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What is better for mega mawile

power up punch- 40 damage 100 accuracy 20pp and immune from taunt and coverage from steel types and raises attack by one stage and is super effective on many types.

swords dance- 15pp raises attack by two stages.

mawile is fragile when it comes to special defense so any fire attack will destroy it so there's no time for building on power up punch but yet again power up punch does cover steel types and is immune from taunt. swords dance is a fast attack build up but mawile seems to always get taunted.

which is better? please state reasons

Thanks! :D


3 Answers

2 votes

Swords Dance is superior to Power Up Punch on Mawile, and let me explain why. Usually, the only Pokemon ever that use Power Up Punch are the Pokemon who get STAB from it, like Fighting Types, Protean users(Kecleon, Greninja), or Mega Kangaskhan, who gets the special access to two Power Up Punches(Parental Bond.) With Mawile, you want to Swords Dance to get the boost as soon as possible, being as it's the most reliable way it gets the boost. Sure, there's Taunt Users and such, but that shows that you're misusing Mawile by not switching it in on a Pokemon Mawile defeats(Which don't carry Taunt.) Also, Mawile should be used as a Late Game Sweeper, destroying all Pokemon that enter the field after they have been weakened. Swords Dance is the only booster that allows such things to happen, while PuP needs to use two turns to get the same result. All in all, my reasoning behind supporting Swords Dance is for its reliability and overall more efficient boosting. You must use Mawile wisely if you set up with it.

1 vote

Most definitely Swords Dance. While on paper, Power-Up Punch covers Steel types and Rock types, that 40 base power won't be denting anything and a neutral Iron Head or Play Rough will always do more damage. SD also raises your attack two stages in one turn, while PP-Punch only raises it one stage. You shouldn't really be keeping Mawile in on Fire attacks anyways. For a Swords Dance set, I would recommend one of these:


Mawile@ Mawilite
Intimidate | Adamant
252 Atk / 248 HP / 8 SpD
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head/Fire Fang
- Play Rough
- Substitute/Sucker Punch


Mawile@ Mawilite
Intimidate | Adamant
252 Atk / 244 HP / 12 SpD
- Iron Head/Fire Fang
- Play Rough
- Protect
- Swords Dance

edited by
Fire fang>iron head
Fire punch is a thing
0 votes

Swords Dance.

Swords Dance provides an immediate power boost, and it can easily sweep teams with Sucker Punch after a boost. In addition, it actually has great bulk and can take a few hits.
