Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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You read the title I have 30 points in pokebase due to a recent upvote and I
edited my annhilape moveset post and it showed after editing that my answer will be checked and approved shortly. Why did it show that?


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

You need more points to post without approval on old threads than new ones. The cutoff for what is considered an “old” post is a few months, though I don’t remember specifically how many. This typically only applies to moveset or ingame team threads.

To post without moderation on old posts, you need 200 points.

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If you got the upvote in a different section than the question you edited, it would still check and approve it. This is because points aren't shared in each section. For instance, I've like 50 points in meta, but my rmt question had to be checked and approved.

I have 50 points on meta and 30 points on pokebase