Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Can we rate questions and answers with stars or emoticons?

It feels quite redundant to have two voting systems, one is enough.
maybe swap the voting up for star ratings
Why replace a system that works?
The up-vote and down-vote system is already good enough... I don't think rating with stars will change anything...
Yeah I don't really find this necessary...

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Flafpert is spot on in the comments:

It feels quite redundant to have two voting systems, one is enough.

The current system is sort of a rating out of 3:

  • 1 star = bad = downvote
  • 2 stars = OK = no vote
  • 3 stars = good = upvote

There's no point adding extra complexity for no real benefit.

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