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What is the fastest way to level up my Pokemon in Violet, Hidden Treasure Of Area Zero, and Sword?


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Sword isn't in S/V
i know. but i have sword and if its faster than S/V than i will do that.
Your question asks about S/V, not Sw/Sh.

1 Answer

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Hmm… I don’t know about in SwSh, but I do know in SV. One thing you could do is a ton of Tera Raids online with other people, specifically 5-7 Star, and you’ll get a ton of Exp Candy. However, in the very north, there’s that field of flowers by the Fairy type Team Star base, and if you have even a lvl 1 Normal Encounter Sandwich, a ton of lvl 50-55 Chanseys will spawn. However, my personal favorite spot is the Roaring Moon/Iron Valiant cave in Area Zero, where Chanseys spawn at the entrance at a good enough rate that you don’t need a sandwich (it’s still recommended, tho), and they’re around lvl 60. Make sure to see if you can make lvl 3 Exp Power sandwiches for your Pokémon, too!

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i've been farming bbq's and buying exp candies in the Indigo Disk.
Oh in Sw/Sh you do the dynamax dens
That’s very much true. In Sw/Sh, by doing the Max Den, you can get a ton of Dynite Ore, which can get you, like, an Exp XL for only three. Otherwise it is probably Max Raid Battles for the base game, if you don’t have Crown Tundra
Not like that. the dens give you exp candy every time depending on how much stars it gives, which is dependant on what your level team is.