Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

This system would help us (users) to see and weigh by value which additions to answers are more valuable.

The system isn't a popularity contest enabler; it is, ultimately, to improve one's gaming experience.
Well it's actually quite easy to tell which comments have to do with the answer/question. If it's not obvious or is random, then they are generally hidden. Sorry I just don't see much point in it :/
While your opinion is valid, some people might not be able to tell what is good advice or not. (Say new users, for example)
"With the liking system, we could see which advice is more valuable, and which should be taken with a grain of salt" - that is exactly like the answer system. I see no difference.

In any case, if there's advice that's not practical/ good, more experienced users will call it out.

Also, I know it's shocking, but comments are sometimes... just comments? They don't need to be pieces of advice, or any extra information, but are actually opinions, or just random observations. I don't think it would be fair to give or take points for someone's opinions.
So true ^

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

This is actually a decent idea. If there are a lot of comments you don't always want to read through everything to figure out which comments are good information and which are... just comments.

However, with the way the current system works it would be a little difficult to add this easily.

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