The best Fighter Pokemon to be ever created is here to stay. Respect the Champ, ladies and gentlemans. Here we go.
Role: Counter-Tank
Machamp (M) @ Assault Vest
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 116 HP / 140 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Darkest Lariat
- Stone Edge
- Dynamic Punch
- Earthquake (Nice Coverage and a great move)
- Darkest Lariat (Cover weakness and is a great move)
- Stone Edge (Coverage, and a great move)
- Dynamic Punch (Powerful STAB)
This guy is a nasty surprise. It's bulky enough to endure any hit; It can't be OHKO, unless the oponent has already set up a Special Sweeper. E-quake is a great combo, and Darkest Lariat deal with walls, Psychic's and pesky ghosts. Dynamic Punch is a great move with No Guard, so was Stone-Edge. In general, this thing can kill any natural counter that cross his way, and is super-effective against Psychic, Ghost, Normal, Dark, Ice, Steel, Rock, Electric, Poison, Fire, Bug and Flying. Freakin 12 types. Just go, lmao. People will think twice in burning it because of Guts; they don't expect you to survive/play on deffensive. Just go.