Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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I was on RMT just now, and accidentally hid my answer. I unhid it, then edited to make the answer better. And got this message when I clicked "Save changes": I have over 100 RMT points, Expert status, and I've never gotten that before. What the heck?

knightofdragon said anything you hide then reshow has to be approved by a Mod, but I've done that on Pokebase before..
I'm not sure exactly how this works, because I rarely check the Admin page on Meta and RMT, as there's rarely anything there, but I have noticed that some users who had loads of points and such where having stuff they had edited needing approved. This isn't a glitch, it's intentional, but I don't know how it works exactly.
Actually it is a glitch, I haven't got around to fixing it yet.

1 Answer

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Hiding then reshowing a comment / answer on any site section then further editing means it needs approving

I guess it's to make sure that it's "appropriate" after it was hidden and all.

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