PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In Pokemon scarlet and violet, until early(apparently spring of.) 2023 we will not be able to send Pokemon from scarlet into home of send Pokemon from home into scarlet, the "reason" is that the devs don't want people to add strong Pokemon to the game so early, even though every persons choice of how they want to play the game or what they want to do with the game is their choice, it is how it is, but I digress. My question is that, if I were to send an alpha Pokemon from legends arceus to scarlet and violet, would it remain alpha or would it just keep the size but not the title or mark? Or would I be unable to send it there period? I need to know this lol

I don’t think anyone really knows the answer to this because Home hasn’t been released yet and it’s functionality has yet to be tested, but I could be wrong.
Because there are size differences in SV, I wouldn't be surprised if it stays large.
small spoiler alert!

they would not be an alpha anymore, but get a special mark. i forget what it’s called, but i think it’s the former alpha mark.
so, it would be like this;
Go, [placeholder], the Former Alpha!

my source is from one of adrive’s leak videos, but i forget which one, and it probably wouldn’t be a formal answer without a source
Why was this question unflagged? Does it follow or break the rule about future stuff?
I think because we will probably be able to answer this question within a couple months, we should just leave it up and answer it when we can instead of taking it down and someone putting up this question again

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

However, players have begun to notice the Alpha Pokémon from Legends: Arceus aren’t nearly as big in Paladea as they were in the Hisui region.

"No alphas retain their exact sizing from PLA after being transferred. They should be jumbo mark worthy, but that’s about it. It should also have a mark/ribbon that says it was a former alpha,"


Alpha Pokémon can be identified with the Alpha icon in the Pokémon's summary screen and on their health bar in the wild (if transferred to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, they have the Alpha Mark instead)

Via Bulbapedia

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1 vote

A: the reason Pokémon Home isn't compatible yet isn't because they don't want you transferring strong 'mons in early on, it's because they have to manually program Home to be compatible with SV and the new Pokémon

B: they won't retain the size, but will have a unique mark that grants the title of "The Former Alpha"

How do you know this?
@Ditto Do you want me to put this question back on the unanswered list?
The part about marks is correct. https://www.serebii.net/scarletviolet/marks.shtml
I don't think we have genuine knowledge about why Home isn't available at launch, but we don't need that to answer this question.