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I was thinking about the fossil Pokémon when I was setting Kabutops as my buddy in Pokémon GO, and I started wondering what each ones use and viability in their respective tiers.

What Generation?
All the fossil pokemon? I assume this is for current generation.
This answer is going be long. I'll write one when I have time.
Yes, Gen 8. And I am looking forward to your answer!
Been busy with exams lately.
That sucks
It'll be up in 2-3 days, don't worry.
Ok. I hope you do well!

1 Answer

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Best answer

Note that the answer ignores BDSP tiers for all Pokemon that are viable in a SwSh tier.

Dracovish is currently ranked B+ in Ubers, which means it's somewhere between the 17th and 19th best Pokemon in this format.

At first glance, Dracovish's mediocre stats are unimpressive at best when compared to other Ubers Pokemon. However, it has one of the strongest moves in the game, Fishious Rend, and an incredible ability in Strong Jaw. These factors combined make it a potentially dangerous wallbreaker. Dracovish preys on common defensive staples such as Necrozma-DM, Blissey, and Ho-Oh with Fishious Rend. However, its weakness to status and lackluster defensive stats make it difficult to switch in and give it mediocre defensive utility, only really being able to check Kyogre and offensive Necrozma-DM in a pinch. This means that while Dracovish can be a scary wallbreaker against slower teams, it offers little utility against faster, more offensive teams. Finally, without any recovery, Dracovish is vulnerable to getting worn down quickly and needs to be played carefully to make use of its capability throughout the game.

Arctozolt is currently ranked B+ in OU, which means it's somewhere between the 35th and 38 best Pokemon in this format. Its best role is a slush rush sweeper, partly because bolt beak and blizzard are extremely difficult to switch into.
Dracozolt is currently ranked C+ in OU, which means it's somewhere between the 57th and 68th best Pokemon in this format.

In sand, Dracozolt is one of the tier's most threatening wallbreakers thanks to its great Speed and signature move Bolt Beak, which doubles in power when Dracozolt moves first. It easily beats both offensive and defensive staples like Tornadus-T, Tapu Lele, Toxapex, and Corviknight. Whether it is by trapping and weakening Pokemon like Landorus-T, Ferrothorn, and Garchomp with Fire Spin or simply running coverage, Dracozolt can overcome traditional checks to Electric-types. Unfortunately, Dracozolt is reliant on sand, as it is very slow and easy to offensively pressure outside it. It has mediocre bulk and can be worn down quickly by entry hazards, especially with Life Orb. Finally, Dracozolt is reliant on prediction to nail switch-ins to Bolt Beak and utilize limited sand turns, which sometimes makes it very underwhelming.

Aerodactyl is currently ranked A- in NU, which means it's somewhere between the 18th and 23rd best Pokemon in this format. Its best role is a focus sash stealth rock lead that uses rock blast and taunt to stop other focus sash stealth rock leads.
Tyrantrum is currently ranked B+ in NU, which means it's somewhere between the 24th and 35th best Pokemon in this format.

With access to a STAB recoil-free Head Smash and useful coverage options, Tyrantrum is one of NU's premier wallbreakers, threatening immense damage whenever it safely gets onto the field. Because of this, Tyrantrum loves the plethora of pivoting options in the tier to reliably bring it in, and, when coupled with its good Speed tier for a wallbreaker, teams rarely have a consistent defensive answer. Tyrantrum also has Scale Shot, allowing sweeper sets to outspeed more offensive teams and revenge killers. Tyrantrum's main drawback offensively lies in its reliance on Head Smash, making Tyrantrum predictable for teams to switch into with a defensive Steel- or Ground-type. On top of that, Head Smash has low accuracy, making Tyrantrum unreliable at throwing out huge damage. Faster revenge killers, such as Passimian, Rotom-C, and Inteleon, can also take advantage of Tyrantrum, forcing it out to grab back momentum or break massive holes in your team.

Omastar is unviable in NU, which is the lowest tier where it's allowed.
Archeops is currently ranked A in PU, which means it's somewhere between the 9th and 15th best Pokemon in this format.

Archeops is a very threatening Pokemon in the PU tier thanks to its fantastic offensive stats, vivid movepool, and great Speed tier. Earthquake and Stone Edge give Archeops near-perfect coverage that leaves its switch-ins restricted to a marginal few, such as Claydol, Palossand, and Regirock. Archeops also has a decent defensive typing, allowing it to check foes like Charizard in a pinch; however, it is held back by its poor defensive stats. It doesn't want to be the sole defensive switch-in to any foe, preferring to pivot in on resisted attacks such as Centiskorch's Fire Lash. Defeatist is a dreadful ability that basically makes Archeops useless if it drops below 50%, further hindering its ability to hard switch into foes like Scyther well and making it very dependent on both Heavy-Duty Boots and Roost.

Aurorus is currently ranked C in PU, which means it's somewhere between the 62nd and 104th best Pokemon in this format. (note that this is lower than Kabutops, which is still untiered despite ranking B in PU) Its main role is a wallbreaker.
Arctovish is currently ranked C in PU, which means it's somewhere between the 62nd and 104th best Pokemon in this format. Its main role is a wallbreaker.
Kabutops is currently ranked B in ZU, which means it's somewhere between the 37th and 49th best Pokemon in this format.

Kabutops is an effective Choice Scarf user in the ZU metagame, compressing revenge killing with utility. Flip Turn retains momentum against checks like Tangela and Appletun whilst chipping down Throh and Gurdurr. Rapid Spin can be used to make Kabutops an emergency entry hazard remover, often as a second form of hazard removal. However, it means not running Liquidation, so the weaker Flip Turn becomes Kabutops's sole Water-type attack. Knock Off cripples checks like the aforementioned Tangela, which relies on Eviolite, as well as other Pokemon such as Gurdurr, Poliwrath, and Qwillfish.

Cradily is unviable in ZU, which is the lowest tier where it's allowed.
However, it recently dropped to BDSP NU, so the players have not yet figured out how to use it.
Armaldo is unviable in ZU, which is the lowest tier where it's allowed.
However, it's currently ranked A in BDSP PU, which means it's somewhere between the 6th and 13th best Pokemon in this format. Its best role is a wall that provides rapid spin and knock off support.
Carracosta is unviable in ZU, which is the lowest tier where it's allowed.
Rampardos is unobtainable in SwSh and currently ranked B+ in BDSP PU, which means it's somewhere between the 23rd and 30th best Pokemon in this format. Its best role is a choice scarf attacker that threatens frail or weakened opponents.
Bastiodon is unobtainable in SwSh and unviable in BDSP PU, which is the lowest tier where it's allowed.

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Great answer!
Although, how us Carracosta in BDSP PU? It is a Gen 5 Pokémon.
I remember there was a while where due to the prominence of Hail teams, people were resorting to Rotom-Heat to check them. Good answer.
I cannot math.
Good answer. Just wanted to point out that Aerodactyl can also run a Choice Band or Dragon Dance set in NU.