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Doduo evolves later than Spearow, and is obtained before the Grass type gym, while Spearow is available before the first gym and evolves much sooner into Fearow. Though, Fearow can't learn good Normal type STAB through level up whereas Doduo comes with Tri-Attack when caught, and Fearow has lower Attack than Dodrio.

Short answer: Dodrio
Will expand on it later.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Dodrio - its the superior birb for a FR/LG playthrough

  • Dodrio has a higher BST than Fearow, while surpassing its Attack stat by 20 points.
  • Doduo is available right before the Grass-type gym, making it very easy to level up and evolve; hence, justifying its spot on a team.
  • Doduo learns a fantastic Normal-type STAB move in Tri Attack, while Fearow forces the Return TM.

Dodrio @ Anything / Soothe Bell (if using Return) / Leftovers / Silk Scarf / Sharp Beak / Cheri Berry / Pecha Berry / Persim Berry
Ability: Run Away / Early Bird
EVs: 252 Atk / filler
Adamant/Jolly Nature
- Fly / Drill Peck
- Tri Attack / Return
- Steel Wing (TM 47 - Safari Zone)
- Filler

You can catch multiple Doduo for the preferred nature, while Attack EVs can be gained by defeating wild Doduos or using the VS. Seeker on Biker Isaiah/Raul/Jamal/Seek/Corey on Route 17.

The only thing Fearow seems to have over Dodrio is that its available earlier, but that doesn't matter as its weak to the 1st and 3rd gym, while only really shining in the 4th gym when Doduo becomes available.
It might be at a higher level than a newly caught Doduo, but a level ~25 Doduo can single handedly clear Erika's gym,
simultaneously making it catch up with the Fearow's level.

Source: Experience and the pokedex pages for the respective Pokemon

Hope this helps!

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Minor nitpick, Dodrio can't learn Swords Dance in gen 3, it can only learn it in gen 7
Thank you, this question has been lurking in my mind for a long while now.
Also, as Swords Dance isn't learned by Dodrio in gen 3, I think a suitable replacement would be something like Hidden Power or Agility.
@HydroKamex_009 Thanks for pointing that out. I could've sworn I saw it on Dodrio's FRLG move tutor page, but I guess that was a different Pokemon.
@JATP You're welcome!
Yeah, Agility seems like a decent option but tbh it isn't as good as SD in-game. Hidden Power could work for coverage, or you might even want to keep Peck for PP. It doesn't learn any other good physical moves.
0 votes

Accessibility wise, Fearow is better as you get it before the 1st gym.

Stat wise, Dodrio is better as it has base 110 Attack and 110 Speed whereas Fearow has base 90 Attack and 100 Base speed.

I would go for Dodrio as its better stat wise and has access to Tri Attack and Drill Peck, and it will hit harder with those moves.

Fearow also has access to Drill Peck but its slightly weaker than Dodrio, although if you want a flyer that isn't late game just go for Fearow.

Hopefully this helps :)

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Dodrio had a base 100 Speed stat in Gen 3. Also, you can catch Doduo right before getting the Fly HM so that isn't much of a factor in favour of Fearow.
you dont get it until 3 gym badges into your journey where as with spearow you get it before the 1st gym. I recommend Fearow if you dont want to wait until the 3rd gym badge but stat wise just go for Dodrio, its faster and more aggressive.