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(Approved by Fizz)

Welcome to the USUM Anything Goes team thread! This thread is for showcasing your teams which have fared well on the ladder or in tournaments. In short, it's a thread where you can show off teams without having to go through the trouble of writing up a full RMT. As long as the team is viable enough for the USUM Anything Goes metagame, you're free to post your team in this thread (no gimmicks allowed!!). Now with that being said, here are a few guidelines which you're expected to read before posting:

  • Please post no unfinished teams! Considering this as a smaller sibling of RMT, we would like if you to put some effort into polishing your team before presenting them here. Try to test your teams before posting them here, too. If you want feedback for your team, post it in the RMT section.
  • Commenting on teams is appreciated only when you have some constructive feedback. Random comments are frowned upon, as it causes clutter. And if someone does give feedback on your team, try to take it in the best way possible even if you don't necessarily agree.
  • Try to avoid meaningless discussions arguing about a team. Don't beat the horse to death; further discussions can be taken to wall posts.
  • Including the EVs, nature and all the details is a must. All the sets should be posted in the Showdown! importable format too (example here).
  • Please include a description and importable (through PokePaste) when posting teams! Mentioning the archetype (i.e., Balance, Hyper Offense, Stall etc.) of the team when posting is appreciated too. Try to include at least three lines of description for each Pokémon. Make sure your description addresses specific teambuilding choices and general strategy, as well as any unique sets that might be on your team. Sprites are also appreciated, but not necessary.
  • No more than three answers per post, please! Even if your explanations are concise and up to the point, post different answers if you have a lot of teams to share.

More information about posting can be found here.

That's all, post away!

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3 Answers

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Best answer

Team Archive

This is a contents section of the thread. All the teams posted in the thread would be sorted here according to their archetype, i.e., Balanced, Bulky Offense, Hyper Offense and Stall. If you feel your team is in the wrong section, please let me know.


Bulky Offense


Hyper Offense




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2 votes

CM Groundceus + Band M-Ray [Balance]

(Click on the names of the teams for the importable!)

A balance team which was built around CM Groundceus. Both it and M-ray wreck havoc while the rest 4 mons provide solid support. Defensive Yveltal takes care of many setup mons with the help of foul play. Taunt helps significantly with Ferrothorn, which is a pain for the team. Necrozma can be used to absorb Toxics thrown at Groundceus and baiting a Will-O-Wisp onto Groundceus if possible is beneficial (preferably by using Necrozma/Ray-M). Avoid Toxic on Groundceus at all costs unless it is guaranteed to sweep the opponent's remaining mons without getting stalled/phased. Double rocks are there to pressure Ho-Oh better, which is the best CM Groundceus check in the tier. Stone Edge is there on Primal-Groudon to OHKO Ho-Oh if it decides to stay in and defog, avoiding the Defog simultaneously. Avoid Toxic on Yveltal if possible.

CM SteelCeus + Band M-Ray [Balance]

This team was built around CM SteelCeus & Ray-M, as both of them take care of each others' checks really well except Marshadow, which is why the team has 3 Marsh switchins (FairyCeus, Zygarde, Ho-Oh). SteelCeus is notable for not fearing Toxic unlike Groundceus but it gets walled by Ho-Oh even harder, so the team has double rocks. Ho-oh is the main Geomancy Xerneas check, with Groudon-Primal being a backup check. Waterfall is run on Ray-M to OHKO Primal-Groudon while also heavily damaging Tyranitar, and V-Create for the ever-annoying Ferrothorn. However, Ferro isn't that much of a problem for Steelceus as the latter is immune to Toxic; in fact, Ferrothorn can be used as setup bait for Steelceus. Any one of them can be replaced by Outrage if the user wishes to, however. Dragon Tail on Groudon-Primal can be changed by Stone Edge for Ho-Oh.

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Spike Stack With LO Marsh [Balance]

(Click on the names of the teams for the importable!)

You guessed it right -- Balance teams are my thing! This team uses the Rayquaza-M + Marshadow offensive duo which you'll see on many USUM AG Balance teams. Both appreciate Spikes support from Ferrothorn, and the chip damage provided by them turns many 3HKOs into 2HKOs for Marshadow. Utilise Mixed M-Ray's ability of not getting choice locked to the fullest -- use Draco Meteor to surprise OHKO a Zygarde or heavily damage a Tyranitar if the opponent anticipates a DD M-ray. Use PoisonCeus and Ferrothorn to absorb Toxic and avoid getting WaterCeus hit by Toxic as its the main backbone of the defensive core; simultaneously, try to bait a Will-O-Wisp onto it. Do not risk Ferrothorn with any fire moves from the likes of Primal-Groudon and Ho-Oh, use Protect or send in Zygarde/Waterceus. Do NOT replace Life Orb with Focus Sash on Marshadow on this team, as you'll not win a single match if you do so.

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