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It has better stats than dragonite
135 Atk(mence) vs 134(nite)
Now on spatk
110(mence) vs 100(nite)

Why mence isn’t ever in OU?

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That analysis doesn't explain why Salamence isn't useful in OU. This might, though. https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/simple-questions-simple-answers-thread.3656259/
Nite has Multiscale and Mence doesn't.

1 Answer

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Best answer

No. Looking at the vr, Mence isn't even ranked. It was ranked a few months ago but was removed since it practically sees zero usage. It's also outclassed by Dragonite in nearly all scenarios because fat dragon has a much more useful ability in multiscale. As an intimidator, Mence doesn't even stand a chance against Therian Landorus which has one of the most obnoxious typing ever conceived. Garchomp also exists in the tier and while sharky boi doesn't have access to dd, it does have access to scale shot and combined with its stealth rock resistance, gives it more opportunities to deal with those that could stop its sweep like Weavile or fairies

Unless you're playing to win, don't use Mence. Imo, Dragonite ain't even that useful since it rarely ever runs a stab move and Mence has the exact same typing. If you're a hardcore Salamence fan, you can probably build a team around it though don't expect too much. I didn't mention Mence's other ability because if you're really looking to use something that gets stronger the more enemies it kills, you're better off using Kartana or Blacephalon with a scarf than Mence

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