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Like, in the Indigo Disk DLC in the Polar Biome, you can find Hisuian Qwilfish in the water (he isn't a Water Type), and since he is in the water, the Dive Ball gets the 3.5x catch rate modifier on him. What other examples of that are present in the games?

This question is asking for a LIST OF POKEMON. Don't post "it works on all surfing/fishing encounters".

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The locations aren't on Bulbapedia?
They're all mostly there, but some aren't, so I'm not entirely sure if they're missing or I'm looking in the wrong place. For instance, Azurill appears in South Province (Area Five) but I can't find its encounter data on that page for the life of me, only its evolutions:
I would like to mention that I'm not looking for a list of all Pokémon in each specific generation, I just want a single list that contains all generations (feel free to list the gens that they are avaliable though, I'm just saying it isn't needed). For example, if a Pokémon can be found on water in gen VI but not gen VII, it counts for the single list, as long as the Dive Ball exists in that specific generation the Pokémon is found on water.

(Also last time I checked Skrelp was a Water type).
So from what I understand, you'd like to know just the Pokémon in particular, but not the specific Generation or location?
Yes, just the Pokémon. However, I would like for you to mention in which generation that Pokémon can be found on water, in case there is a Pokémon that is found on water in one gen, but not the other.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

The list of Pokémon are ordered by latest appearance in the National Pokédex. Included with them are what games they can be found in.

Zubat - D/P, Pt, OR/AS, S/M, US/UM, BD/SP
Golbat - D/P, Pt, OR/AS, BD/SP
Grimer - Hg/Ss, B2/W2
Muk - Hg/Ss, B2/W2
Dratini - D/P, Pt, Hg/Ss, B/W, B2/W2, X/Y, Sw/Sh, BD/SP, S/V
Dragonair - D/P, Pt, Hg/Ss, B/W, B2/W2, X/Y, BD/SP, S/V
Dragonite - B/W, B2/W2
Togepi - Japanese Colosseum
Mareep - Japanese Colosseum
Skiploom - Hg/Ss
Jumpluff - Hg/Ss
Paldean Wooper - S/V
Murkrow - Hg/Ss
Hisuian Qwilfish - S/V
Scizor - Japanese Colosseum
Delibird - US/UM
Lugia - S/V
Masquerain - Pt, Hg/Ss, X/Y, OR/AS
Azurill - S/V
Lunatone - AS
Solrock - OR
Lileep - Sw/Sh
Anorith - Sw/Sh
Duskull - Hg/Ss
Drifloon - Sw/Sh
Vanillite - Sw/Sh
Vanillish - Sw/Sh
Tynamo - S/V
Eelektrik - S/V
Cryogonal - Sw/Sh
Stunfisk - B/W, B2/W2, X/Y
Fletchinder - Sw/Sh
Inkay - Sw/Sh
Dragalge - X/Y, Sh, S/V
Goomy - X/Y
Sliggoo - X/Y
Bergmite - S/V
Avalugg - Sw/Sh, S/V
Dhelmise - S/M, US/UM, Sw/Sh
Clobbopus - Sw/Sh
Pinchurchin - Sw/Sh
Eiscue - Sw/Sh
Clodsire - S/V

Note that in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness, the Phenac Stadium is considered an underwater area, but as the Dive Ball is only obtainable through trading between R/S/E in the postgame, the Dive Ball can only be used on postgame content. As a result, the only Pokémon obtainable in Phenac Stadium with the Dive Ball used is through the Japanese exclusive Card e Room in Colosseum, which are Shadow Togepi, Mareep, and Scizor.


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Thanks so much for this!
No problem!