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I've noticed a lot of people say what their Pokemons' EVs are, and I was wondering whether there was a simple way of finding out my Pokemons' EVs.

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5 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

It's easiest to do this in gen 6.
1. save your game
2. use a reset bag
3. write down what EVs your Pokemon lost
4. reset your game
In gen 5 and gen 7 onward, you need a slower method.
1. put feathers (or wings) in your bag equal to the max EVs you can have in a stat (255 in gen 5, 252 in newer games)
2. save your game
3. use feathers until they stop having an effect
4. write down how many feathers you have left
5. reset your game
In older generations, you need less precise methods, such as counting vitamins or EV berries or doing algebra with the stats formula.

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The feather method doesn't work as well if your Pokemon gets 510 EVs before it gets max EVs in its specific stat. You can use a little bit more math to make it work, or you can use EV berries to reset the other 5 stats before trying to count one of them.
1 vote

Not really, most of the People on this site,

Ev Train - Which is where you battle specific pokemon, to get specific Ev's.

So if you don't count up what Ev's you're getting from who, There's no way to tell afterwards.

Although if you know your Pokemon's Iv's ( Individual Values ) Any user with access to Pokemon Online

Could Fill in the Ev's until the stats matched those of your Pokemon.

Okay, thanks for telling me I'll make sure to keep count next time I ev train.
No problem. :]
1 vote

you get ev's from ko'ing other pokemon. so if you knew what every pokemon you've ko'd with that pokemon is then you can tell what your ev's are.

the people listing their ev's are ev training their pokemon so that they get the stat boosts they want from them.

you can use the -base stat +happyness berries to reset your ev's to 0 but that may take a bit of work just to get enough berries to do so.

How can i get the berries in white/black?
The Dream World, Although they take forever, to the point that you could probably Ev train a new one by the time you obtained enough.
1 vote

Prior to Generation VI, there is no way to directly view effort values; from Generation VI onward, the games include a radar chart that indicates a Pokémon's effort values without giving specific numbers.

The way you do this is go to the summary of your Pokemon, than go to where there is the hexagon where at each corner it has the stats. Press x, and it will light up where the evs went to. Unfortunately, it's not complete but can give you some idea, as sparkling means it's maxed out, and around half would be somewhere around 128, around a quarter 64, etc. Using this, you can guesstimate where your evs are. It doesn't work in earlier games, but I thought it was easier than having to reset and retrain things, so I thought it was worth mentioning.

This is easier but less precise than the feather method.
0 votes

No, The only thing you can do is assume. You can also just count or ask this question on the internet.
