Machamp / Focus Band / 3 / 5%
Tentacool / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Tentacruel / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Geodude / Everstone / 3-7 / 5% excluded from FRLG
A Geodude / Cell Battery / 7 / 5%
Graveler / Everstone / 3-7 / 5%
excluded from FRLG
Graveler / Hard Stone / 3 / 5% FRLG
A Graveler / Cell Battery / 7 / 5%
Golem / Everstone / 3-7 / 5%
excluded from FRLG
Golem / Hard Stone / 3 / 5% FRLG
A Golem / Cell Battery / 7 / 50%
Ponyta / Shuca Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Rapidash / Shuca Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Slowpoke / Lagging Tail / 4-8 / 5%
Slowpoke / Kings Rock / 3 / 5%
Slowbro / King’s Rock / 3-8 / 5% excluded from FRLG
Magnemite / Metal Coat / 3-8 / 5%
excluded from FRLG
Magneton / Metal Coat / 3-8 / 5% excluded from FRLG
Magneton / Magnet / 3 / 5%
Farfetch’d / Leek / 3-8 / 5%
G Farfetch’d / Leek / 8 / 50%
Doduo / Sharp Break / 3-7 / 5% excluded from FRLG
Dodrio / Sharp Break / 3-7 / 5%
Seel / Aspear Berry / 3 / 50%
Dewgong / Aspear Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Dewgong / Never-melt Ice / 3 / 5%
Grimer / Nugget / 3-5 / 5% RSE BW
Grimer / Black sludge / 3-7 / 5%
A Grimer / Black sludge / 7 / 5%
Muk / Nugget / 3-5 / 5% RSE BW
Muk / Black sludge / 3-7 / 5%
Muk / Toxic Orb / 5 / 1% BW2
A Muk / Black sludge / 7 / 5%
Shellder / Pearl / 3-8 / 50%
Shellder / Big Pearl / 3-8 / 5%
Cloyster / Pearl / 3-8 / 50%
Cloyster / Big Pearl / 3-8 / 5%
Haunter / Spell Tag / 3 / 5%
Gengar / Spell Tag / 3 / 5% FRLG
Onix / Hard Stone / 3 / 5%
Exeggcute / Psychic Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Cubone / Thick Club / 3-8 / 5%
Marowak / Thick Club / 3-8 / 5%
A Marowak / Thick Club / 7-8 / 5%
Lickitung / Lagging Tail 4-8 / 5%
Koffing / Smoke Ball - 3-8 / 5% Excludes FRLG
Weezing / Smoke Ball - 3-8 / 5%
Excludes FRLG
Chansey / Lucky Egg / 3-7 / 5%
Chansey / Oval Stone / 4 / 50%
Chansey / Lucky Punch / 5-7 / 50%
Horsea / Dragon Scale / 3-8 / 5%
Seadra / Dragon Scale / 3-8 / 5%
Goldeen / Mystic Water / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Seaking / Mystic Water / 6-8 / 5%
Staryu / Star PIece / 3-8 / 5%
Staryu / Star Dust / 3-8 / 50%
Starmie / Star PIece / 3-8 / 5%
Starmie / Star Dust / 3-8 / 50%
Mr. Mime / Leppa Berry / 3-5 / 5% RSE BW
Jynx / Aspear Berry / 3-5 / 100%
Excludes FRLG,
Electabuzz / Electrizer / 4-8 / 5% Excludes Gen 5, ORAS only
Electabuzz / Electrizer / 4 / 50%
Excludes Pearl
Magmar / Rawst Berry / 3 / 100% *RSE only
Magmar / Magmarizer / 4-8 / 5% **Excludes Gen 5, ORAS only
Magmar / Magmarizer / 4 / 50% Excludes Diamond and Platinum
Lapras / Mystic Water / 6-8 / 100%
Ditto / Metal Powder / 3-8 / 5%
Ditto / Quick Powder / 5-8 / 50%
Snorlax / Leftovers / 3-8 / 100%
Excludes FRLG
Snorlax / Chesto Berry / 3 / 100% FRLG
Dratini / Dragon Scale / 3-8 / 5%
Excludes FRLG
Dragonair / Dragon Scale / 3-8 / 5% Excludes FRLG
Dragonair / Dragon Fang / 3 / 5%
Dragonite / Dragon Scale / 3-8 / 5% Excludes FRLG
Dragonite / Dragon Fang / 3 / 5%
Mew / Lum Berry / 3-8 / 100%

Sentret / Oran Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Furret / Sitrus Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Furret / Oran Berry / 3-5 / 50%
Chinchou / Yellow Shard / 3 / 5%
Chichou / DeepSeaScale / 4-7 / 5%
Lanturn / Yellow Shard / 3 / 5%
Lanturn / DeepSeaScale / 4-7 / 5%
Pichu / Oran Berry / 3-4 / 5% Excludes FRLG
Pichu / Oran Berry / 5 / 50% BW
Cleffa / Moon Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Cleffa / Leppa Berry / 3-5 / 50% Leppa Berry excluded from FRLG
Cleffa / Comet Shard / 5 / 1%
Igglybuff / Oran Berry / 3 / 5% FRLG
Bellossom / Absorb Bulb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Politoed / King’s Rock / 3-8 / 5%
Sunkern / Coba Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Yanma / Wide Lens / 4-7 / 5%
Slowking / King’s Rock / 3-8 / 5%
Misdreavus / Spell Tag / 3 / 5%
Girafarig / Persim Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Steelix / Metal Coat / 3-8 / 5%
Qwilfish / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Shuckle / Oran Berry / 3-4 / 100% Excluding FRLG, DPPt only
Shuckle / Berry Juice / 3-8 / 100% Excluding Gen 5 and RSE, HGSS
Sneasel / Quick Claw / 3-8 / 5% Excluding FRLG
Sneasel / Grip Claw / 4-6 / 50% XY
Teddiursa / Sitrus Berry / 3 / 5% FRLG
Teddiursa / Oran Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Swinub / Aspear Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Piloswine / Aspear Berry / 3 / 50% FRLG
Piloswine / Never-Melt Ice / 3 / 5% FRLG
Corsola / Red Shard / 3 / 5%
Corsola / Hard Stone / 4-6 / 5% XY
Corsola / Luminous Moss / 6-8 / ORAS
Skarmory / Sharp Beak / 3 / 5% FRLG
Skarmory / Metal Coat / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Kingdra / Dragon Scale / 3-8 / 5%
Phanpy / Passho Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Donphan / Passho Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Porygon 2 / Up-Grade / 3 / 100% FRLG
Smoochum / Aspear Berry / 3-5 / 100% Excluding FRLG
Elekid / Electrizer / 4-8 / 5% Excludes Gen 5, ORAS only
Elekid / Electrizer / 4 / 50%
Excludes Pearl
Magby / Rawst Berry / 3 / 100% *RSE only
Magby / Magmarizer / 4-8 / 5% **Excludes Gen 5, ORAS only
Magby / Magmarizer / 4 / 50% *Excludes Diamond and Platinum
Miltank / Moomoo Milk / 3-8 / 100%
Blissey / Oval Stone / 4 / 50%
Blissey / Lucky Punch / 5-7 / 50%
Ho-oh / Sacred Ash / 3-7 / 100% Excludes FRLG
Celebi / Lum Berry / 3-8 / 100%

Poochyena / Pecha Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Mightyena / Pecha Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Zigzagoon / Oran Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Zigzagoon / Revive / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Zigzagoon / Potion / 6-8 / 50% ORAS
Linoone / Sitrus Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Linoone / Oran Berry / 3-5 / 50%
Linoone / Max Revive / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Linoone / Potion / 6-8 / 50% ORAS
Wurmple / Bright Powder / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Wurmple / Pecha Berry / 6-7 / 50% ORAS
Beautifly / Silver Powder / 3 / 5%
Beautifly / Shed Shell / 4-7 / 5%
Dustox / Silver Powder / 3 / 5%
Dustox / Shed Shell / 4-7 / 5%
Lotad / Mental Herb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Lombre / Mental Herb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Ludicolo / Mental Herb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Seedot / Power Herb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Nuzleaf / Power Herb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Shiftry / Power Herb / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Taillow / Charti Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Swellow / Charti Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Wingull / Pretty Wing / 6-7 / 50% ORAS
Wingull / Pretty Feather / 8 / 50%
Pelipper / Pretty Wing / 6-7 / 50% ORAS
Pelipper / Lucky Egg / 6 / 5% ORAS
Pelipper / Pretty Feather / 8 / 50%
Surskit / Honey / 6 / 5% ORAS
Surskit / Honey / 7 / 50%
Masquerain / Silver Powder / 3-7 / 5%
Shroomish / Kebia Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Shroomish / Big Mushroom / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Shroomish / Tiny Mushroom / 6-7 / 10% ORAS
Breloom / Kebia Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Breloom / Big Mushroom / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Breloom / Tiny Mushroom / 6-7 / 10% ORAS
Nincada / Soft Sand / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Whismur / Chesto Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Loudred / Chesto Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Exploud / Chesto Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Makuhita / Black Belt / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Hariyama / King’s Rock / 3-7 / 5%
Nosepass / Hard Stone / 4-6 / 5%
Nosepass / Magnet / 7 / 5%
Skitty / Leppa Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Skitty / Pecha Berry / 5 / 50%
Delcatty / Leppa Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Delcatty / Pecha Berry / 5 / 50%
Sableye / Wide Lens / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Mawile / Occa Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Mawile / Iron Ball / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Aron / Hard Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Lairon / Hard Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Aggron / Hard Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Plusle / Cell Battery / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Minun / Cell Battery / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Volbeat / Bright Powder / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Illumise / Bright Powder / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Roselia / Poison Barb / 3-8 / 5%
Roselia / Absorb Bulb / 5 / 1% BW2
Gulpin / Big Pearl / 3-5 / 5%
Gulpin / Oran Berry / 6-7 / 50% ORAS
Gulpin / Oran Berry / 6 / 5% XY
Gulpin / Sitrus Berry / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Swalot / Big Pearl / 3-5 / 5%
Swalot / Oran Berry / 6-7 / 50% ORAS
Swalot / Oran Berry / 6 / 5% XY
Swalot / Sitrus Berry / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Carvanha / DeepSeaTooth / 4-7 / 5%
Sharpedo / DeepSeaTooth / 4-7 / 5%
Numel / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 100%
Camerupt / Rawst Berry / 3-5 / 100%
Torkoal / Charcoal / 6-8 / 5%
Spoink / Tanga Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Spoink / Persim Berry / 5 / 5% BW2
Grumpig / Tanga Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Grumpig / Persim Berry / 5 / 5% BW2
Spinda / Chesto Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Trapinch / Soft Sand / 3-8 / 5%
Cacnea / Poison Barb / 3 / 5%
Cacnea / Sticky Barb / 4-7 / 5%
Cacturne/ Poison Barb / 3 / 5%
Cacturne / Sticky Barb / 4-7 / 5%
Zangoose / Quick Claw / 4-7 / 5%
Seviper / Shed Shell / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Seviper / Persim Berry / 6 / 100% XY
Lunatone / Moon Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Lunatone / Comet Shard / 5 / 1%
Lunatone / Stardust / 6-8 / 50% ORAS
Solrock / Sun Stone / 3-8 / 5%
Solrock / Comet Shard / 5 / 1%
Solrock / Lunatone / Stardust / 6-8 / 50% ORAS
Baltoy / Light Clay / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Claydol / Light Clay / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Lileep / Big Root / 4-8 / 5% ORAS
Cradily / Big Root / 4-8 / 5% ORAS
Castform / Mystic Water / 3-7 /100%
Kecleon / Persim Berry / 3-5 / 5%
Shuppet / Spell Tag / 3-7 / 5%
Banette / Spell Tag / 3-7 / 5%
Duskull / Spell Tag / 3, 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Duskull / Kasib Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Dusclops / Spell Tag / 3, 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Dusclops / Kasib Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Chimecho / Colbur Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Chimecho / Cleanse Tag / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Absol / Toxic Orb / 6 / 5% ORAS
Snorunt / Babiri Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Snorunt / Snowball / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Glalie / Babiri Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Glalie / Never-Melt Ice / 3 / 5%
Clamperl / Blue Shard / 3 / 5%
Clamperl / Big Pearl / 4-7 / 5%
Clamperl / Pearl / 6-7 / 50% ORAS
Huntail / DeepSeaTooth / 4-7 / 5%
Gorebyss / DeepSeaScale / 4-7 / 5%
Relicanth / Green Shard / 3 / 5%
Relicanth / DeepSeaScale / 4-7 / 5%

Reached Character Limit

edited by
...why would you do this? It's not necessary
a few reasons

1. its not on the site
2. i've made a meta post regarding wanting to waste my life
3. i think link answers are dumb
4. this isnt that hard to do
5. why not
6. irrelevant internet points
Tyty my dear u gotta add your source honey buns
honey i will once im done :weary: i got a few more generations to go
ty bb give me your motivation, this is outstanding
I'd upvote this multiple times if I could.
8 votes

Part 2 (due to character limit)

Pokemon / item / Generations / Percentage

Luvdisc / Heart Scale / 3-8 / 50%
Bagon / Dragon Scale / 3 / 5%
Bagon / Dragon Fang / 4-8 / 5%
Shelgon / Dragon Scale / 3 / 5%
Shelgon / Dragon Fang / 4-8 / 5%
Salamence / Dragon Scale / 3 / 5%
Salamence / Dragon Fang / 4-8 / 5%
Beldum / Metal Coat / 3-8 / 5%
Metang / Metal Coat / 3-8 / 5%
Metagross / Metal Coat / 3-8 / 5%
Jirachi / Star Piece / 3-8 / 100%

Starly / Yache Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Staravia / Yache Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Staraptor/ Yache Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Bibarel / Sitrus Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Bibarel / Oran Berry / 4-6 / 50%
Kricketot / Metronome / 4-7 / 5% ORAS
Kricketune / Metronome / 4-7 / 5% ORAS
Budew / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Roserade / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Roserade / Absorb Bulb / 5 / 1% BW2
Wormadam / Silver Powder / 4-7 / 5%
Mothim / Silver Powder / 4-7 / 5%
Combee / Honey / 4-5 / 100% BW
Combee / Honey / 5-8 / 5% BW2
Vespiquen / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Buizel / Wacan Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Floatzel / Wacan Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Cerubi / Miracle Seed / 4-7 / 5%
Cherrim / Miracle Seed / 4-7 / 5%
Driftblim / Destiny Knot / 5 / 1% BW2
Buneary / Chople Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Buneary / Pecha Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Lopunny / Chople Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Lopunny/ Pecha Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Glameow / Cheri Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Purugly / Cheri Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Chingling / Colbur Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Chingling / Cleanse Tag / 6-7 / 5% ORAS
Stunky / Pecha Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Skuntank / Pecha Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Bronzor / Metal Coat / 4-8 / 5%
Bronzong / Metal Coat / 4-8 / 5%
Mime Jr. / Leppa Berry / 4-5 / 5% BW
Happiny / Lucky Egg / 5-6 / 5%
Happiny / Oval Stone / 4-8 / 50%
Happiny / Lucky Punch / 4 / 5%
Chatot / Metronome / 4-7 / 5%
Spiritomb / Smoke Ball / 6 / 100% ORAS
Gible / Haban Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Gabite / Haban Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Garchomp / Haban Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Munchlax / Leftovers / 4-8 / 100%
Skorupi / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Drapion / Poison Barb / 4-8 / 5%
Croagunk / Black Sludge / 4-8 / 5%
Toxicroak / Black Sludge / 4-8 / 5%
Finneon / Rindo Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Lumineon / Rindo Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Snover / Never-Melt Ice / 4-8 / 5%
Abomasnow / Never-Melt Ice / 4-8 / 5%
Weavile / Quick Claw / 4-8 / 5% Excluding FRLG
Weavile / Grip Claw / 4-6 / 50% XY
Magnezone / Metal Coat / 4-8 / 5%
Lickilicky / Lagging Tail / 4-8 / 5%
Electivire / Electrizer / 4-8 / 5% Excludes Gen 5, ORAS only
Electivire / Electrizer / 4 / 50%
Excludes Pearl
Magmortar / Rawst Berry / 3 / 100% *RSE only
Magmortar / Magmarizer / 4-8 / 5% **Excludes Gen 5, ORAS only
Magmortar / Magmarizer / 4 / 50% *Excludes Diamond and Platinum
Yanmega / Wide Lens / 4-7 / 5%
Probopass / Hard Stone / 4-6 / 5%
Probopass / Magnet / 7 / 5%
Dusknoir / Spell Tag / 6-8 / 5% ORAS
Dusknoir / Kasib Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Froslass / Babiri Berry / 4-5 / 5%
Shaymin / Lum Berry / 4-7 / 100%

Pansage / Occa Berry / 5 / 5%
Pansage / Oran Berry / 5 / 50%
Simisage / Occa Berry / 5 / 5%
Simisage / Oran Berry / 5 / 50%
Pansear / Passho Berry / 5 / 5%
Pansear / Oran Berry / 5 / 50%
Simisear / Passho Berry / 5 / 5%
Simisear / Oran Berry / 5 / 50%
Panpour / Rindo Berry / 5 / 5%
Panpour / Oran Berry / 5 / 50%
Simipour / Rindo Berry / 5 / 5%
Simipour / Oran Berry / 5 / 50%
Blitzle / Cheri Berry / 5 / 50%
Zebstrika / Cheri Berry / 5 / 50%
Roggenrola / Hard Stone / 5-8/ 5%
Roggenrola / Everstone / 5-8 / 50%
Boldore / Hard Stone / 5-8 / 5%
Boldore / Everstone / 5-8 / 50%
Gigalith / Hard Stone / 5-8 / 5%
Gigalith / Everstone / 5-8 / 50%
Audino / Sitrus Berry/ 5-8 / 5%
Audino / Oran Berry/ 5-8 / 50%
Tympole / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW
Tympole / Pecha Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Palpitoad / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW
Palpitoad / Pecha Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Seismitoad / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW
Seismitoad / Pecha Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Throh / Expert Belt / 5 / 1%
Throh / Black Belt / 5-8 / 5%
Sawk / Expert Belt / 5 / 1%
Sawk / Black Belt / 5-8 / 5%
Sewaddle / Mental Herb / 5-7 / 5%
Swadloon / Mental Herb / 5-7 / 5%
Leavanny / Mental Herb / 5-7 / 5%
Venipede / Poison Barb / 5-8 / 5%
Venipede / Pecha Berry / 5 / 5% BW
Whirlipede / Poison Barb / 5-8 / 50%
Whirlipede/ Pecha Berry / 5 / 5% BW
Scolipede / Poison Barb / 5-8 / 5%
Scolipede / Pecha Berry / 5 / 5% BW
Cottonee / Absorb Bulb / 7-8 / 5%
Whimsicott / Absorb Bulb / 7-8 / 5%
Petilil / Absorb Bulb / 7-8 / 5%
Lilligent / Absorb Bulb / 7-8 / 5%
Basculin R / DeepSeaTooth / 5-7 / 5%
Basculin B / DeepSeaScale / 5-7 / 5%
Sandile / Black Glasses / 7-8 / 5%
Krokorok / Black Glasses / 7-8 / 5%
Krookodile / Black Glasses / 7-8 / 50%
Darumaka / Rawst Berry / 5 / 50%
Darmanitan/ Rawst Berry / 5 / 50%
Maractus / Miracle Seed / 5-8 / 5%
Dwebble / Shed Shell / 5-8 / 5%
Dwebble / Rare Bone / 5 / 1%
Crustle / Shed Shell / 5-8 / 5%
Crustle / Rare Bone / 5 / 1%
Scraggy / Shed Shell / 5-8 / 5%
Scrafty / Shed Shell / 5-8 / 5%
Yamask / Spell Tag / 5-8 / 5%
Cofagrigus / Spell Tag / 5-8 / 5%
Trubbish / Black Sludge / 5-6 / 5%
Trubbish / Silk Scarf / 7-8 / 5%
Trubbish / Nugget / 5 / 1%
Garbodor / Black Sludge / 5-6 / 50%
Garbodor / Silk Scarf / 7-8 / 50%
Garbodor / Black Sludge / 7-8 / 5%
Garbodor / Nugget / 5-6 / 5%
Garbodor / Big Nugget / 5 / 1%
Minccino / Chesto Berry / 5 / 50%
Cinccino / Chesto Berry / 5 / 50%
Gothita / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Gothorita / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Gothitelle / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Solosis / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Duosion / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Reuniclus / Persim Berry / 5 / 50% BW2
Vanillite / Never-Melt Ice / 7-8 / 5%
Vanillish / Never-Melt Ice / 7-8 / 5%
Vanilluxe / Never-Melt Ice / 7-8 / 50%
Emolga / Cheri Berry / 5 / 100%
Foongus / Big Mushroom / 5-8 / 5%
Foongus / Small Mushroom / 5-8 / 50%
Foongus / Balm Mushroom / 5 / 1%
Amoonguss / Big Mushroom / 5-8 / 5%
Amoonguss / Small Mushroom / 5-8 / 50%
Amoonguss / Balm Mushroom / 5 / 1%
Ferroseed / Sticky Barb / 5-8 / 5%
Ferrothorn / Sticky Barb / 5-8 / 5%
Cubchoo / Aspear Berry / 5 / 50%
Beartic / Aspear Berry / 5 / 50%
Cryogonal / Never-Melt Ice / 5-8 / 5%
Stunfisk / Soft Sand / 5-8 / 5%
Druddigon / Dragon Fang / 5-8 / 5%
Golett / Light Clay / 5-8 / 5%
Golurk / Light Clay / 5-8 / 5%
Heatmor / Flame Orb / 5 / 5% BW2
Volcarona / Silver Powder / 5-8 / 100%
Meloetta / Star Piece / 5-7 / 100%

Pancham / Mental Herb / 6-8 / 5%
Pangoro / Mental Herb / 6-8 / 5%
Hawlucha / King’s Rock / 6-8 / 5%
Goomy / Shed Shell / 7-8 / 5%
Sliggoo / Shed Shell / 7-8 / 5%
Pumpkaboo Super / Miracle Seed / 6-8 / 100%
Gourgeist Super / Miracle Seed / 6-8 / 100%

Pikipek / Oran Berry / 7 / 5%
Trumbead / Aspear Berry / 7 / 5%
Toucannon / Rawst Berry / 7 / 5%
Yungoos / Pecha Berry / 7 / 5%
Gumshoos / Pecha Berry / 7 / 5%
Charjabug / Cell Battery / 7-8 / 5%
Crabrawler / Aspear Berry / 7 / 5%
Crabominable / Cheri Berry / 7 / 5%
Oricorio / Honey / 7 / 5%
Cutify / Honey / 7-8 / 5%
Ribombee / Honey / 7-8 / 5%
Mareanie / Poison Barb / 7-8 / 5%
Toxapex / Poison Barb / 7-8 / 5%
Mudbray / Light Clay / 7-8 / 5%
Musdale / Light Clay / 7-8 / 5%
Dewpider / Mystic Water / 7-8 / 5%
Araquanid / Mystic Water / 7-8 / 5%
Fomantis / Miracle Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Lurantis / Miracle Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Morelull / Big Mushroom / 7-8 / 5%
Morelull / Small Mushroom / 7-8 / 50%
Shiinotic / Big Mushroom / 7-8 / 5%
Shiinotic / Small Mushroom / 7-8 / 50%
Salandit / Smoke Ball / 7-8 / 5%
Salazzle / Smoke Ball / 7-8 / 5%
Bounsweet / Grassy Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Steeneet / Grassy Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Tsareena / Grassy Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Comfey / Misty Seed / 7-8 / 50%
Sandygast / Spell Tag / 7-8 / 5%
Palossand / Spell Tag / 7-8 / 5%
Minior / Comet Shard / 7 / 5%
Turtonator / Charcoal / 7-8 / 5%
Togedemaru / Electric Seed / 7-8 / 5%
Mimikyu / Chesto Berry / 7-8 / 5%
Bruxish / Razor Fang / 7 / 5%
Drampa / Persim Berry / 7-8 / 5%
Jangmo-o / Razor Claw / 7-8 / 5%
Hakamo-o / Razor Claw / 7-8 / 5%
Kommo-o / Razor Claw / 7-8 / 50%

Skwovet / Oran Berry / 8 / 5%
Greedent / Sitrus Berry / 8 / 5%
Dottler / Psychic Seed / 8 / 5%
Orbeetle / Psychic Seed / 8 / 5%
Sirfetch’d / Leek / 8 / 5%
Snom / Snowball / 8 / 5%
Cufant / Lagging Tail / 8 / 5%
Copperjah / Lagging Tail / 8 / 5%

... And that's it up to Gen 8!

Please let me know if I made any mistakes, typos, etc.

edited by
As a bonus, here's the document for easier access if anyone wants it
Wow galar doesn't have anything that's kind of sad
But galar does have
I mean it doesn't have very many, and in other generations most Pokemon have a wild held item. I guess Game Freak didn't bother with it too much
Yeah lol, I noticed Gen 3 had the most new held items and it tapered off from there. Gen 5 was hard because they added the 1% and multiple potential held items. It makes sense they’d add less as the generations go on if you think about it, since there’s already so many Pokémon reused with the same item chance
Damn Ty you do be farming points huh

but thank you!! much appreciated <3
3 votes

This question would take hours to answer if formatted correctly, so I believe that it is ok to post a link for an answer.


This link organizes every Pokemon's held item from every generation since Gen III.


This link organizes every Pokemon's held item in Gen II.

Hope I could help!
