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I was battling with Lacey of the Elite Four of the BB Academy, I was fighting against Grandbull and Whismicott, Against my Muk and Nintails.

Muk has a Poison Point ability which grants a 20% chance of the victim being poisoned by a physical attack, so I did that. Ice punched the sheep thing, poisoned, swapped my Ninetails to my Blissy, and started spamming Heal pulse to see how long it survived.

After that excruciating battle, and having the Whismicott still suffering,
I am wondering if it's possible to boost up an ability to always land a status condition (Ex: Poison Touch - 20% of the victim being poisoned from physical contact) or if such a thing exists.

Is it possible to Boost Poison Touch (Or any ability with Status conditions) To land a 100% or below higher than 100%?

I also don't know if this one is similar to the other questions that is already asked.
Only Ability I can think of right now with a 100% chance to inflict status is Gulp Missile shooting a Pikachu at you.
You can use serene grace to boost moves that have a chance to cause status. Synchronize inflicts status without using randomness, but it activates only in specific conditions (and being burned by a flame orb isn't one of them).
Abilities like Poison Touch apply independently for multi-hit moves. You aren't really increasing the odds themselves, but if, for instance, a Pokemon lands an attack five times, there's five 20% chances of the ability activating.
gulp missle doesn't always shoot a pikachu, it shoots, FEESH
or rather arrokuda
That's why I said when shooting a Pikachu, not when shooting an Arrokuda :/

1 Answer

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An Ability that grants a status chances can not be increased by any means but can supported by the following.

If your ability is Poison touch you can use another move that grants the same effect. They will independently work from one another. So it wont be 50/50 but do two checks for both!

If you use a multi hit move like double slap and the such you can try your luck again and again. It just increases your likelihood but not the chances.

For your situation I would use a status move instead such as toxic and not rely on Poison Touch as it grants POI and not TOX (Or regular and badly) then giving Muk the ability stench as it would add a chance to flinch with their contact moves!

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muk is not gonna outspeed much tho, and standard poison is better than no poison.