Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes
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Why do you think you should be able to hide someone else's question?
because other users keep hiding my questions like Pokewatt and |SentByRavens| well some questions
The people who hide your questions are editors and mods, people who have been given the privilege to hide any post instead of just your own.

Those people are all excellent users who know what they are doing and are people who have used the site for a long time.

You aren't an editor or mod, so you can't hide anything but your own posts.
If we just let everyone hide each others posts, you can imagine what a wreck this site would be.
Why the down vote? It's a decent question.

1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

You have too little points and your ranking is too low to hide other people's questions. Editors and above can hide. However, you can hide your own stuff.

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Points is a deciding factor in hiding stuff. All Editors and Mods have high points, but there's not a limit on how many points they must have to become one of those ranks. They've just been around long enough and contributed enough to be one of those ranks, hence the usually high points they have.
Well, that is what I'm saying. Why would pokemaster pick people with barely any points? That is why I added that.
Well, Josh is an Editor and he reset his points for a while. No one skips, so you do technically need 6000.
Well yeah but Josh didn't get Editor while he was at 20 points he had a lot they just reset :P