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My Pokemons loose in battles so quickly so I needed all useful TM/HMs for my Pokemons. By the way these are my Pokemons so you can write down where are the most useful TM/HMs;



Not a full answer, but https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_TM_and_HM_locations_(Generation_IV)
Also why do you use a Lumineon when you already have a Prinplup?
TM/HM locations are on each individual TM and HM page on this site.
@sumwun my lumineon’s nature is bold, so it boosts its defense. And its moves are quite great. (+STAB, so it deals 50% more damage)

Just ask more if u want…
Prinplup also gets STAB on all of its water attacks, just like Lumineon, and attack stats are usually more useful than defense stats when playing through a Pokemon game's main storyline.
Oh, i see. Thanks!
Also it's usually a waste of experience to raise a level 1 Pokemon like Riolu so late in the game. If you really want a fighting Pokemon, I think your best option is Medicham, but you can also just put Riolu in a PC box and not replace it with anything.

1 Answer

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TM01 Focus Punch: Oreburgh Gate or Pickup (1% chance, lv 71-90)
TM02 Dragon Claw: Mt. Coronet
TM03 Water Pulse: Ravaged Path
TM04 Calm Mind: Battle Tower/Battle Frontier Prize (48 BP)
TM05 Roar: Route 213
TM06 Toxic: Route 212 or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (32 BP)
TM07 Hail: Route 212 (10 Green Shards) or Route 217
TM08 Bulk Up: Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (48 BP)
TM09 Bullet Seed: Route 204
TM10 Hidden Power: Trainer’s School or Veilstone Game Corner (6000C)
TM11 Sunny Day: Route 212 (10 Red Shards)
TM12 Taunt: Route 211
TM13 Ice Beam: Route 216 or Veilstone Game Corner (10000C)
TM14 Blizzard: Lake Acuity or Veilstone Department Store ($5500)
TM15 Hyper Beam: Veilstone Department Store ($7500)
TM16 Light Screen: Veilstone Department Store ($2500)
TM17 Protect: Veilstone Department Store ($2500)
TM18 Rain Dance: Route 212 (10 Blue Shards) or Route 223
TM19 Giga Drain: Route 209
TM20 Safeguard: Veilstone Department Store ($2000)
TM21 Frustration: Team Galactic HQ or Veilstone Game Corner (8000C)
TM22 SolarBeam: Veilstone Department Store ($3000)
TM23 Iron Tail: Iron Island
TM24 Thunderbolt: Valley Windworks or Veilstone Game Corner (10000C)
TM25 Thunder: Lake Valor or Veilstone Department Store ($5500)
TM26 Earthquake: Wayward Cave (secret entrance under bike path) or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (80 BP) or Pickup (1% chance, lv 91-100)
TM27 Return: Veilstone Game Corner (8000C)
TM28 Dig: Maniac Tunnel
TM29 Psychic: Route 211 or Veilstone Game Corner (10000C)
TM30 Shadow Ball: Route 210 or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier Prize (64 BP)
TM31 Brick Break: Oreburgh Gate (basement) or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (40 BP)
TM32 Double Team: Wayward Cave or Veilstone Game Corner (4000C)
TM33 Reflect: Veilstone Department Store ($2000)
TM34 Shock Wave: Route 215
TM35 Flamethrower: Fuego Ironworks or Veilstone Game Corner (10000C)
TM36 Sludge Bomb: Galactic Warehouse or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (80 BP)
TM37 Sandstorm: Route 212 (10 Yellow Shards) or Route 228
TM38 Fire Blast: Lake Verity or Veilstone Department Store ($5500)
TM39 Rock Tomb: Ravaged Path
TM40 Aerial Ace: Route 213 or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (40 BP)
TM41 Torment: Victory Road
TM42 Facade: Survival Area
TM43 Secret Power: Amity Square
TM44 Rest: Veilstone Game Corner (6000C) or Pickup (1% chance, lv 51-70)
TM45 Attract: Amity Square or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (32 BP)
TM46 Thief: Eterna City
TM47 Steel Wing: Route 209
TM48 Skill Swap: Canalave City
TM49 Snatch: Galactic Warehouse
TM50 Overheat: Stark Mountain
TM51 Roost: Route 210
TM52 Focus Blast: Veilstone Department Store ($5500)
TM53 Energy Ball: Route 226 or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (64 BP)
TM54 False Swipe: Veilstone Department Store ($2000)
TM55 Brine: Reward for defeating Crasher Wake
TM56 Fling: Route 222
TM57 Charge Beam: Reward for defeating Volkner
TM58 Endure: Veilstone Game Corner (2000C)
TM59 Dragon Pulse: Victory Road or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (80 BP)
TM60 Drain Punch: Reward for defeating Maylene
TM61 Will-O-Wisp: Battle Tower/Battle Frontier Prize (32 BP)
TM62 Silver Wind: Route 212
TM63 Embargo: Veilstone City
TM64 Explosion: Veilstone Game Corner
TM65 Shadow Claw: Reward for defeating Fantina
TM66 Payback: Route 215
TM67 Recycle: Eterna Condominiums
TM68 Giga Impact: Veilstone Game Corner (20000C)
TM69 Rock Polish: Mt. Coronet
TM70 Flash: Oreburgh Gate (basement) or Veilstone Department Store ($1000)
TM71 Stone Edge: Victory Road or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (80 BP)
TM72 Avalanche: Reward for defeating Candice
TM73 Thunder Wave: Battle Tower/Battle Frontier Prize (32 BP)
TM74 Gyro Ball: Veilstone Game Corner (15000C)
TM75 Swords Dance: Veilstone Game Corner (4000C)
TM76 Stealth Rock: Reward for defeating Roark
TM77 Psych Up: Route 211
TM78 Captivate: Route 204
TM79 Dark Pulse: Victory Road
TM80 Rock Slide: Mt. Coronet
TM81 X-Scissor: Route 221 or Battle Tower/Battle Frontier prize (64 BP)
TM82 Sleep Talk: Eterna Forest
TM83 Natural Gift: Veilstone Department Store ($2000)
TM84 Poison Jab: Route 212
TM85 Dream Eater: Valor Lakefront
TM86 Grass Knot: Reward for defeating Gardenia
TM87 Swagger: Pokemon Mansion
TM88 Pluck: Floaroma Town
TM89 U-turn: Canalave City or Veilstone Game Corner (6000C)
TM90 Substitute: Old Chateau or Veilstone Game Corner (2000C)
TM91 Flash Cannon: Reward for defeating Byron
TM92 Trick Room: Route 213

HM01 Cut: Eterna City
HM02 Fly: Veilstone City
HM03 Surf: Celestic Town
HM04 Strength: Lost Tower
HM05 Defog: Great Marsh
HM06 Rock Smash: Oreburgh Gate
HM07 Waterfall: Sunyshore City
HM08 Rock Climb: Route 217

TM and HM Locations (Bulbapedia)

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