Well, I guess my half-assed tour suggestion got 18 votes so its next on the list now that Pokenubz's tourney has ended. No matter, because this is gonna be a fun tour :D! This will be 16-man (or woman :l) tournament and because its a mixed tier tour, this will be a 5th gen tournament, as the tiers in 6th gen have not been properly set up. However, if that remains unpopular, we could just switch over to X&Y and use Limbo tiers instead.
- Played in 5th gen Ubers
- Species, Sleep, Evasion, OHKO, Moody clauses are in effect.
- 1 Uber Pokemon, 1 OU, 2 UU, 1 RU, 1 NU
- Latios/Latias may not hold Soul Dew
- DrizzleSwim is banned
- Sand Veil and Snow Cloak abilities are banned
- SmashPass is banned
- If your NU Pokemon faints, you lose, and your opponent moves onto the next round
- No changing teams, replays are REQUIRED.
If I missed any bans just let me know P;>
Signing Up
Once the 16th man has registered for the tournament, signups will be closing. If you miss the signups, however, you may comment as a substitute. Substitutes will replace the drop-out in the first round only.
When signing up, please use this template:
Pokemon Showdown Names: Showdown Names
Timezone: Timezone
Times Available: Normal hours of activity on either Pokemon Showdown or DB Chat. Also include days you might not be available.
Round 1 Matchups
Kronos vs. Pokenubz Winner: Kronos
Sempiternus vs. DanH1995 Winner: Sempiternus
tazzie vs. Poke'slash Winner: tazzie
Ionization vs dr-dude-of-bananas Winner: Ionization
JarJar~ vs. i suck qq Winner: i suck qq
Ninja vs. Le Scraf Winner: Ninja
Flafpert vs. Dr.Flame Winner: Dr.Flame
MrKijani vs. Pikamaster Winner: MrKijani
*JarJar~ accepts the disqualification. No substitutes responded.
Round 2 Matchups
Ninja vs. tazzie Winner: tazzie
Ionization vs. Dr.Flame Winner: Dr.Flame
Kronos vs. MrKijani Winner: MrKijani
Sempiternus vs. I suck qq Winner: Sempiternus
Round 3 Matchups
Dr.Flame vs. tazzie Winner: Dr.Flame
MrKijani vs. Sempiternus Winner: MrKijani
Final Round!
Dr. Flame vs. MrKijani Winner: Dr.Flame
Congrats Dr.Flame :D!
Original Post