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I had seen a pokémon soul silver soul silver guide that it was possible to get the Arceus plates that increase the hits of some of the types in SS Aqua by beating the trainers there, but I'm literally going from jotho to Kanto and I don't receive anything, not even a congratulations for beating the ship's crew, if anyone helps me I'd be grateful

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sorry, what exactly are you asking?
They're talking about obtaining the Arceus plates from the captain of the S.S. Aqua. From reading on Bulbapedia,they need to obtain all 16 badges, but other things I'm reading also says they need to beat Red.

I'm not experienced with HGSS so I'm not sure which one it is.

1 Answer

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In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, after the player has obtained all 16 Badges, they can receive gifts from the captain of the S.S. Aqua. Whenever the captain is spoken to in his cabin for the first time on a given day, he will give away one of the Plates. After he has given away all 16 Plates, he will begin to give out Nuggets instead.


In Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver, the captain of the S.S. Aqua will give one away in index number order during each voyage after the player has all 16 Badges, referring to them as rare treasures that he found in Sinnoh.


This walkthrough guide implies you cannot get it on the first trip, as well.

tl;dr, you need to get 16 badges before getting the plates. Return to the ship after getting 16 badges; ship sails from Kanto to Johto every Sunday and Wednesday, and from Johto to Kanto every Monday and Friday.

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