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Did Kyurem breed with Reshiram or Zekrom to make the two Kyurems?

(answer yes or no, if no then say how)

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Well Kyurem is the strongest in the Tao Trio he can go into Zekrom and Reshirams spots and become Half Zekrom or Half Reshiram.
ok now i'm gonna give BA to anyone
in bw 2 kyurems pokedex entry says that kyurem is waiting for someone to fill it with truth or ideals

4 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

At some point during the events of Black and White 2, Ghetsis (the leader of Team Plasma) captures Kyurem. Along with the sage Zinzolin and the scientist Colress, he harnesses its power to control the Plasma Frigate -- the ship that serves as Team Plasma's base of operations. He later uses Kyurem's ice powers to freeze Opelucid City and invade it. While Gym Leader Drayden is distracted by grunts, the Shadow Triad steals the DNA Splicers and gives them to Ghetsis.

When the player confronts Ghetsis in the Giant Chasm, he attempts to kill them with Kyurem (who has been removed from the Plasma Frigate). Pokemon Trainer N intervenes with his Zekrom or Reshiram, depending on the version, and saves the player at the last second. He attempts to bring down Ghetsis, but Kyurem proves too powerful, and N's legendary dragon succumbs.

Ghetsis then fuses Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram using the DNA Splicers to create Black or White Kyurem. It then attacks the player in battle, and it must be defeated to split it into two dragons again.

After the player has Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram in the party and the DNA Splicers in the bag, they may fuse Kyurem at any time.

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3 votes

Kyurem got fused which Reshiram or Zekrom during a Plazma experiment I know a guy who's dad works with Pokemon. He told me. Honest.

what i heard is that when Reshiram and Zekrom split Kyurem was created.
Also, Reshiram and Zekrom represent Yin and Yang and Kyurem represents the absence of Yin and Yang
0 votes

Since legendary pokemon cant breed, it is not offspring of zekrom and reshiram, I think that kyurem came on a meteor from outer space, and I only think that by what I have peiced together by talking to the citizens of lacunosa town (in-game). There isn't a lot on that subject, but if I am wrong please correct me.

You're right about the meteor and i now think that w/b kyurem came from outer space...so bravo batman you get the BA!!
If legendary pokemon couldn't breed how is there a baby lugia. In one of the episode in the Johto region a boy found a baby lugia taking care of it and feeding it and in the end of the day it's what it looks like it's mum picks it up and dives back to the ocean again.
That's the anime, I can't explain that but if you dont beleive that legendary Pokemon can't breed, try it. Many legendary Pokemon don't even have genders -cough- lugia -cough-. I can't explain anime logic, like how oshawott can block electric attacks with its scalchop, does that happen in the games?
Kyurem did come from a meteor
0 votes

There Is a person In the Game (dont remember who) who says Zekrom And Reshiram Were once one being and when they disagee'd they split. Kyurem is the Husk of their old body. Pretty disgusting :D Then when Ghetsis wanted Lots of power he put reshiram or zekrom back together with Kyurem, with the Dna Splicers
