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I’m really wanting to have a magby, a pichu or a elekid, so, is there a specific odd to every Pokémon or are all the same?

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According to the article sumwun so graciously offered, it differs depending on what version of the game you have. If you have the Japanese version of Crystal, your odds are as follows:

In the Japanese version of Pokémon Crystal, there is a 50% chance the hatched Pokémon will be Shiny (IVs 2/10/10/10) and a 50% chance it will not (IVs 0/0/0/0).

This results in a 7.142857…% chance of any of the following:
- Pichu
- Shiny Pichu
- Cleffa
- Shiny Cleffa
- Igglybuff
- Shiny Igglybuff
- Tyrogue
- Shiny Tyrogue
- Smoochum
- Shiny Smoochum
- Elekid
- Shiny Elekid
- Magby
- Shiny Magby

Now, if you have the international version (anything other than Japanese) of Crystal, the chances are as follows:
- Pichu, 8%
- Shiny Pichu, 1%
- Cleffa, 16%
- Shiny Cleffa, 3%
- Igglybuff, 16%
- Shiny Igglybuff, 3%
- Tyrogue, 8%
- Shiny Tyrogue, 1%
- Smoochum, 14%
- Shiny Smoochum, 2%
- Elekid, 12%
- Shiny Elekid, 2%
- Magby, 10%
- Shiny Magby, 2%

Hope I helped!

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Thanks, i hatched a elekid, is it good?
That depends on what you want to do with the Elekid. Do you want to battle other people, in-game trainers, or something else?
Yes, good in what context?
In-game, I choosed chikorita
I think you should use Lanturn or Magneton instead. Lanturn has better offensive type and movepool, and Magneton has better special attack.