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5 votes

which is better they have the same type combo and the same base stat i like really hard hitting fast pokemon wit good movesets

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2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Well, Jirachi is faster than Metagross. However, there are things in both of their favor.

Metagross: With the powerful Meteor Mash attck, Metagross is a force to be reckoned with, especially when taking into acount the high attack stat. It can also know the powerful Earthquake attack. Lower Speed is not that much of a problem with Metagross, it has Agility and Bullet Punch. It also has a higher defense stat than Jirachi. Clear Body is also a useful ability.

Jirachi: Serene Grace is a great ability, doubling the chance of a secondary effect, which can work very well with Thunder. Doom Desire is a powerful move, although I think Meteor Mash is better.

My opinion is that Metagross is a better Pokemon, and with Bullet Punch or Agility (Metagross has the defensive stats to set this up, and Clear Body makes it so that the foe is hard-pressed to get rid of it) it can be made to fit your battle style.

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I'l go with Metagross too. As long as it knows meteor mash its safe to go to the elite 4 if you ask me.
I know this is an old question but FYI you can in fact get a Jirachi with Meteor Mash from an event !
Solgaleo will always be the best :/
0 votes

If Metagross didn't have a mega, both would be equal.

They both have 600 base stat, they both have useful abilities (but clear body is better than serene grace in my opinion) and they both have very good movepools.

If you can get mega metagross, replace Jirachi with it, because the mega's base stats are 700.

The only problem is that Metagross isn't that fast, however, speed is not that important (especially with its other stats).

Jirachi is better than regular Metagross because it's faster, has access to u-turn, and gets a 60% flinch chance from iron head. Remember, just because two Pokemon have the same BSTs doesn't mean they're the same. Stat distribution matters a lot.