Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I'll say what everyone wants to say. The current League sucks. I will make this very simple.

The league is not in a good state. Ever since DT ran it, we have had

  • Poor management.
  • Too many complaints.
  • No control.
  • Too much revision. Once rules are set, they are set. We could have week periods every so often to suggest revisions.
  • Insanely stupid rules.

To fix this, I have taken it upon myself to try and make it funner. I have a few systems in mind. I'd like to run it, because I mostly ran the first one and it was so far the most successful.

In these we would use Gen 6.


8 different metagames. The E4 has 4 different metagames. Champion is any.

Start at Circle 1. These are less veteran battlers. Defeat 4, go to Circle 2 of more experienced battlers. Defeat 4, go to the E4. Defeat all 4 in a row, move to the champion. Lose to the champion, face the champion tomorrow.

Rules for challengers:
All battles are two of three.
If you lose, you may ask for a rematch, but the leader can decline for the day.
You must defeat 4 people before moving to the next circle.
Standard clauses are in effect. Learn them before you challenge.
If you lose to the E4, you have to beat the others again.

Rules for Leaders / E4 / Champion:
No declining challengers because you are "tired".
If you beat a challenger, you can decline further challenges from them for that day.
You may ban certain things. The only things you may ban are
- Hazards.
- Xtremekiller.
- Weather.
- Serene Grace.
- Smashpassing.

Rules for everyone:
If you think you lost unfairly, too bad.

Circle One - 4 People. You may challenge in any order,
Circle Two - 4 People.
Circle E4 - The E4.
The Champion.

Game System

- We go by type. 8 gyms, 8 types. E4 can pick whatever type as long as all E4 are different. Champion is mixed.
- Gym 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. All gyms use a unique type.
- E4 1, 2, 3, 4. They all use a unique type, you may see a type used in the Gyms.
- Champion. Mixed types.
- You must go in order. At the E4 / Champion, if you lose you go back to E4 1.
- Because you could easily make a counter(like making a team of fairies for the dragon gym), you use one team throughout.

Rules for challengers:
All battles are two of three.
If you lose, you may ask for a rematch, but the leader can decline for the day.
Standard clauses are in effect. Learn them before you challenge.
You challenge in order.
If you lose to a member of the E4 or Champion, you go back to E4 1.

Rules for Leaders / E4 / Champion:
No declining challengers because you are "tired".
If you beat a challenger, you can decline further challenges from them for that day.
You may ban certain things. The only things you may ban are
- Hazards.
- Xtremekiller.
- Weather.
- Serene Grace.
- Smashpassing.

Rules for everyone:
If you think you lost unfairly, too bad.
One team for the whole league.

Circle / Games:

- We go by type. 8 gyms, 8 types. E4 can pick whatever type as long as all E4 are different. Champion is mixed.
- Gym 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. All gyms use a unique type.
- E4 1, 2, 3, 4. They all use a unique type, you may see a type used in the Gyms.
- Champion. Mixed types.
- Because you could easily make a counter(like making a team of fairies for the dragon gym), you use one team throughout.

Start at Circle 1. These are less veteran battlers. Defeat 4, go to Circle 2 of more experienced battlers. Defeat 4, go to the E4. Defeat all 4 in a row, move to the champion. Lose to the champion, face the champion tomorrow.

Rules for challengers:
All battles are two of three.
If you lose, you may ask for a rematch, but the leader can decline for the day.
You must defeat 4 people before moving to the next circle.
Standard clauses are in effect. Learn them before you challenge.
If you lose to the E4, you have to beat the other E4 again.

Rules for Leaders / E4 / Champion:
No declining new challengers because you are "tired".
If you beat a challenger, you can decline further challenges from them for that day.
You may ban certain things. The only things you may ban are
- Hazards.
- Xtremekiller.
- Weather.
- Serene Grace.
- Smashpassing.

Rules for everyone:
If you think you lost unfairly, too bad.
One team for the whole league.

I'm going to leave answers. Upvote what we should do. Do not answer this page, if you want, leave a comment.

I'm sorry this got out of control. I went inactive due to my anger, but it doesn't seem resolved. But many have complained about the current league. This was to stop it.
ok guys.  I didn't mean to make everyone feel bad. Admittedly, I've been in a pretty bad mood too, which is why I've been kind of inactive on the site.
You still hold a valid point, Ninja. Plenty of people see problems with the current league, I'm just not one of them.
I feel that an actual person in the league needs to share their insight...

1. The League has little wrong with it. And no matter what your argument is, you know this is the most rational statement. However, there is a whole lot of wrong stuff that prevents the league from being successful.
***We are too biased when picking gym leaders*** (main point of this comment). Sure, the league is meant to be challenging, but when you pick top tier battlers (Mewderator), and then expect average battlers (say, someone who's been battling for 2 months) to somehow defeat them, that's absurdly wrong. Also, if we are not rid of the bias, then we face another problem. There is way too many league staff and not enough challengers. Sure, the league staff can challenge the league, but do you really think they'd get out of their comfort zone to do it? In the game, the purpose is to be the "strongest" trainer after you beat the league. However, in this situation,  the staff dont really have a necessity to be recognized as "the strongest" because they are already staff. The biased way they were picked shows to the average challenger that he's crap compared to them, and that they'll take years to surpass the league (metaphorically speaking).

2. Tiers. To be honest, this is the absolute reason why this league isn't getting challenged, and this brings in the bias factor as well. Lets say Kyron is the OU Monotype GL in the league, and im some average challenger. You all surely know by now that Kyron is absolutely one of the best on this site, only rivaled by Mew and Enoch in Monotype. Yet, when it comes time for Lenub to go fight him for the badge, we forget the fact that i dont have the intellect of OU monotype that Kyron has, nor do i know have experience. So i fight him, get 5-0'd, and decide to give up there because i absolutely have no chance against him. And maybe you could say " Well, get someone to tutor you to get better". Thing is, tutor program is dead as well. So this leaves new challengers who arent as skilled as our staff to feel all on their own against such powerful battlers, hence why they decide never to battle the league again

3. Inactivity. Seriously, half of our staff have busy schedules, and the other half never even get on. And basically every user on the DB has either a job or has school, which absorbs a good 8-10 hours of the day in which we could use. For example: Ben is a really busy guy, but inactive, due to his studies and and football activities. On the other hand, Flare is hardly around anymore, and that's probably for his own good and personal reasons. But we have no replacements for them because our "good" battlers are limited, and we dont want some low scrubs from the ladder, like Lenub #2. So we keep them there and hope they'll come back.This again, is another statement that we must bring into consideration that we should...
-Lower the amount of gl staff
-stop being so biased when it comes to making a league.
-stop starting a league when everyone isnt even around

So in conclusion, we just really need to fix up these points and we ought to be good to go. (And drop the hax issue all in all)
Everything LB said I agree with.

Point 2: I didn't look at it that way before, but my god is he right. However, the only way I see to fix this is the Games system, which people aren't favoring. I know Amethyst uses this, and it goes well.

Also Blob, you are a little outnumbered in this "hax" issue.
Er I apologize if I seemed out of turn. Im going through some pretty rough relationship stuff. So im pretty down and out. I meant no disrespect to anyone :P.

Well, the league should go on as it is, and then if problems arrive we change it. Changing it before we even get real experience feedback is still a bit silly, but post feedback should be fair nuff. Agreed?

5 Answers

9 votes

Leave it as is.

i leik this one
5 votes

Yes new league, Circle system.

This one. Also, if we make it Gen 6, the league would HAVE to be put off until tiers are in place and everyone adapts to the metagame (to avoid sucky GLs [liek meself qq]).
I liek this one.
2 votes

Just hide everything with the league.

1 vote

Yes new league, Games System.

0 votes

Yes new league, Games / Circle System.
