OK so the first part was quite successful and plenty of people showed an interest and provided some great samples. The next stage is to write more of them!
I have set up a simple spreadsheet on Google Docs with a list of Pokemon. The people who wrote good stuff on the first thread will shortly be added as editors so they can mark which Pokemon they want to do and write their stuff.
EDIT: looks like this is called Google Drive now. It's at https://drive.google.com - I think to make your own docs you need a Google account. If you have problems or don't want to use Drive then use Pastebin.com
Spreadsheet is here
Note: If it wasn't clear on the first thread, you need to write an example first before you get added. This is so I can give any tips and help before you spend time writing tons of them that get rejected.
- Pick a Pokemon you want to write about.
- Put your name next to that Pokemon to "claim" it so others know you are doing that one. To make it fair, don't claim more than 3 Pokemon in advance at a time. Once you have done those you can do more.
- Write it in your own document (on Google Drive or Pastebin), following the guidelines on the previous thread. Click the "Share" button then under "Who has access" click "Change..." and select "Anyone with the link" and save.
- Copy the URL where it says "Link to share" and put it the third column of the spreadsheet.
Example: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-xPBh6LajQPEke409C5B3exJO19_tlyQJXC7M4owG3M/edit?usp=sharing
You can put all your intros into one doc, that's probably easier. Just put the link by each Pokemon you do. One small change to the guidelines is that the first sentence will now be auto-generated, but I would recommend putting that in just so you remember. For me it helps with the flow of writing.
Also be sure to check out what others are writing so you can pick up ideas and tips and so on.
Answer below if you have any questions!