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I already have Chucks and Sabrinia


2 Answers

4 votes

Gym Leader #1 - Falkner

Specialty Type: Flying
Time Away From Gym: Monday 00:00-23:59
Rematch Call Window: Saturday Morning
The first gym leader, Falkner, is missing from the gym in the daytime on Mondays. To find him, you will have to go all the way to Celadon City in Kanto. Go into the Department Store and climb to the fourth floor and you will see him with Janine. Talk to him and he'll give you his number. Then, on Saturday Morning, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Falkner Staraptor
Lv. 50 Noctowl
Lv. 52 Swellow
Lv. 52 Honchkrow
Lv. 54 Pelipper
Lv. 48 Pidgeot
Lv. 56

Gym Leader #2 - Bugsy

Specialty Type: Bug
Time Away From Gym: Thursday 00:00-23:59
Rematch Call Window: Thursday Afternoon
The second gym leader, Bugsy, is missing from the gym in the daytime on Thursday. To find him, you will have to go all the way to Viridian Forest. He is near the south entrance, examining a tree. Talk to him and he'll give you his number. Then, on Thursday Afternoon, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Bugsy Shedinja
Lv. 48 Vespiquen
Lv. 52 Pinsir
Lv. 55 Heracross
Lv. 54 Yanmega
Lv. 52 Scizor
Lv. 56

Gym Leader #3 - Whitney

Specialty Type: Normal
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 12:00-16:00
Rematch Call Window: Saturday Afternoon
The third gym leader, Whitney, is missing from the gym in the afternoons. To find her, you just have to go over to the Goldenrod Dept. Store. She is up on the sixth floor. Talk to her and she'll give you her number. Then, on Saturday Afternoon, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Whitney Bibarel
Lv. 54 Lickilicky
Lv. 50 Clefable
Lv. 52 Girafarig
Lv. 52 Delcatty
Lv. 54 Miltank
Lv. 58

Gym Leader #4 - Morty

Specialty Type: Ghost
Time Away From Gym: Monday/Tuesday 00:00-23:59
Rematch Call Window: Tuesday Night
The fourth gym leader, Morty, is missing from the gym in the daytime on Monday. To find him, you will have to go to the Bell Tower. He is standing outside within the golden forest. Talk to him and he'll give you his number. Then, on Tuesday Night, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Morty Driblim
Lv. 52 Dusknoir
Lv. 52 Sableye
Lv. 52 Mismagius
Lv. 54 Gengar
Lv. 57 Gengar
Lv. 57

Gym Leader #5 - Chuck

Specialty Type: Fighting
Time Away From Gym: Never
Rematch Call Window: Wednesday Night
The fifth gym leader, Chuck, never leaves the gym as he trains 24 hours a day. Instead, you have to get his phone number from his wife whom stands outside of the gym. Then, on Wednesday Night, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Chuck Medicham
Lv. 54 Hitmonchan
Lv. 52 Hitmonlee
Lv. 55 Breloom
Lv. 54 Primeape
Lv. 56 Poliwrath
Lv. 60

Gym Leader #6 - Jasmine

Specialty Type: Steel
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 13:00-14:00
Rematch Call Window: Wednesday Afternoon
The sixth gym leader, Jasmine, is missing from the gym most afternoons. To find her, you just have to go over to the Olivine Dining Room. She is up by the counter. Talk to her and she'll give you her number. Then, on Wednesday Afternoon, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Jasmine Bronzong
Lv. 50 Skarmory
Lv. 52 Empoleon
Lv. 52 Metagross
Lv. 52 Magnezone
Lv. 56 Steelix
Lv. 62

Gym Leader #7 - Pryce

Specialty Type: Ice
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 06:00-10:00
Rematch Call Window: Monday Morning
The seventh gym leader, Pryce, is missing from the gym in the mornings. To find him, you will have to go to the Lake of Rage. He is standing by the lake on a small patch of land that you have to surf west to. Talk to him and he'll give you his number. Then, on Monday Morning, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Pryce Abomasnow
Lv. 56 Glalie
Lv. 52 Froslass
Lv. 52 Dewgong
Lv. 58 Walrein
Lv. 54 Mamoswine
Lv. 60

Gym Leader #8 - Clair

Specialty Type: Dragon
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 06:00-10:00
Rematch Call Window: Friday Night
The eigth gym leader, Clair, is missing from the gym most mornings. To find her, you first need to have defeated her and Lance with your Rival in the Dragon's Den. Then, you just have to go into the Dragon's Den. She is down by the water, Talk to her and she'll give you her number. Then, on Friday night, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Clair Dragonair
Lv. 52 Gyarados
Lv. 56 Aerodactyl
Lv. 52 Charizard
Lv. 52 Kingdra
Lv. 56 Dragonite
Lv. 60

Kanto Gym Leader #1 - Brock

Specialty Type: Rock
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 12:00-15:00
Rematch Call Window: Saturday Night
The nineth gym leader, Brock, is missing from the gym in most afternoons. To find him, you will have to go to the Diglett Cave. Enter through the entrance in Route 2. Talk to him and he'll give you his number. Then, on Saturday Night, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Brock Golem
Lv. 55 Relicanth
Lv. 54 Omastar
Lv. 56 Kabutops
Lv. 55 Rampardos
Lv. 57 Onix
Lv. 61

Kanto Gym Leader #2 - Misty

Specialty Type: Water
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 16:00-18:00
Rematch Call Window: Wednesday Morning
The tenth gym leader, Misty, is missing from the gym on most evenings. To find her, you to go to Route 25. After you have defeated or captured Suicune, she is found right at the end of the cape, staring out into sea. Then, on Wednesday Morning, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Misty Quagsire
Lv. 56 Lapras
Lv. 56 Lanturn
Lv. 54 Floatzel
Lv. 54 Milotic
Lv. 60 Starmie
Lv. 60

Kanto Gym Leader #3 - Lt. Surge

Specialty Type: Electric
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 09:00-12:00
Rematch Call Window: Friday Morning
The eleventh gym leader, Lt. Surge, is missing from the gym most days between 9am and 12pm. He is found outside the Power Plant after you have captured Zapdos. Talk to him and he'll ask to see a Pikachu. Show him the Pikachu and he'll give you his number. Then, on Friday Morning, you can arrange a rematch

Lt. Surge Magnezone
Lv. 52 Electrode
Lv. 52 Manectric
Lv. 52 Electivire
Lv. 56 Pachirisu
Lv. 58 Raichu
Lv. 60

Kanto Gym Leader #4 - Erika

Specialty Type: Grass
Time Away From Gym: Saturday/Sunday 15:00-17:00
Rematch Call Window: Sunday Morning
The twelfth gym leader, Erika, is missing from the gym on Sunday Afternoon. To find her, you need to go to Celadon City's fountain where she is discussing Sinnoh's Super Contests with Jasmine. Then, on Sunday Afternoon, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Erika Jumpluff
Lv. 53 Victreebel
Lv. 56 Bellossom
Lv. 56 Shiftry
Lv. 54 Roserade
Lv. 55 Tangrowth
Lv. 60Night, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Here Is the rest cause I couldn't fit them all:

Kanto Gym Leader #5 - Janine

Specialty Type: Poison
Time Away From Gym: Any Day 16:00-18:00
Rematch Call Window: Monday Daytime
The thirteenth gym leader, Janine, is missing from the gym on most evenings. To find her, you need to go to the Reception Gate via Victory Road, Route 28, Route 22 or Route 27. She is found near the Route 22 entrance. Then, on Monday Afternoon, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Janine    Ariados
Lv. 58    Toxicroak
Lv. 52    Weezing
Lv. 56    Drapion
Lv. 55    Crobat
Lv. 52    Venomoth
Lv. 59

Kanto Gym Leader #6 - Sabrina

Specialty Type: Psychic
Time Away From Gym: Friday 00:00-23:59
Rematch Call Window: Sunday Afternoon
The fourteenth gym leader, Sabrina, is missing from the gym on Friday night. To find her, you to go to the Olivine City Harbor. She is found right next to the SS Aqua Talk to her and she'll give you her number. Then, on Sunday Afternoon, you can call her to arrange a rematch

Sabrina    Espeon
Lv. 58    Mr. Mime
Lv. 56    Jynx
Lv. 54    Wobbuffet
Lv. 53    Gallade
Lv. 53    Alakazam
Lv. 60

Kanto Gym Leader #7 - Blaine

Specialty Type: Fire
Time Away From Gym: Tuesday 00:00-23:59
Rematch Call Window: Tuesday Afternoon
The fifteenth gym leader, Blaine, is missing from the gym on Tuesday morning. To find him, you will have to go to Cinnabar Island. He will be looking around his old city. Talk to him and he'll give you his number. Then, on Tuesday Afternoon, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Blaine    Torkoal
Lv. 54    Camerupt
Lv. 57    Rapidash
Lv. 60    Magcargo
Lv. 58    Houndoom
Lv. 54    Magmortar
Lv. 62

Kanto Gym Leader #8 - Blue

Specialty Type: Miscellaneous
Time Away From Gym: Friday (For Photos in Cinnabar) - Phone No. Any Day 15:00-16:00
Rematch Call Window: Sunday Night
The sixteenth gym leader, Blue, is another Gym Leader whom doesn't leave the gym for you to obtain their phone number. Instead, to get his phone number, you have to show a Pokémon of full happiness to his sister, Daisy Oak in Pallet Town after she has massaged your Pokémon 5 times. Once she sees it, she will give you his number. Then, on Sunday Night, you can call him to arrange a rematch

Blue    Machamp
Lv. 69    Arcanine
Lv. 68    Exeggutor
Lv. 67    Rhyperior
Lv. 70    Tyranitar
Lv. 70    Pidgeot
Lv. 72
It took me a while to do this XD
its the same answer as mine you just took the time to write it out.....Thats dedication
2 votes

You have to find them at certain places at certain times. These places and time can be found Here
