Meta-PokéBase Q&A
6 votes

Before I start this, I hope this post won't cause to much controversy as it will only be temporary and once the tier is made this post will be hidden.

The Idea:
The idea is that I will create a tier for the server which is built solely around the community's ideas. Once all the ideas have been compiled into one, I will make the tier and release it onto the server so we have a more unique way of battling.

What can you do?
Basically I need you to post an answer with suggestions for what the tier could or couldn't have. Please make your post easy to read any keep personal preferences like "Every time I enter a battle I get +1 on all my Pokemon" and such. The list below is all the types of areas you can suggest a change in:

- Banlist (Pokemon, Abilities, Items, Moves)
- New Moves
- New abilities
- Generation selection


  • New Weather
  • New status
  • New Pokemon (Hard now that 3D models were introduced.)

If you think there's something else I can add it just comment below as there as probably more things I could add in. Also feel free to suggest a more Original name as 'DB tier' isn't to thrilling now is it?

Example Answer:

Name: Sciz's tier!
Banlist: Scyther
New abilities: Flashfirenician - Technician + Flash Fire (Scizor only)
New Weather: Insect Apocolypse - Boosts all Bug types move's by +1

Of-course this is a very peculiar example and would most likely not be taken into consideration so keep your answers reasonable.

Make sure to upvote the answers you would like to see in the tier. If an answer has some aspects hat you'd like to see and others you would pop a comment on it saying what you'd like to see. Posting a suitable answer on this thread will get you a point on the server because I need all the suggestions I can get.

Thanks for your input!

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That's...just mean ;~;
I'm sorryy...... NOT >:D
Reuniclus Psyhic-Ghost mega.  130HP/ 75 Atk/  75 Def /160 Sp.atk/ 110 Sp.def/ 10 speed. Gets Trickstart as an ability. Starts Trick Room on entry or when mega evolves for 5-8 turns.
Reuniclus could also be Psyhic-Fairy, or just Pure Psychic.
I did a post with MANY things, and I also added duel-type moves and special effects and their concepts. Check out my post to see them!
For those ideas of 'Nighttime', the moves/abilities can be 'Call of the Night', 'Nightfall' or 'Sunset'

20 Answers

9 votes

New Weather

Smog: all Pokemon except Poison and Steel take damage under Smog. Boosts poison moves by 20%, reduces Fairy moves by 20%, Toxic's accuracy becomes 100%, Hurricane does 50% more damage and Thunder's accuracy drops to 50%. Aromatherapy clears the field of Smog if used by a grass type Pokemon. Boosts the Special Defence of Poison Pokemon. Moonlight, Morning Sun and Synthesis will only recover 1/4 HP. Weather Ball changes into Poison type. Harvest's chances of restoring a berry are dropped to 25%.

Mildew: ups the power of Bug, Dark and Water type moves by 50%, lowers the power of Grass and Fire type moves by 50%. Dry Skin activates under Mildew and will restore 1/16 of health. Flying Pokemon are unaffected by the power boosts/ drops. Moonlight, Morning Sun and Synthesis will only recover 1/4 HP. Weather Ball changes into Bug type.

Rain (reworked): prevents Self-destruct and Explosion.

Acid Rain: hybrid weather; happens when a Pokemon with Drizzle and Smog enter the field simultaneously, or when Rain Dance and Smog are used on the same turn. Fairy, Grass and fire types moves are reduced by 50%, Poison and Water type moves are boosted by 50%, all Pokemon except Poison & Steel take damage. Growth will be unusable under Acid Rain. Moonlight, Morning Sun and Synthesis will only recover 1/4 HP. Weather Ball changes into a dual type move, Poison/ Water. Does not activate Hydration, and Pokemon with Dry Skin will take damage unless Poison type. Harvest's chances of restoring a berry are dropped to 25%.
Acid Rain does not happen if either Smog or Rain is up and the other weather is introduced afterwards.

New Abilities

Panic: causes all Pokemon on the field to have a 20% chance of selecting a move at random, disobeying their trainer's directions. Pokemon with Own Tempo are immune.

Paradox: Causes certain non-damaging moves to have the opposite effect, e.g. when Taunt is used on or by a Pokemon with Paradox, it will cause the Pokemon to only be able to use non-damaging moves.

Solar panel: Dry Skin for Drought; restores 1/8 of health in harsh sunlight and grants immunity to Solarbeam, instead absorbing it as +25% of health.

Pollinate: Adaptability for Bug Pokemon. Boosts a Bug STAB from x1.5 to x2. {Outside of battle effect} More likely to produce eggs at a daycare.

Pollution: Smog's corresponding ability; summons Smog for 5 turns.

Acid Cloud: boosts evasion by 20% in Smog and Acid Rain.

Blight: Restores 1/16 health in Smog and Acid Rain. Outside of Smog and Acid Rain, has a 30% flinch chance when the opposing Pokemon makes contact with a Pokemon that has Blight.

Fester: Mildew's corresponding ability; summons Mildew for 5 turns.

Clammy: boosts evasion by 20% in Mildew.

Seepage: restores 1/8 of health every turn in Mildew.

Slippery soles: boosts speed by x1.5 in Mildew.

New Items

Toxic Waste: extends the duration of Smog from 5 to 8 turns.

Mouldy Rock: extends the duration of Mildew from 5 to 8 turns.

New Moves

Contaminate: summons Smog for 5 turns.

Mildew: summons Mildew for 5 turns.

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I was just wondering if it was really necessary to make the two abilities if there is a chance they will get banned.
Nope it was totally not necessary at all. I got really carried away and just went for it.
Maybe go for a Chlorophyll/Swift Swim ability or Rain Dish/Ice Body like ability? Or make one up with a unique effect :0!
I wish you could do the hybrid weathers on separate turns, like

Pokémon 1  used Rain Dance!

Return, Pokémon 1!

Go! Pokémon 2!

Pokémon 2 used Smog!

The smog mixed with the rain and formed Acid Rain!

( the turns should also be maxed, like:
1st Turn:
 Rain: 2 turns left

*Pokémon uses Smog*
2nd Turn:

Acid Rain: 5 turns left.
That would make things a bit too complicated; one weather should clear another weather, like it always does.
5 votes

all pokemons With unreleased hidden abilities can have them

what about this D/P Battle mode called "tag Battles"?

enter image description here

trainer 1         trainer 3
trainer 2         trainer 4 

so you Battle in doubles With Your partner against two other trainers. i think this could be a fun and challenging mode as you dont know what Your opponent is thinking, and i haven't seen it on any PS servers before...

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4 votes

Reduced Hax Clause:
Brightpowder and Quick Claw are banned.
Due to these items relying solely on luck, I believe they should be treated as OHKO moves or Evasion moves, which are already banned.

Move: Hidden Force
Various type
Physical Attack
Power 60
Accuracy 100
PP 15 (max. 24)
A unique attack that varies in type and intensity depending on the Pokémon using it.
Hidden Force is basically Hidden Power but physical, allowing physical Pokemon to experience the same coverage as Special ones.

Ancient Rune
Extends the duration of Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room, Gravity, Taunt and Tailwind by 3 turns.
This item would make these normally quirky moves a force to be reckoned with, without letting them dominate the the competitive field.

Status Alignment X
The user's Special Attack is halved, and the afflicted lose 12.5% of its HP each turn
A special Burn, designed to even the playing field between physical and special attackers whilst also boosting the Normal type. This would be caused by such moves as Dizzy Punch, Slam, Flash and a 'Will-O-Wisp-y' like move (similar PP, Acc and such.)
Really, I don't know what could cause gradual weakening and loss of mental capacity, so if anyone have any ideas for the logic of this condition, leave a suggestion.

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+1 for Hidden Force, nice idea.
4 votes

How about instead of making up things that are pretty stupid, make things that can change the Metagame for both the Opponent and the User.. Fog setter. I'm shocked no one has suggested this idea, nothing beats this except for Trick room setters. Honestly some of these suggestions are just asking for complaints in the future, thus ending up banned. Or just really stupid. New Pokemon=No no btw. Another good one not suggested is the idea of no Team Preview in Gen VI Battles like Gen IV. That makes lower Tier Pokemon like Aerodactyl way more a threat. This suggestion is only used in things like Random battle, so I can suggest this. Another is to take say... the Gen I Metagame, and bring it to Gen VI. This will divide the Special Stats into one. With this, the Metagame will be completely changed, and some Pokes will be banned easily. This will be a very fun Metagame to play with. Lastly, the idea from the past. Extending the stats of currently weak Pokemon.. Only slightly so that it has more use with what was said before. Like a buff of like 25 points in Shuckle's base HP will help it a lot. These are as good as you're gonna get in suggestions.

Oh, and add an Ability that can make the opponent get the opposite of stat gains/losses. Like Contrary, but for the opponent. That will definitely change some things like Bisharp.

Oh, and a PERMANENT WEATHER TIER FOR GEN VI!!! That will be a greeeaaaatttttt Metagame to play with Pokemon like Heliolisk and Noivern!!

Sum Up(For the Lazy)
~ A Pokemon that can set up the Fog Weather
~ No Team Preview in Gen VI Battles
~ Gen I Metagame statistics in Gen VI Battles(Special Stats form into one)
~ Boost stats of weaker Pokemon to make them much stronger, for OU use. Depends on Pokemon

The others are easily readable lol.

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Pretty sure the suggestions are crazy because we are going for a Gen-Next style.
4 votes


In this battle mode, it's every man (or woman) for themselves, fighting until there is only one left. Basically, it's 1vs1vs1vs1, 4 players each with 3 pokemon each, going for each other. Many alliances. Much betrayal. Such fun. Very wow.

Standard Smogon OU tier bans. (Could be made into different tiers)

Recovery Clause: Only allowed 1 Pokemon with a recovery move such as Roost, Rest and Recovery. Passive moves such as Leech Seed and Drain Punch are not included in this category.

Protect Clause: Only 1 of your Pokemon may have the moves Protect, Detect, Spiky Shield or Kings Shield in it's moveset.

The Recovery Clause is an "official" rule made by Duncan Knee Deep, a Youtuber who invented this battle mode. The Protect rule was also part of the "official" rules, as part of the Recovery Clause, I just made them different so there was no confusion. They are there to keep battles relatively quick instead of just Protect then Recover, rinse and repeat. For examples of FFA battles, here is Duncan Knee Deep's Youtube channel:

hey! i love it, but we should add a hazard ban, as it would be too OP, and im not going to explain why
If you want to spend a turn setting hazards when 3 others are vying to kill you then...fine. Also, with only 3 pokes and limited switching because of the aforementioned difficulties, hazards aren't that OP. If anything, we'll see less of them. I've only seen one FFA with hazards, and the setter got destroyed after that turn. And they barely helped.
3 votes

EVmons: Pokemon can have up 3EV spreads sorta like Hackmons. Like this.

Infernape @ Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Close Combat
- Swords Dance
- U-turn

Now walls can wall more with 252 Sp.def AND HP AND Def. Sweepers get more
livability..with HP.

New Weather

Forest Storm

Grass,Bug, Ground moves are Powered up by 50%. Rock moves , Water moves, and Fire type moves are weakened. Sleep Powder has 100 accuracy, so does Leaf Storm. Hurricanes accuracy is 50%, Thunders accuracy is also 50%. Pokemon with the ability Harvest and Sap Sipper get their speed doubled in this weather. Toxic and Will-O-Wisp's accuracy becomes 70%. Grass type Pokemon get there Defense raised by 50%. Weather Ball is Grass type in this weather. Grass types and Bug types are healed by 12.5%.

Physical attacks do 10% more damage. Fighting types and Dragon types will do 30% more damage and the passing damage each turn is 15%. Pokemon with Reckless, Rivalry and Sheer Force will have their speed doubled by 2 but their sp.def and def is lowered by 1.5. Weather Ball is Fighting type in this weather. Hurricane and Thunder have 100% accuracy.

Steam Rain
Technically a dual weather, If two Pokemon with Drought, Drizzle are sent in at the same time on the same turn, this weather will start. Or when Rain Dance and Sunny Day are used on the same turn.Fire and Water moves are powered up by 50%. Fire and Water types will heal themselves by 12.5% each turn. Weather Ball is Fire type (can be dual with water if possible). All Pokemon except Water and Fire types are hurt 15% each turn. Pokemon with the ability Dry Skin will not heal or lose any HP. Pokemon with Swift Swim or Chlorophyll will lose speed by 50%.

Forest Change
Summons Forest Storm.

Summons Battlefield.

Flare Wheel
Type: Fire'
Power: 85
Takes recoil. 1/8 of damage done.
Effects. The user must switch out after attacking with this attack.

New Abilities

Raw Power: Moves that have no secondary effects are boosted by 30%. Life Orb damage is not counted if using this ability, but the 30%boost will work.

Forester: When a Pokemon with this ability is sent in, starts Forest Storm for 5-8 turns.

Slotter:This Pokemon can have 5 moveslots instead of 4.

Transfer: This Pokemon boosts it's Sp.def or Def based on the opponents stronger Attack or Sp.atk.

Trickstart: When a Pokemon with this ability is sent in, it summons Trick Room for 5-8 turns.

Heavy Armor:Incoming damage is reduced by 15%.

Warfield: When a Pokemon with this ability is sent in, it summons Battlefield for 5-8 turns.

Bringdown: When a Pokemon with this ability faints by an opponents attack, the opponents sp.atk and atk are lowered by 50% and they lose 33% of their health.

Mind Power: This Pokemon's Sp.atk is doubled.

Fogger: Erases Stat changes when a Pokemon enters the field, and the hazards on your side of field.

Gravitational Force: When a Pokemon with this ability is sent in, Summons Gravity for 5 turns.

Gasball: Heals HP in Steam Rain and Drought.

Sheer Frost: A Hail type Solar Power, boosts Pokemon with this ability's special attack by 50%, but loses 1/8 of it's HP each turn.

Sturdy (reworked): This Pokemon will hang on at 1HP once regardless of the current HP the user is on. This will only work once. (to prevent leftovers stalling).

Double Hit: This Pokemon can hit twice, but the second attack will do 1.5 damage a the cost of 50% recoil.

Inverse Thinking: This Pokemon has it's super effective weaknesses turned into not very effective, and moves that are not very effective become super effective. This happens when Pokemon target this Pokemon.

New item

Moss Rock: Extends Forest Storm by 3 turns.

War Hammer: Extends Battlefield by 3 turns.

Battle Armor: Damage is reduced by 15%.

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Why electric types?
Yea. We have rain for that.
Ok. I'll do flying moves then.
Actually I'm doing a rewrite.
Done, but I'll still edit if i get and idea.
3 votes

Anyway, I shall call mine the TRUU tier :D!!

Banlist: Smogon OU, BL, Ubers

Gen 5 UU was made up a lot of bulky and tanky stuff, and most of all slow stuff.
This will be the new "weather", Mirror House.
Any Pokemon with this new HA will summon an instant and never ending TR, until a new weather is brought up.

>Tier: TR-UU
Banlist: Smogon OU, BL, Ubers
Abilities: Mirror House (Constant Trick Room), Hyperventilate (Constant Taunt)
Move: TwistedReality (Physical moves become special, Special moves become physical for 4-5 turns), Sorcery (A boost to psychic moves for 3-4 turns)
Item: Ancient Rune (copied from Flaf's idea, go look at his :P However, Taunt also gets a boost)

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2 votes


Prankster Confusion
Uber pokemon
Every turn, a message will pop up saying what type is strong. Moves of that type will deal twice the damage that they normally do. for example

Turn 1
The v-wheel spun and landed on water!
Starmie used Hydro Pump, and got boosted by the V-wheel!

Good idea, but why V-Wheel? What does the V mean?
I would assume "victory," but I'm not sure.
Reference from mystery dungeon
2 votes

- Serene Grace
- 1HKO moves
- Evasion increasing moves
- Prankster
- Gale Wings
New mechanics:
- No critical hits
- No secondary effects (e.g. a burn from Scald, lowered SDef from Shadow Ball)
New items:
- Assault Helmet (Like Assault Vest, but boosts Def instead of SDef; better name suggestions?)

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2 votes

I don’t really see any of the terrain moves used at all, so I’d actually like to see some of them used.

New terrain moves:

Lava Terrain- Boosts Fire type moves used by grounded Pokémon by 50% for 5 turns. Also restores any grounded Fire type Pokémon's HP by 1/16 each turn. All types that aren't Fire type lose 1/16 of their HP each turn if they are grounded. Flying type Pokémon, Pokémon with the Ability Levitate, Pokémon holding an Air Balloon, or Pokémon affected by Magnet Rise or Telekinesis are unaffected. If a grounded Pokémon has the Flash Fire Ability yet is not part Fire type they will still recover 1/16 of their HP per turn.

Poisonous Terrain- Boosts Poison type moves used by grounded Pokémon by 50% for 5 turns. Also restores any grounded Poison type Pokémon's HP by 1/16. Any grounded Pokémon that is caught up in Poisonous Terrain that is not Poison or Steel type, will be infected with the Poisoned Status Condition regardless if they were in battle before Poisonous Terrain was in effect. Again Flying type Pokémon, Pokémon with the Ability Levitate, Pokémon holding an Air Balloon, or Pokémon affected by Magnet Rise or Telekinesis are unaffected.

New Item: Environmental Change- Extends all Terrain Moves from 5 to 8 turns.

2 votes

Special Effects

There should be special effects in the DB tier, like in the month's tier on PS. Therefore, I have some ideas. Here are they:

" A foggy cloud covers the battlefield. All moves have x0. 8 accuracy for turns!"
" A weather was launched on the battlefield!(The weather) started for
turns! "
'' Particles of some object are floating through the air! All Pokemon lose 12% of their health!"
" A strengthening scent blows through the air! All Pokemon get x1. 5 atk for turns!"
" A soothing melody was played! All Pokemon heal 25% of their health!"
" A brain refreshing warmth hung through the air! All Pokemon get x1. 5 Sp. Attack for
"A foggy mist covers the battlefield!

Special Effect Concept:
I will add more some time. How this works is that one effect will take place every 1-7 turns and will announce for how many turns the effect will stay.

New Weathers

Dark, Psychic and Ghost types do x1. 3 more damage and have x1. 3 speed. Fairy and Poison types get damaged (6%). Due to darkness, all moves (except for Dark, Psychic and Ghost types) have x0. 9 power and their accuracy is 0.8%. Special moves do x1.2 damage and physical moves do normal damage.

All Flying types don't take recoil damage and their moves cannot miss. Same goes for Normal types. Their physical moves and speed are x1.25. Ground, Rock and Fighting types have x1. 1 speed, but their moves do x0. 75 damage. Normal and Flying type's accuracy is x0.9.

New Abilities

Hyper Charge: The user cannot recharge, for e.g. Hyper Beam and Giga Impact.

Nightwisher: Summons Nightfall for 5 turns.

Cloud Summoner: Summons Cloudy for 5 turns.

Sharpened Mind: Doubles the user's Special Attack.

Defender: User's Defense and Special Defense is x1. 3.

Night Watcher: All of the user's stats are x1. 15 in Nightfall.

Cloud Warrior: All of the user's stats are x1. 15 in Cloudy.

Terminator: All hazards are removed from your side of the battlefield when the Pokemon enters.

Prioritize: All of this Pokemon's attacking moves have +1 priority.

New Moves

Sword Strike: Physical, 90 base power, Steel type move. 30% chance to make the target flinch.

Cloud Rise: Status. Summons Cloudy for 5 turns.

Fall of Night Status. Summons Nightfall for 5 turns.

Wish Blast: Special, 70 base power, Fairy type move. Heals 30% of your health.

Fist Pump: Status. Raises Attack by 3 stages, like Tail Glow.

Sizzling Punch Physical, Duel type move, Fire and Ice, 50 power each. 10% chance to freeze or burn.

Mystic Winds: Special, Duel type move, Flying and Water, 45 power each, 30% chance to boost user's Special Attack by 1.

Terminating Blow: Physical, Duel type move, Bug and Fighting, 20 power each, boosts user's Attack by 1 and terminates all hazards from your side of the battlefield.

Fiery Wash: Special, Duel type move, Fire and Water, 50 power each, no additional effect.

Aromatic Odor: Status, All stat changes are reversed.

Duel type move concept:
Duel type moves are moves with 2 types, they hit twice, once for each type. If it has a chance to do something, it will get the chance to do it twice.


Serene Grace

Post in the comments about banning something and I might add it.

New Status

I will add one in some time.

I put a lot of time and effort into this post, so:
Thank you for reading!
Please up vote if you like this post!

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Duel --> Dual (I thought you made a new type XD)
Ok I will do that.
2 votes

New Weather

Confusion Wind Confusion Wave is a wind that makes a weird noise that gives the Pokémon a 25% chance to get confused in the end of every turn. Pokémon with Own Tempo and those who are under a substitute can't get confused. Moves that creates this weather are Confuzze all Pokémon that can learn confusion can learn Confuzze aswell.

The Unknown Weather The Unknown Weather is a strange weather. It raise/reduce a random stat 2 stages in the end of everyturn. The Pokémon Unknown gets a buff here. Unknown's stats cant be reduced in this weather and if you use a stat reducing move it raises the stat that should have been lowered. Moves that creates this Weather are ??? "???" is a move that Unknown can learn.

Loud Storm Loud Storm is a strom that produces much noise therefore Pokémon can't hear when the trainer screams the move that the Pokémon is going to use. The chance that the Pokémon is going to use wrong move is 50% chance. If the Pokémon cant hear what move it is going to do it just randomly attacks with one of its 4 moves.

My Favorite

Devolve Rain Devolve Rain, is a type of rain. It was discovered recently by some scientists sent from Silph Co. at the institute on the large Mountain Delö. It can devolve Pokémon that get too much Devolve Rain on them. Devolve Rain rains over all Pokémon on the battlefield in the end of every turn giving them a stack of devolving. If a Pokémon gets 3 stacks of devolving they devolve. (Devolve is when a Pokémon evolve back to the Pokémon it once was. For example when a Pikachu gets 3 stacks of devolving it devolves into Pichu.) Of course a Pokémon can stay on the battlefield after it has got more than 3 stacks of devolving so you dont have to switch out but every 3 stacks of devolving the Pokémon devolves if the Pokémon is a Basic Pokémon ( Basic Pokémon is a Pokémon that has not yet evolved) it just get all of it's stats reduced by 1 stage.

1 vote

Name: Smashdown!
Banlist: Any legendary pokemon, Pokemon with OHKO moves
Abilities: Any starters will have their HA
Moves: Any moves with 5 pp will have 8 instead

Please put my ideas into suggestion

reshown by
1 vote

Idea: After a Pokemon has used an attack, it will have to switch, making stalling useless.
Usual OU banlist

Idea: New move, faints Pokémon that used it, but also faints all Pokémon of the same type on the opponent's team.
Limited to underpowered Pokémon

Idea: New weather that boosts flying types' speed by 50%
Used by all flying types.

Idea: Ability that Magikarp has that boosts all his stats by %200

Thank you for reading

1 vote

Gale Winds:

New weather.

Flying types that use flying moves get a +2 priority, and a 1.33x STAB (This is less than normal...). However, at the gain of speed, their Defense and SDef stat is cut to -2.
Grass does 50% damage in this weather.
Hazards are removed and cannot be set in it.
Whirlwind is at -2 priority, so +0 when flying types use it.
All other types lose 1/16 max health.
Hurricane gets 100% accuracy but has 25% damage dealt as recoil.

Soundproof clears the weather.

Ability: Gale Winds
Summons Gale Winds.
This is a hidden ability for Staraptor, Skarmory, and Pidgeot.

Move: Windstorm
Summons Gale Winds. Learned through all flying types.

Ability: Winds of Tranquility
Prevents the Pokemon from losing stats in Gale Winds.
Sigilyph and Xatu.

Item: Wind in a Jar
Extends duration of Gale Winds.

Thin Air

Also a new weather.

Flying types are grounded.
All moves but normal are weakened 50%
Fighting types have a reduced speed -2.
Non normal / Steel types take damage at the end of every turn. Exactly like toxic.
Accuracy is -1.
Any Pokemon with a Weather ability such as Swift Swim or Dry Skin is slowed -1.

Ability: Elevation Change:
Summons Thin Air. Metagross and Skarmory. HA. (Subject to change. This is hard.)

Move: Oxygen Erode
Summons Thin Air.

Ability: Air Resistant
Immune to Thin Air. Snorlax.

Dollhouse Dream

New weather.

Fairy types get a +1 stat boost in both defenses.
Fairy types are immune to status.
Fairy types heal 1/16 per turn.
Hypnosis has 90% accuracy.
Dream Eater does 1.33x damage.
Ghosts and Darks have 50% attacking moves
Fairy type moves have 100% accuracy.

Ability: Wonderland
Summons Dollhouse Dream. Clefable, Gardevoir, and Wigglytuff.

Move: Sweet Dreams
Summons Dollhouse Dream.

Ability: Bittersweet
In Dollhouse Dream, Pokemon with Bittersweet are affected double with Non attacking moves. Sylveon, Slurpuff, and Aromatisse have it.

Item: Fairy Glitter
Extends the duration of Dollhouse Dream.

Dark Night


Dark / Ghost types get +1 in both defenses
Fairy and Psychics have weakened moves 50%
Sleep inducing moves get 100% accuracy.
Dream Eater and Nightmare do 1.5x more damage.
Non Ghost and Dark types have all moves lose 5% accuracy and take 1/16 damage each turn.
Moonblast has 100% accuracy, and Moonlight 100% healing.

Ability: Dark Nightmare
Summons Dark Night. Zoroark, and Dusclops get as HAs.

Move: Dark Haze
Summons Dark Night, given to most Ghosts and Darks.

Ability: Fear Manifest
Gives +1 speed in Dark Night. Mismagius, Froslass, Sableye, Cacturne, and Crawdaunt get it as HAs.

Edit to Ability: Bad Dreams
Chandy, Trevenant, and Umbreon get it as HAs.

Item: Corrupted Lost Pendant
Weather of Dark Night is extended to 8.

Fighting Spirit Aura

This is the fighting weather. The idea is Aura is basically extruding into physical form, boosting Fighting types.

Fighting types gain 50% in Attack and Special attack.
Psychic, Normal, and Dark Pokemon have 50% attacking power.
Fighting types are immune to flinch and lowering of Speed.
Status does 50% less damage.
Pokemon with Reckless, Rivalry, Technician, or Sheer Force take 1/16 damage every turn, no unsportsmanlike conduct.

Ability: Fighting Spirit
Summons Battle Spirit Aura. HA for Lucario and the 4 Horses. (Keldeo, Terrakion, Virizion, and Cobalion)

Move: Adrenaline Spirit
Summons BSA. Used by Normal and Fighting.

Ability: Reckless Rush
Under BSA, this Pokemon gains 75% attacking power but takes 75% of damage dealt as recoil. Primape, Poliwrath, Breloom, Toxicroak and Medicham get this as a HA.

Mythic Distortion

Dragon weather.

Dragon types gain 50% Defense and Special Defense.
Rock types do 50% less attacking damage.
Ice types do 50% more damage to dragons.
All types do 50% less damage, excluding Dragon and Ice.
All Pokemon other than Dragons take 1/16 damage a turn.
Fairy types gain 50% speed, however they are no longer SA against Dragons or immune.

Ability: Dragon's Den
Summons Mythic Distortion. HA for Lati@s, Noivern, and Salamence. All the Ubers get it except Reshi, Zekrom, and their Kyurem fusions.

Move: Mythic Calling
Summons Mythic Distortion. All Dragons get it.

Ability: Dragon Rush
If facing another Dragon type in battle during MD, this Pokemon gets +1 priority on their Dragon moves. Kingdra, Ampharos, Flygon, and Altaria.

Spring Breeze

Grass weather.

Grass types have 50% increased Defense and Special Defense.
Powder moves have 100% accuracy.
Effect Spore is 100% chance.
Leech Seed stays in even after switching, but only saps 8% health.
Leaf Guard has effect.
Sap Sipper has 50% more effectiveness and heals 25% HP when hit by a grass move.
Flying types do 50% less attacking damage.
Thunder and other weather moves have 50% accuracy.
Status does double damage.
Cherrim gets his Sunny form.
Berries are refreshed every turn, like Harvest.
Grass are healed 1/16 a turn.
Ice types do 50% damage, STAB 75% more damage.

Ability: Season Change
Summons Spring Breeze. HA of Vileplume, Meganium, Tropius, Lilligant, and Jumpluff.

Move: Spring Gust
Summons Spring Breeze.

Ability: New Bloom
Prevents status if any stats are -1 or lower. Victreebel, Shiftry, Cacturne, Sceptile, and Torterra have it as HA.

More to come.

Types done:
Bug (Fondant's suggestion)
Poison (fondant's suggestion)
Water (Rain)
Sun (Fire)
Rock, Ground, Steel (Sand)
Ice (Hail)
Flying (Gale Winds)
Normal (Thin Air)
Fairy (Dollhouse Dream)
Dark / Ghost (Dark Night)
Fighting (Battle Spirit Aura)
Dragon (Mythic Distortion)
Grass (Spring Breeze)

Types to do:

I could probably do this part myself. I think it would be cool to have weathers for all types, we could call it DB Weathers.

Feel free to add suggestions.

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HO doesn't need any help, tbh

Like I said, no one's suggestions are final. Not even mine.
Something like Raven Field there Dragon and Dark types moves is 1,33 against Fairy
Yah OK that's fine.
Wouldn't it get hectic with all these weathers? Maybe we could have 2-5 more weathers.
Winds of Tranquility should include having normal STAB (if it doesn't)
1 vote

Torterra's Tier

New Weather

New Abilities

  • Power of Love-Boosts Fairy-type moves by 20%. Reduces Special Attack and Defence of all Pokémon in your team permenantly if your opponent has the ability Power of Hatred

  • Power of Hatred-Boosts Dark-type moves by 20%. Reduces Attack and Special Defence of all Pokémon in your team permenantly if your opponent has the ability Power of Love

  • Power of Nature-Boosts Grass-type moves by 20%. Reduces Speed and HP of all Pokémon in your team permenantly if your opponen

  • Type Randomizer-Changes the Pokémon's type to another random type each turn

  • Tri-Type-Allows the Pokémon to be more than 2 types

  • Rocket Punch-All punch moves do 2x damage and always go first in battle, but only have a 50% chance of landing

  • Emperor's Sword-Mega Empoleon's exclusive ability. It boosts Special Attack by 10%, and by a further 5% if holding Wind Orb(15% in total), but lowers Attack by 10%

New Moves

  • Wrecking Ball- A huge wrecking ball hits the battlefield for 3 turns. Each turn it has a 90% chance of hitting each Pokémon. If it hits, the Pokémon who just got hit will lose 10% of their HP

  • Tornado Attack-For 5 turns, if a Flying-type is in play, it loses 30% of its HP

  • Opposite Effect-This move makes all of the Pokémon's other moves have the opposite effect, like Fire Blast against a Water-type would be not very effective, with Opposite Effect used it will be super-effective! It works for Status moves aswell

  • Move Type Randomizer-This move is a random type every turn

New Items

  • Evil Eye- It is said to be the eye of a dead Cofagrigus. It boosts the power of Dark and Ghost-types by 5%

  • Metronome Ball-Each turn this ball will transform into a different item

  • Special Ball-Ups Special Attack and Special Defence by 5% each, reduces Attack and Defence by 5% each

  • Physical Ball-Ups Attack and Defence by 5% each, reduces Special Attack and Special Defence by 5% each

  • Torterrinite-Transforms Torterra into Mega Torterra

  • Infernite-Transforms Infernape into Mega Infernape

  • Empoleoite- Transforms Empoleon into mega Empoleon

  • Roserite-Transforms Roserade into Mega Roserade

  • Gallite-Transforms Gallade into

  • Dark Orb-Changes Mega Torterra's type into Grass/Ground/Dark

  • Wind Orb-Changes Mega Empoleon's type to Water/Flying

Mega Evolution Stats

  • Mega Torterra enter image description here


Type-Grass/Ground/Dragon or Grass/Ground/Dark with Dark Orb

Base Stats

Special Attack-75
Special Defence-85

  • Mega Infernape enter image description here

Ability- Rocket Punch


Base Stats

Special Attack-134
Special Defence-71

  • Mega Empoleonenter image description here

Ability- Emperor's Sword

Type-Water/Steel, and if holding Wind Orb, Water/Flying

Base Stats

Special Attack-141
Special Defence-131

  • Mega Roseradeenter image description here



Base Stats

Special Attack-
Special Defence-

  • Mega Galladeenter image description here

More to be added

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1 vote


All super effective and not very effective moves do neutral damage. This excludes any resistances or immunties created by ability such as levitate or thick fat. Immunities still do not damage.

Ban list: regular Smogon OU. (Lower tier version hopefully should follow suit)

Additional Bans: Shedninja, having more than 2 Levitate thick fat etc user on a tea, (having too many of these abilities would defy the point of the meta)

Please suggest improvement ideas

I'll add another Meta later


Breaking Point: When the Pokemon's HP goes below 25%, they get a random stat increase

Exclusivity: The Pokemon's attack moves have to be STAB moves, but they get a 40% power bonus


Wait no

Aggressive: The Pokemon can only use attacking moves, but they gain a 25% power bonus

Quick Thinking: The Pokemon can use two turn charge moves in one turn, but lowers a random stat when it does.

Reverse Order: Super Effective moves do 1.3x damage to this Pokemon, not 2x, but not very effective attacks do 0.8x damage, not 0.5x


Weather Move: Dark Abyss: Power up Ghost and Dark type moves, weakens Fairy and Normal type moves ( I will improve on this and add stuff, not enough time right now)

Kiss Of Death: Ghost Type move, base power of 65, accuracy of 100, has a 30% of confusion or paralysis

Execution: Dark Type moves, base power of 85, accuracy of 95, ignores stat changes

ShapeShift: Psychic Type moves, 45 BP, after hitting, move turns into the same type has opponents last move / opponents type (not sure yet)

I've got a load more to add, but low on time. Have fun

Aggressive + Assualt Vest :l
Kiss of Death is so trolly. And what a name... Nice ideas though.
1 vote

Just a note, not all these suggestions are meant to be together, with each potential idea being independent unless it is blatantly obvious one depends on the other existing


Hacked Abilities:

I don't know about you guys but I really loved this tourney and format. Similar to the Abilty Switch concept but any pokemon can have any ability, with a handful of banned options (Magic Guard, Huge Power, Wonder Guard, etc.) and certain pokemon (Slaking, Archeops, Regigigas, etc.) as well as any ubers pokemon are banned.


Incinerate/Combustiate: All normal type moves become fire type moves and are boosted 1.3x in power (Fire type pixilate)

Potentially Good Recipients:

A Fire Type

More specific:


Irritate: The opponent is instantly angered when this pokemon switches in, alowing it only to attack. Basically an auto-induced Taunt on the first turn in

Freedom: All teammates are removed of primary status conditions (sleep, poison, burn, toxic poison, freeze paralysis) when this pokemon enters the field

Fabulous Pebbles (name suggestions welcome): Rock type gale wings

Steel-toed: All kicking moves (Mega Kick, Blaze Kick, Jump Kick, etc.) are boosted 20%

Hasten: The charging turn for any move (Sky Attack, Skull Bash, Freeze Shock, etc.) is removed.

Shiftiness; Evasion boosted in Darkness

Nightlife: HP recovered slightly in Darkness (like Rain Dish)

Hidden Hurry: Speed doubled in darkness

Shadow Summon: Darkness begins when the pokemon enters the field

Field Conditions

Darkness: This concept seems to be highly liked by the posts here. This is just my personal flare on it. In Darkness, Sucker Punch always hits if the user attacks or not. In this light, the moves of Dark, Ghost and Psychic types never miss. Moonlight's recovery is amplified, while Synthesis and Morning Sun loose power. Darks, Ghosts and Psychics also gain access to Darkness related abilities, making these types the primary abusers, just as Fire and Grass uses Sun, Water, Electric, and Flying use Rain, Ground Rock and Steel uses Sand and Ice, just Ice, uses Hail.

Shock Trap: Stealth Rock with an electric typing. It gets those pesky spikes avoiding flying types while also getting the extremely powerful water types and giving Electrics, a typically offensive type, a cool little support trick.


Shock Trap: As explained above, a one time setup Electric type status move that deals Electric type based damage on switch ins, with a base of 12.5%. PP 20 at base, 32 max. Accuracy 100. Learned primarily by electric types, but is also learned by Pokemon shown to have strong electric abilities (learns Thunderbolt/Thunder/Thunder-wave, has Lightningrod/Motor Drive, etc.)

Sundown: Darkness is summoned. Status Move. PP 10 (max 16). Acc: 100

Enter name here: Attack and Special Defense are boosted one stage

Inverse of Enter name here Special Attack and Defense are boosted one stage

New Pokemon!

  • First off: Anything people like on the CAP. Of course I endorse Brontothorn, Mapinga and Orking.

  • Mega Braviary


HP 100
Atk 123-->153 (+30)
Def: 75-->85(+10)
Sp Atk: 57-->72(+15)
Sp Def: 75-->95 (+20)
Spd: 80-->105 (+25)

Ability: Freedom

  • Mega Mandibuzz


HP: 110
Atk: 65-->95 (+30)
Def: 105-->125 (+20)
Sp Atk: 55-->65 (+10)
Sp Def: 95-->125 (+30)
Spd: 80-->90 (+10)

Ability: Nightlife

  • Mega Ludicolo

You knew this was coming

Ability: Drizzle


HP: 80
Atk: 70-->80 (+10)
Def: 70-->90 (+20)
Sp Atk: 90-->110 (+20)
Sp Def: 100-->115 (+15)
Spd: 70-->105 (+35)


Barrage Barrier: The pokemon's Defense is boosted by 50%, but it may only use attack moves

Ludicolite; Mega evolves Ludicolo into Mega Ludicolo

Braviarite: Mega evolves Braviary into Mega Braviary

Mandibuzzite: Mega evolves Mandibuzz into Mega Mandibuzz

Hidden Hurry --> Night Speed? :D
Now that's clever
0 votes

Much Switch Very Amaze Such Gliscurr Tier o3o

Rules: Every time you use an attacking move, you switch out to a RANDOM pokemon. Entry hazards banned. All standard OU bans. Choice items banned. (everyone would run them :1) Rest + Sleep Talk does not count as attacking moves so, use that if you want to set up or something

Intimidate, U-turn and Volt Switch, all of that. Nobody will use it.

^^^is a seperate thing. Here is just some new ideas that aren't necessarily associated with that. ^^^

New Items
• Lati@site - Mega evolves Latios/Latias.
• Electivrite - Mega evolves Electivire.
• Diggersbite - Mega evolves Diggersby.
• Ambipomite - Mega evolves Ambipom.
• Shuckite - Mega evolves Shuckle.
• Power Capsule - One time use. When the user attacks the opponent, it steals all of their status changes, including negative ones.
• Spiky Ball - 110 Fling damage. Ynaut fling + acrobatics more? o3o
• Push Punch - One time use. Switches out the opposing pokemon on a contact move.
• Milkshake - It brings all the boys to the yard

New Moves
• Power Ball - Special - 80/100 (power/accuracy) - Has a 20% chance to lower the foes SDef.
• Low Gravity - Gives all pokemon a ground immunity for 5 turns.

New Abilities
• Dragon Spirit - Fairy and Steel type moves' damage is reduced by 1.5%. (Like Thick Fat)
• Instinct - 30% chance to evade Special Attacks. Lots of psychic types. Gardevoir, Alakazam, Cresselia.
• Parry - 30% chance to evade Physical Attacks. All pokemon with swords/blades for hands or anything that you would think would get this.

New Megas and base stat boosts o3o
• Mega Dunsparce - 120 Attack - 100 Defense - 110 Special Defense - 78 Speed
• Mega Electivire - 140 Attack - 80 Defense - 100 Special Defense - 100 Speed
Ability turns into Parry, Fighting/Electric type.
• Mega Diggersby - 110 Attack - 120 Speed
• Mega Ambipom - 140 Attack - 145 Speed
• Mega Shuckle - 90 Attack - 90 Special Attack
• Mega Latios - 130 Attack, 100 Defense, 160 Special Attack, 120 Speed.
• Mega Latias - 100 Attack,120 Defense, 140 Special Attack, 150 Special Defense

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0 votes

The Z88 Tier!

New Weather( Don't Hate)

I strongly agree with fondant's Acid Rain

Fall's Wrath: Summoned by the new move Sun's Set. It powers up Ice and Fire Moves by 50%(Autumm is the transition between summer and Winter) It also damages all pokemon but fire, grass and ice, with Razor Leaves falling from above.

New Moves

Furry Claw: Steel Type. Signature Move for Furret. 110 Base Power, 90 Accuracy and 40% chance to flinch.
Sun's Set: Grass Type: Summons Fall's Wrath
Swiftar Storm: Mega Bellosom Signature move, 120 base power,and 85 accuracy.

New Megas
Mega Furret

Ability:Megaton Boost: Maximizes attack at half or less HP
85 HP/115 Atk/100 Def/45 SpA/75 SpD/135 Speed

Mega Bellosom
Ability: Storm Drain

75 HP/30 Atk/90 Def/115 SpA/130 SpD/100 Speed


Mega Beedrill
Ability: Reckless

65 HP/135 Atk/65 Def/20 SpA/95 SpD/150 Speed

Mega Corsola
Ability: Rock Body: Boosts Defenses by 2 stages when it is hit by a move.

55 HP/30 Atk/145 Def/120SpA/110 SpD/60 Speed
