Meta-PokéBase Q&A
4 votes

Quick note: This is going through with Mike's approval.

Matchups - Final Round!

Lust vs Generekt

Matchups - Round 2

Lust vs ☠ĐarkĦeart☠ Winner: Lust
hotcakes vs Generekt Winner: Generekt

Matchups - Round 1

Generekt vs Amiable Angemon Winner: Generekt (Amiable Anglemon has been DQed)
☠ĐarkĦeart☠ vs Akely Winner: ☠ĐarkĦeart☠
Torterra02 vs Lust Winner: Lust
hotcakes vs Kawaii Terlor Winner: hotcakes


  • Standard Smogon Clauses
  • Each match will be a BEST TWO OUT OF THREE. This is to try limit the effects of hax and try allow the more skilled player to get through. THE SAME TEAM WILL BE USED FOR THOSE 2 or 3 BATTLES
  • You may switch teams every round. Not every battle.
  • OU Tier Obv
  • SAVE THE REPLAY. Post is as a comment under this post. You may also get one of the Judges to watch your match (For the record that's Aeternis, Stay_Silent, Flame., Sempiternus, &Psychic x and MrKijani)
  • All dates for deadlines will be in US.
  • If you do not meet the deadline YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED (The player who isn't ready that is). Don't need GLs who don't have the time to be GLs.
  • In regards to the above rule, a decision will be made on a later date if both players are ready, but due to time constraints are unable to meet at the same time.
  • Baton Pass chains are banned <--- immediete DQ if you do this scrub.

Also: If you feel that you unfairly lost you can appeal to one of the Judges.
However we'll just ignore you.
Unless Mike would like to overule that? c;

OU Tourney - DB League

So you guys all know about the DB League
We're having trouble deciding on two leaders - OU and UU
(Kyron wants to be OU Mono apparently... according to Mike o3o)

I've heard a couple users suggest this - decide it with a Tourney. Mike ended up suggesting it to me as well, so lets go ahead with this o3o!

As you can guess - this tourney will put into consideration the position of the OU GL, not a guarantee.

Also final thing. WINNING THIS WILL NOT GARUNTEE YOU THE SPOT. It means that you will PROBABLY get the spot. If you somehow won your finals due to a 20 turn freeze or some bs when the opponent would obviously have won without that... P: yeah we're eliminating that.

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How are amigable angemon supposed to battle? he´s banned
Cos he's not o.O?
He's banned from the server.
then go to another server >.> as long as we still get replays. If we cant get replays and none of us was there you'll have to re-do the battle.
gdi battle plz :I

8 Answers

4 votes

why the hell not

US central timezone
showdown names: TechnoBlastBoy

3 votes

Aww yeah!!

Polite Patamon

US Eastern timezone

Pokemon Showdown! names: Polite Patamon, Smelly Jellyfish, Polite Poyomon, Angry Angemon, and any other Digimon name (except for Kazemon and WarGreymon) you see as well as most other names with a pre-fix of Polite. :P

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3 votes

n b

Pokemon Showdown Name: Hotcakes or Queen Cakey.
Timezone: EST (GMT -5).
Times Available: Its Summer, so whenever you need me!

vs. Kawaii Terlor - R1/R2

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GG WP ..
3 votes

You can have this person as the UU leader; I said I would do it if I was asked

Anyways, I'll just join this because it sounds like something to make my summer break go by slightly faster.

You dont need my timezone. Just post on my wall whenever the time's good for you, and I'll accomodate to your schedule. See what a nice guy I am? lol :]

Lenub is da name, defeating Hotcakes is my game!

2 votes

Count me in, nubs.

Kawaii Terlor (Terlor)


Showdown names:
Tommen I
Kawaii Terlor

0 votes

Let´s lose!

Name Akely
Timezone : GMT+1 (CET)
Showdown names = Kawaii Natsu, HentaiBoobsX3, Akely

0 votes

Name: ☠ĐarkĦeart☠
GMT: +0530 (Indian Standard Time)
Showdown names : MegaFusionBolt, TrollLikeABoss

Me vs Kawaii Natsu Replay 1 Replay 2

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"GMT: +0530" ummm what?
5 hours and 30 minutes
Between +5 and +6 time zones, so it's basically +0530
0 votes

I'm in!

  • Name:


  • Showdown! Names:


Torterra Master

  • Timezone:

