So If your friends are all just fighting or if a person makes up a new account to defend themselves, you can override a kick pretty easily.
A proper democracy assumes that everyone has the best interests for everyone. If anyone is biased or has a selfish desire, the whole thing falls apart. If that were the case, there wouldn't be any need for the kick in the first place.
I've been seeing this pop up quite a bit, but I don't know why people are acting like mods are really quick to jump at people without warning. Kicks come after several warnings, and even it if war unwarranted, it's 10 minutes, and is much easier to have the off chance of a mod being "unfair" (note, after several warnings we don't have to give, as well as an explanation of why the person in question is being kicked, all to go out of the way to be as fair as possible to people) than it is to have to constantly deal with everyone trying to override everyone.
Thank you for spitting in every mod's face. :)