PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

i know the title is confusing, but let me explain
what is the basis of the random battle format? is it OU? ubers? or just every Pokemon?

Random Battle isn't based on any other format. Does that answer the question?
really? then where did the set come from?
Random battle format is generally nothing if format is not mentioned. Standard sets of all mons which are viable (from all tiers) and some NFEs are prepared. So it is literally Gen 8 AG with all mons viable with some restrictions.

Basically if the mons are from ubers, their levels would be 64-69 or so (I am not sure). Their levels are based on what tier they are in.

As I said b4, sets are standardised. By Smogon? idk.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

You can get anything in RandBats, bar a few things

Random Battles don’t have a specific format, you can get any Pokémon ranging from Zacian-Crowned (AG) to Corsola-Galar (NFE).
But the highest format from which you can get Pokémon depends from Gen to Gen. In USUM and ORAS Rands, you can’t get a Rayquaza with Dragon Ascent (Source: Check the move pool of a Pokémon through the Calc), so you can’t get any AG Pokémon in those Gens. About Galar Rands, you can get both the currently AG Mons, Zacian and Zacian-Crowned.
Even Baton Pass is banned in USUM/ORAS and Galarian Rands, so the highest format isn’t completely AG.

I'm pretty sure it's random ubers. Don't have a source for that tho
commented 5 hours ago by GmaxWaluigi
edited 53 minutes ago by GmaxWaluigi

This is factually true, except for Galar Rands where you can get both the Zacian’s.

Random battle format is generally nothing if format is not mentioned. Standard sets of all mons which are viable (from all tiers) and some NFEs are prepared. So it is literally Gen 8 AG with all mons viable with some restrictions.
Basically if the mons are from ubers, their levels would be 64-69 or so (I am not sure). Their levels are based on what tier they are in.
As I said b4, sets are standardised. By Smogon? idk.
commented 13 hours ago by ~TastyMushroom~ ):<
edited 13 hours ago by ~TastyMushroom~ ):<

This is also partially true. The sets are not ‘prepared’, their viable moves are coded and you’ll get four random moves from that code. For example, if you have two or fewer attacks, you get either Leftovers or Black Sludge, four attack’s usually give a Choice- item, and so on. The four moves aren’t prepared, it’s random!


Hope it helps!

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They are coded, yes. My comment was partially wrong (so it was a comment). You can include this link also...
I’m too lazy to add it and half the people know about it anyways lol, I check it regularly when Ice Beam freezes a lot x].
lol [filler]
Thanks for answering my curiousness:)
No problem. As a side note, the Flying Press Articles are great pieces of work, you can check 'em out someday!!
1 vote

None. Random Battle has no format (Except for Random Battle).

Source: Experience

edited by
Randbats has clauses that don't exist in AG e.g. sleep clause, so it's not a complete fit.
You also can’t get Rayquaza-Mega in USUM/ORAS Rands, iirc.
You don't get any LC Pokemon and most NFEs aren't there.
Cyber You can get Corsola-Galar (NFE) in randbats... NFEs are once in a blue moon though. LCs aren't even there.
What I told was that most of 'em aren't there "Most NFEs aren't there", with the exception of some like Gurdurr, Corsola-G, Mr. Mime Galar etc.
I'm pretty sure it's random ubers. Don't have a source for that tho
You are able to get Ubers in your team so no.
I meant to direct it to Cyber and not you Frozen, sorry :P