Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I have been on pokemon database for awhile and have been playing on showdown even longer and I would like to join in a database tourney. The problem I have is I don't know the first thing about them! Could someone please tell me how to register and where to register. I think I should be able to figure it out after you tell me that. Thanks for anyone who helps!

I made my own tournament if you wanna join???

1 Answer

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Every time there is a tourney, a meta post is created about it

For example, the current tourney is the STABmons Tourney here;

All you need to do is keep an eye out for such a post. Usually in the post they will specify what round it is, or if signups are open. It will also specify the date you must sign up by.
To sign up you simply need to answer the post with your relevant details- Showdown name, Timezone etc.
Do note that you will be unable to sign up if a certain amount of people have already signed up. This number varies, normally 16.

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Ok sounds good! I have a pretty good ranking in showdown! and hope that I might be able to win a few tourneys :P