Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

I understand why points don't carry over between sections (like if I was super-experienced at rating teams on the Battle Subway but knew little to nothing about in-game questions on the PokéBase), but why don't the privileges earned in other sections, such as upvoting/downvoting or posting on user walls, carry over to other sections?

Yeah, I am okay at competitive, but because my suggestions are minor, I comment, and I still need to wait for someone to approve them...
That's because ever section indicates a different field altogether. Pokebase for general pokemon knowledge, Battle Subway for competitive teams and Meta for the rules and regulations of the very site. They don't really have much in common.

So while you may be good at competitive, it's not necessary that you're good with the site regulations. Because of these inconsistencies I don't think it's a good idea to pass on privileges. If you want privileges in another section, you'd much rather want to earn them there.
Well, it's nice to be able to comment on any section if you have enough points on one of them.....
They carry over once you reach "Expert".
Okay, that makes sense.

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