Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I'm a total nobody, and I want to change that...
I've tried to answer peoples' questions, but almost everything is either something I don't know, or already has a quality answer. I'm generally respectful, and help out when I can, but things never seem to go my way...

retagged by
Your welcome. :D
What did the tags used to be?
"retag" and "please". :3
It took me months to make some friends, and now I got a decent amount. Everyone used to know me, but now, all the people who joined last November and on don't really know me, as I'm inactive.
... i know alot about pokemon, i'm 23 and have been continuously playing each version since '96, when an older sibling foisted a hand-me-down original game boy and pokemon blue on me to encourage dad to get them the purple GB color and yellow. I'm a nobody on this site, too. many times, i give a good answer, and it gets ignored, but the point is to get that two cents out there, because somebody will see it and actually need it. the style-points question recently asked, for example, the 'best question' is quick and does not cover alot, but i am waiting for my answer, which came from the guide, to show up. it goes in-depth as to what you do to become more stylish and what rewards you get. i dont care if i get votes up, i just want it visible in case someone needs it. dont feel bad- this site really isnt set up to be a social network, thats what Facebook is for.

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

JaJa all r00ls no leeway.

Anyways, I used to be a "nobody" as you say as well. However, I've used a variety of tactics and made a couple of good friends on PokeBase. Here's a few of them:

  • Interact On Chat. Talk to knowledgeable people like DT, JarJar, "Indigo" (not really), fondant, Pokenubz, or anyone that comes onto chat (don't worry, they won't bite (unless you say something stupid)).
  • Also talk to everyone else, too. Don't butter up mods either, they will just scrape the butter off, and proceed to throw the butter on your face.
  • Use good grammar and sources on answers/questions. For a question like "What is a good moveset for Charizard X?" Nobody likes answers like this:

my mega charzard x is so good it knows flamethrowr fly erthquake n dragon claw it beets evry1

  • Instead, use good grammar and sources like this:

I find Serebii's "I wanna be A REAL Dragon!" Charizard moveset good. I use Fire Blast, Air Slash, Roost, and Dragon Claw. Dragon Claw has coverage and STAB in its Mega Evolution, Roost is a viable recovery move that works in conjunction with Life Orb and removes some of its weaknesses, and Fire Blast/Air Slash has nice STAB for Charizard.

  • Ask specific questions and have specific answers. No explanation needed here.

  • Interact on Showdown! 98% of the site go on Showdown and do competitive battling. Having a good competitive battle with someone on Showdown can come a long way as not only a respected user, but a respected battler. The only exception to this, however, is Indigo. She's just too dumb to go on Showdown! because she's doing Indigo... stuff...

  • Don't be a total jerktissue. People don't respect people that swear a ton, talk bad to users, or egotistic "know-it-all" people that actually know a negative amount of things. Be yourself and don't try to act cool on chat or in your answers, or people will hate you.

  • Answer on other sections of the site. Even though PokeBase is the main section of the site, Meta and Battle Subway are good places to form connections and prove your knowledge as well.

edited by
You're mean, Le Scraf. xD
JaJa all rules no leeway
I bet I'm more intelligent than you. :P
and I bet... you're wrong! :P
Most of this never worked for me, on chat, lots of people ignore me, im not a jerk at all. nothing worked for me on here...