Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Say I change my name to Bawb. (Idk lol) The next day I decide I don't like being Bawb so I try to change my name back to MeGa_SePtile2 but oh no! It looks like SweetSeraphimon has (For reasons unknown) changed his name to MeGa_SePtile2!
Could this really happen, or are our names "protected for an amount of time?

It is in italics for some reason

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Any user can change to an avaiable name, even it wasn't available just a few moments prior. But users should ask mods/the user that originally had the name (depends on if the user is banned or not) for permission to do so.

So yeah, I could impersonate you during name change season, but I of course won't and don't wanna.
I suppose if a user had changed their mind about changing but someone already took the name and refused to change, a mod would have to handle it.

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and I dont know why i'd ever want to pretend to be such a skrub like you 030
I just chose you because you were the only person I could think of. XD
Bawb fewr lwife
tbh this sounds like something Irvin would do
sounds like something YOU, low, would do