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Is this asking if Yawn is bounced back by Magic Bounce. If so yes. What does swapping mean?
I think they mean skill swap but I'm not sure
I think how it works is that yawn makes the target drowsy, and drowsy Pokemon fall asleep on the next turn. If the target had magic bounce when it was hit by yawn, the user becomes drowsy and falls asleep later.
Sorry, let me spell it out. Slow poke uses yawn on a hatterane who has magic bounce, hatterane is drowsy, slowpoke switches out to heracross, would heracross fall alseep? cause if so, a guts and sleep talk combo could be really good in doubles, also tell me while you're at it if sleep activates guts.

1 Answer

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No, Magic Bounce reflects status moves so if the Slowpoke you are talking about uses yawn on Hatterene, Magic Bounce activates making Slowpoke drowsy. Also yes Guts does activate when you sleep.
Source: https://pokemondb.net/ability/magic-bounce for Magic Bounce & https://pokemondb.net/ability/guts for Guts

Would Heracross fall asleep after the switch though?
No. Drowsy is not a condition that transfers upon the switch.
Dang it, so if the slowpoke was swapped out, then the effects of yawn wouldn't be transfered to the pokemon that took slowpoke's place? I had an idea of using a pokemon with yawn in doubles on my own hatterane, then swapping into a guts pokemon and using sleep talk, but I guess it won't work, that sucks, or am I reading wrong?
Yawn or pretty much all status can't be transferred to another Pokemon by switching into them.

Also I don't play doubles but there's definitely better options than Slowpoke.
Slowpoke was just the first yawn pokemon that came to mind lol
One thing you can do is use Rest on Heracross and use Life Orb as a held item and Sleep talk as another move. Guts will still activate.