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I want to know the locations of all the stakes for all four of the legendaries locked in those caves.

If you write down the locations as an answer I’ll BA it.

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Purple Stakes (Wo-Chien)
There are only 8 purple stakes to unlock the Grasswither Shrine in South Province. (Area One) These stakes can be collected in any order but are numbered for convenience.

  • Purple stake 1 is located southwest of Artazon just to the south of
    the Pokémon Center east of it. The stake is placed on top of a hill.

  • Purple stake 2 is located northeast of Los Platos at the top of a

  • The third Purple stake is located at the top of a plateau once more,
    and unlocking your ride Pokemon's abilities like high jump and
    gliding will make reaching it much easier. The exact location of this
    stake is slightly to the northeast of the Pokémon Center in front of
    Mesagoza if you're coming from Los Platos road.

  • Purple stake 4 is located to the east of Mesagoza in the South
    Province desert. Located atop another hill, this stake is overlooking
    the Pokémon Center and Mesagoza to its west.

  • The fifth purple stake is located near a lake south of Los Platos.
    This stake is also overlooking the lighthouse the player climbed at
    the start of the game.

  • The sixth purple stake resides in the South Province (Area Five).
    Seemingly located nowhere near a landmark, it rests atop a plateau to
    the southeast of Mesagoza and northeast of Los Platos.

  • Purple stake 7 is sandwiched between Mesagoza and Artazon in the East
    Province (Area One). It sits on top of a piece of land that sticks
    out on the world map.

  • The last Purple Stake is located near a lake in South Province (Area
    One) but it's also pretty close to South Province (Area Five). This
    stake is pretty far away from landmarks and the closest one to it is
    the Los Platos Pokémon Center that is still a long way southeast from
    it. There's a nearer Pokémon Center to the northeast of the stake.

Yellow Stakes (Chien-Pao)
Still, there are eight stakes.

  • The first yellow stake is located in South Province (Area Six)
    northeast of Alfornada. There's a piece of green land amongst the
    hills and the stake should be there. It is located to the north of a
    peculiar lake with a landform in the middle.

  • The second yellow stake is located in the West Province (Area One)
    near the West Paldean Sea. A Pokemon Center lies to the northwest of
    this stake which means that the stake is to the southeast of it. You
    might need to glide or climb before being able to reach this stake.

  • Yellow Stake 3 lies close to Yellow Stake 2 in a way that they're
    located in the same province and even in the same vicinity sharing
    the same landmark of a Pokemon Center in the province. This stake is
    located in the middle of a land formation that looks like a Poke Ball
    to the west of a Pokemon Center in the West Province (Area One).

  • This stake is still in the West Province (Area One), however, brings it close to the center of the map unlike Yellow Stake 3 and Yellow Stake 2 which are near the sea. This stake is located southeast of the Asado Desert and southwest of Cascaraffa. There's a ruin near it and the closest landmark would be a Pokemon Center south of Asado Desert.

  • Yellow Stake 5 is located in the South Province (Area Two), it lies just beside The Great Crater of Paldea and to the south of Cascaraffa.

  • Yellow Stake 6 is located just outside Cascaraffa, hiding beside a tree standing tall near a river.

  • The seventh yellow stake is located to the east of Alfornada in the South Province (Area Six), resting atop a plateau near a waterfall.

  • Yellow Stake 8 is located inside a cave to the north of Alfornada and to the west of Cortondo. There are two entrances to the cave. One is on a grassy plateau above the beach directly to the west (to the left) of the point on the map. The other is directly east (to the right) of the point on the map, which can be found easily if you travel southwest from the Cortondo (West) Pokemon Center (about where the Poison Tera Raid marker is on the screenshot.)
    Green Stakes (Ting-Lu)

  • The first green stake is sandwiched between Porto Marinada and Medali. It's located in the West Province (Area Two) inside a cave.

  • Green Stake 2 is located near the first green stake, in fact, it's just on the other side of the cave near the river.

  • Green Stake 3 is located on the other side of the river to the north of Porto Marinada, there should be a bridge to the east of Porto Marinada that you can use to access the land.

  • Green Stake 4 is located in Casseroya Lake. The stake is just to the southeast of the "Casseroya Lake" text on the map and northwest of Medali.

  • The fifth stake is still in the Casseroya Lake, but now located at the northeast of the text on the map just beside the letter "e" in "lake".

  • Green Stake 6 is located on a plateau to the west of Glaseado Mountain and the northeast of Medali. There should be a body of water near you.

  • Green Stake 7 is located in the northwestern part of the snowy region
    of Glaseado Mountain and Montenevera. Head to the tip of the
    northwest part of the snowy map and you should be able to see it

  • Green Stake 8 takes you back to Casseroya Lake. Head to the northwest part of Casseroya Lake near the North Paldean Sea. It stands on a plateau.
    Blue Stakes (Chi-Yu)

  • Blue Stake 1 is located in the northeastern part of the Paldea region. It's still under North Province (Area One), but you might want to be prepared before heading out to this part of the map. The nearest city is Montenevera.

  • Blue Stake 2 is located in the middle of the hill that lies in the middle of North Province (Area One). It's located near the text "North Province (Area One)" on the map.

  • Blue Stake 3 is located southeast of Glaseado Mountain in the Tagtree Thicket area. It's located on a plateau.

  • Blue Stake 4 is located west of Tagtree Thicket and South of Glaseado Mountain. Head to the mountainous part of Glaseado Mountain and look for it in the general area.

  • Blue Stake 5 is located northeast of Levincia near the sea on top of a hill. It stands in front of a tree.

  • Blue Stake 6 is located inside a ruin in the North Province (Area Two). It's at the top of the letters "w" and "o" of "Area Two" which is near the edge of the map.

  • Blue Stake 7 is located at the top of a mountain in North Province
    (Area Two). It's near the only Pokemon Center in the area, to the
    northeast of it.

  • Blue Stake 8 is located at the top of another mountain in the Fury
    Falls sandwiched between North Province Area One and Two. It's to the
    south of the Pokemon Center of North Province (Area Two)

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