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Yes. I tested it in a double battle

Here's a replay where blissey takes a lot more from the helping hand boosted hits:

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How much damage did you see without and with helping hand?
Was doing around 7% without helping hand and 10% with
It might be better to attack your ally with the helping hand boost so you can see the exact damage numbers.
Tested it again, it did 694 damage with the boost and 464 damage without. Each hit was doing the same amount and they both hit 5 times so they all must have been boosted.
For these kinds of things, we can't just take your word on it. Those numbers are very easy to make up. Also, unless you were testing this with Blissey/Chansey, no Pokemon even has 694 HP to work with.

Please post a replay when you display your "test results."
Bending rules for "well-regarded members" is a pretty unfair and elitist thing to do. If you require evidence from Cicada, you should require evidence from everyone.
Well sure. It depends on the OP. My point is if Amethyst answers my question without a source and a brand new user answers my question without a source I'm going to trust one more than the other. Maybe that's just me :p

I agree with you sumwun