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So like if it's named illusion Foxy but is disguised as a ditto named blob of goo or something what would my enemy see (specifically for Showdown!).

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1 Answer

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Best answer

I (Accidentally) tested it (when playing before I saw this question) and if Zoroark copied (for example) a Blaziken named "Fighting KFC" Zoroark will copy the Nickname Until illusion deactivates, Still is intresting how Zoroark is the Trickster of Pokemon and the ways it does copy the Pokemon almost completetly
Source: Pokemon showdown https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9customgame-1801724105
Edit: added the source
Edit 2: Added a replay link

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Can you show us a replay?
I didn't get a Replay when that happened
Edit: if i get a Replay of that i will edit a 2nd time the answer
Edit 2: It's on turn 2
https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Illusion_(Ability) The effect of Illusion directly reference nickname in its effect t.
Already added a replay but, Thanks for Making the Answer better Yang
Edit: Fixed a Part