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Psyshock is still a special move. It uses the user's Special Attack to calculate damage. It activates Mirror Coat (not Counter), has its damage reduced by Light Screen (not Reflect), activates the Maranga Berry (not the Kee Berry), etc.

Psyshock (Bulbapedia)

Psystrike is still a special move. It uses the user's Special Attack to calculate damage. It activates Mirror Coat (not Counter), has its damage reduced by Light Screen (not Reflect), activates the Maranga Berry (not the Kee Berry), etc.

Psystrike (Bulbapedia)

Secret Sword is still a special move. It uses the user's Special Attack to calculate damage. It activates Mirror Coat (not Counter), has its damage reduced by Light Screen (not Reflect), activates the Maranga Berry (not the Kee Berry), etc.

Secret Sword (Bulbapedia)

Tl;dr no.

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252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Psystrike vs. 32 HP / 0 Def Fur Coat Furfrou: 183-216 (61.2 - 72.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Psystrike vs. 32 HP / 0 Def Furfrou: 363-426 (121.4 - 142.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Psyshock, Psystrike and Secret Sword are still affected by Fur Coat.
I think that's because fur coat doubles physical defense instead of halving physical damage. This is one of the few situations where that makes a real difference.
Yeah what sumwun said is correct. At first I asked Mia if this was a technical glitch or anything (the damage calc has some bugs) and she said Fur Coat's fine.