Gen 5 OU

Latios @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psychic
- Trick
- Surf
This is a Latios set that uses the rare Psychic. The reason why Psychic is used here instead of something like Dragon Pulse is because this set specifically fits on the rather volatile DragMag offensive teams which absolutely need an answer to mons like Scarf Keldeo and Scarf Terrakion. Scarf Latios with Psychic does just that. Scarf Draco Meteor doesn't OHKO Keldeo or Terrakion, even after Stealth Rock, but Psychic is a clean OHKO without any prior chip. That's 2 major threats to your team down. Latios can't actually switch into them very well if it is weakened by Stealth Rock, but if you cleverly hide your Choice Scarf the enemy will think this is just another Specs or Dragon Gem Latios that gets 2HKOed, or a Scarf Draco - trick - surf - dragon pulse latios that doesn't OHKO and they'll be in for a surprise. Side note: Please don't use Psyshock. Blissey and Chansey are both bad in BW OU. Draco Meteor is your premier wallbreaking tool, especially against weakened teams where PursuitTar is nowhere to be seen. Trick is used to cripple things like Ferrothorn, but only use Trick after Keldeo or Terrakion has gone down. Surf is used to hit Heatran pretty hard, especially since in BW, Heatran most commonly runs an offensive set without much or any Special Defense or HP investment.

Trap and remove Steel types like Skarmory and Ferrothorn which would otherwise annoy Latios. This opens up opportunities for it to dart in and out of battle with Draco Meteor until it is time to get rid of Terrakion or Keldeo with Psychic.

Specially defensive Jirachi is the preferred Stealth Rock setter on Dragmag that can bring in Latios safely with its U-turn.

I really like Substitute + Swords Dance Salac Berry Garchomp with Scarf Latios. Chomp has the ability to threaten and scare out most Tyranitar sets barring the Choice Scarf set which carries Ice Beam, but Garchomp will usually still force a switch because of how popular Scarf Garchomp is on Dragmag and because Tyranitar users don't want to risk unintentionally sacking their best Latios check. With this, Garchomp can safely set up Substitute and use Swords Dance.