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My planned Doubles team in the Battle Subway is Zoroark, Emboar, and Lilligant. All of them are set-up sweepers. Lillie and Zoro are special sweepers and Emboar is a physical sweeper - Counters the twins. I plan on using a support mon as my last member and I'm unsure whether to choose Clefable or Audino. Here is a planned set for both:

Clefable @ Mental Herb / Leftovers(?)
EVs: 252 SpD / 4 SpA / 252 Def
Ability: Magic Guard
Calm Nature
- Follow Me
- Sweet Kiss
- Psyshock
- Protect / Something else

Audino @ Mental Herb / Leftovers
EVs: 252 SpD / 4 SpA / 252 Def
Ability: Regenerator
Bold Nature
- Heal Pulse
- Simple Beam
- Psyshock / Protect
- Helping Hand

Clef helps the set-up sweepers to set up by using Sweet Kiss and Follow Me, and Audy doubles the deadliness of the sweepers by Simple Beam and Helping Hand, as well as a healing support with Heal Pulse. Both has Psyshock as they are normal-types.


1 Answer

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You didn't ask on Smogon, so I asked for you. Apparently Clefable is significantly better than Audino just because of follow me. I pieced this set together from the reply to my Smogon post as well as Smogon's gen 6 BSD sample set.

Clefable @ Sitrus berry/rocky helmet
Ability: magic guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold nature
- follow me
- protect
- ice beam/icy wind/thunder wave
- helping hand/ice beam

I recommend Sitrus berry over leftovers because Clefable will likely last less than 4 turns in a double battle. HP EVs help it tank both categories of attacks. Ice beam covers more stuff than psyshock, especially when your team might be threatened by dragons. You can use icy wind or thunder wave for speed control.

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