Meta-PokéBase Q&A
12 votes

With a message telling people to go there if they want to Role Play. I think I speak for all the moderators when I say dealing with it on the regular chat is a pain. My avatar and Darkness demands it.

I am Knightofdragon and I disapprove of disapproving of any of the messages above IndigoSapphire's. I however, approve of disapproving of Indigo Sapphire's message. :D?
Gud idea though
just a link in general to showdown so it gets more people, as not everyone knows about it
I am Arcarmon, and I approve this idea, as well as all of my messages. And Pokenubz, Knightof, Indigo, Poke'Slash, Pika and Jaja's approval are approved. Tricky ?
Not everyone can get showdown to work though.
Haunter, most of the people here plays it. Me, like you, we don't play it. It seems that either my Laptop hates it to get its voice engine no longer working, or Showdown! needs some requirements that I do not have. But for the other? Are you the only user?

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