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I know that Breloom might be very outmatched for this, but I want to be sure because I know that Walrein would be very helpful for the Elite 4 (specifically Drake), but I am not at that part yet. I like being prepared for things, but not overthinking them as well

I forgot to mention that I like to have more of a "speedy" playstyle
Where are you in the game
Breloom is generally better because it's faster and comes earlier.
@Sqealbert, I am at mauville gym currently
ty amethyst :)
Breloom also has much higher physical attack and learns bulk up. Walrein is better than Breloom against Phoebe and Drake and worse in most other battles.
Why can't you use both?
You're not allowed to have the best of both worlds.

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Breloom evolves earlier and has higher speed and much higher physical attack. It learns bulk up, which is one of the best status moves in the game, as well as stun spore and leech seed. Walrein's encore is not as useful compared to Breloom's status moves. Even when you look at only the late game, Breloom is more useful in every boss battle except Phoebe and Drake.

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Too bad Shroomish doesn’t get Spore til Level 54.
Even if it learns spore more easily, I think bulk up would be more useful in RSE. There are a lot of boss battles with one weak Pokemon that just lets Breloom set up.
1 vote

Since you have a "speedier" playstyle, I would recommend Breloom. Not only does Breloom have a higher speed stat than Walrein, it has a great movepool in Leech Seed, Mach Punch and Stun Spore. Breloom's Grass and Fighting STAB is good against:

  • Wattson's Magneton (Fighting)
  • All of Norman's Pokémon (Fighting)
  • Tate & Liza's Claydol, Lunatone and Solrock (Grass)
  • All Juan's Pokemon excluding Kingdra (Grass)
  • Most of Wallace's Pokémon (Grass)
  • All of Sidney's Pokémon (Fighting)

I don't see why you wouldn't use both, though.. They don't have any type overlaps, and Ice is good coverage, considering there's only the Glalie line and the Walrein line that are Ice types. Also, why are you using Breloom or Walrein? There are much better Grass types like Ludicolo, and much better Water types too.

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All grass attacks are special in gen 3, and Breloom's special attack stat is effectively useless. Also there are a bunch of water Pokemon that are better than Walrein even though they don't get STAB for ice beam.