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If you use swords dance when you are already at +6, will stomping tantrum's power double? I am thinking about doing this with my Excadrill in Scarlet.

Even if it did work, why would you use an useless move one turn and stomping tantrum the next turn when you could just use stomping tantrum twice?
Swords dance has 20 pp, so 17 is pretty much wasted. Why waste stomping tantrum when you have 17 guaranteed double power hits just sitting there?
Hate to get hit by that, assuming Excadrill lived that long. (No offense but 110/60/65 isn't great bulk)
None taken. In fact, you're right. I used excadrill to battle (and lose against) Amarys. He got OHKOed every time

1 Answer

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Best answer

Yes, stomping tantrum's base power will double if the user used a stat-raising move and failed on the previous turn.

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If you're not playing competitive, an Excadrill should be able to OHKO most opponents at +2 or +4 physical attack. If you are playing competitive, most opponents will be able to knock out your Excadrill before it reaches +6. Either way, I think this isn't the most useful strategy.