Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I'm confused


1 Answer

2 votes

It was Trachy's April Fool's joke. He edited the highest-voted questions in each section of the site to put Mr. Shadow in them, after claiming he was Mr. Shadow.

And I've been too lazy to revert them. ;3
yup :I
Oh lol. I haven't noticed until now.
It would have been great if it was during the name change - it just would have been great to see a Mr.Shadow lurking around. ;3
Mhmmm but trachy wouldn't wanna be stuck wit mr. Shadow for the rest of the year
I just went through and reverted them all. Thanks for all the work, trachy ;)
I reverted some on meta. But nice joke Trachman
I also shot down quite a few of them. God only knows how many there were total.
60 I assume. 20 for each section?
59 actually. :D
whaddya know