Meta-PokéBase Q&A
16 votes

Permission from Mike.

On this very day, one year ago, I signed up for the PokeBase. Little did I know, that once I did, I would be sucked into this amazing community that has made my life better. I've met so many great people here, and I hope to be able to continue to strive here. I would like to really thank the following people that have made an impact on my experience here (in no particular order):

Mewderator - The mod for me that's very easy to talk to and is always helpful.
DarkTyphlosion - The mod with one of the best senses of humor I've ever seen.
trachy - The mod with a great sense of humor and is very easy to talk to.
Pokemaster - I even need to say this? This quote still holds true today:

Thank you so much for making this site Pokemaster. Even though I've been a member for under 24 hours, I love the community here.
Nov 18, 2013 by Le Scraf

&Psychic x - The mod that I find to be the easiest to relate to. Very good at doing his job.
ƒιzz - The editor (singular) for the past year. A great person to know.
Pokenubz - The mod that even through bad internet, keeps doing his job.
fondant - An expert that has helped me so much so far.
Sempiternus - My favorite asian girlfriend. Scrafiternus <3
Indigo - One of my rivals on the site. Motivates me to answer, just to pass her! o3o
Ninja - The inspiring mod that always forgets his coffee and always makes me die laughing.
Sir Dan - My biggest rival here. You are one of my best friends here, and always inspire me.
$tarpower - One of my better friends on the site, she is the person I can go to for help.
JarJar~ - Bad at competitive and life.
Aeternis - The iron man. The one that mainly made me a better person.
Dr.Flame - RIP In Pepperoni. Great help and friend of mine.
MrKijani - One of the people that have helped me the most on here.
CWegz - For teaching me that the world is smaller than you'd expect and being kewl.
Hex - The other iron man here. A beacon of hope for the DB.
Sir Terlor - For being a scrubby scrub lord.
Jofly - For being one of the most helpful people I've ever met and a good friend.
Poke'Slash - A great friend and a person that's easy to talk to. Who doesn't love Slash?
JackZero - A great person that is very knowledgeable and teaches me new stuff everyday!
Scizornician - The worst admin on the server. When something goes wrong, #blamesciz
Flafpert - For being my favorite viking.
Brotad - RIP In Pepperoni. One of my best friends here. Come back, man!
Lusty - For being a great help so far, and a very amiable person.
MeloettaMelody - The single most helpful user I've ever seen on this site. Got me started.
TechnoBlastBoy - One of my good friends here. Very sociable! o3o
Hotcakes - For being one of the scrubbiest nublets ever.
Recoded - For being another beacon of hope on the DB. Very knowledgeable!
Rio - MrK's K. Sociable, and always knows how to make people laugh with actual good jokes.
Ayan - One of the many people here that inspire here. A cool guy, period.
Dr.Dude - RIP in pepperoni. Taught me that I suck at NU. Also a pretty smart, funny guy.
Io - The best RU player ever, and is very funny and nice to talk to.
Pimplup. - RIP in pepperoni. Knowledgeable person that was fun to talk to. Come back!
Torterra02 - A very knowledgeable and cool guy. Someone I expect to be at 20k by 2016.
Pikamaster - The scrubbiest of all scrubs. 'cept Terlor.
SirMudkip - Zythor, the epic robot of coolness. Knowledgeable and great.
MovesetBot - The best moderator. Sorry guys, you're beat.
Pahff - Another scrubby scrub. Maybe the 4th scrubbiest? You're actually 1/5 cool.

Everyone Else - Every single one of you have impacted me, even in the smallest way I am still grateful.

Thanks for the amazing year so far.

edited by
Congrats on 1 year!
why did you take geo out, he's better then all the scrubs on this list combined
Me while reading through the list:
Where is my name...where is my name better be here...ah there it is. Oh BTW, for the blurb I am just the derp. :P
I know this is a bit late but congratulations as well!

1 Answer

10 votes

Wow, a sappy appreciation letter. Who writes those anymore?

Such a loser.

Please Ninja, we all know you've already gone through 2 boxes of tissues reading his post.
I hope you mean crying e-o
Nah m8, we all know Codders doesn't mean crying.