Meta-PokéBase Q&A
3 votes

It is an incredible hassle to click on a rule breaking question and hide it when there is a multitude of them.

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What do you mean?
I believe he means being able to hide it without opening it to reduce lag and load time probably?
But how to hide things this way?
I'm pretty sure this is aimed at mods, but a regular user might be able to hide their questions and answers from the list of them on their profile?
A mod could go to a user's list of q/a's and hide them all from there?
This is quite bad tbh - the question could easily be misunderstood if you don't read the description within it.
Then the question isn't worded as it should be.
These are legit questions that we've had.

"Best team for Pokemon X?"
"Who here likes bug types?"
"What is a good team for Pokemon Platinum (in game) ?"
"Can anyone trade me a manectricite?"
"If a Pokemon learns an HM move, will it be able to forget it?"
"Water type for my team?"
"Chansey movesets without event/egg moves?"

These do not need a description, although most questions should have clear enough titles to not need none.

We hide more than you think.

1 Answer

3 votes

I see what you mean, but you don't always know a question is rule breaking until you go to it and read the details. Maybe the title just needs editing to be better.
